Saturday, December 5, 2015

Becoming Irreplaceable

I recently went to San Francisco to sit down with a very well known 'fitness oriented' company (I can't say which for legal purposes).  I have actually solicited myself to them by email 4 years ago.  I at that time, read their magazine (it came out every 90 days) and was so impressed with their content. I sent this long email to a corporate person in New York that was listed in the magazine.  I wanted to get my face connected with this company. I wanted my passion to mesh with theirs.  What was the result?  They sent me boxes and boxes of magazines to distribute within local gyms that I worked at. (and to give them away for free in giveaways from my blog, classes, with client's etc, etc.) In return, I got boxes and boxes of free supplements.  No $$$.  Okay, that's fair.  This company being based out of New York was intimidating to me, yet I felt strong and quite passionate that I had something to offer them. Something more than what I saw in their magazine.  This wasn't what I had in mind -- AT ALL.  SERIOUSLY?   I strongly felt they needed something different in that magazine. I needed to tell them that and I would be MORE THAN WILLING to be that person.    You see, the fitness industry almost looks the same when it comes to the 'commercial' look of it. The reality is missing.  The truth is missing.  Fitness looks different on EVERYONE is how I see it.   I see it every time I teach a class.  I see it every time I walk into the gym. Fitness has levels and it has seasons. With this particular look being shoved down every-bodies throat, it's NO WONDER WHY PEOPLE STRUGGLE WITH THEIR WEIGHT!  It's ridiculous to me.  Right?

As a woman in her mid 40's, I am in better shape then when I was just starting out in the fitness industry at a size 3, back at age 19 (when I was dabbling).   But, the fitness industry doesn't allow anyone to stay in their own lane.  It's cookie cutter.  The bobble headed industry is always looking around to see what everybody else is doing - so they all pretty much do the same thing.

So, back to San Francisco.  I was sitting down in a meeting with this company that happen to be in the City for a project that week.  They agreed to sit down with me and hear what I had to say.  I was relentless trying to get this 20 minute meeting.   They of course, could not deny my experience.  That impressed them.  The amount of certifications I hold, that impressed them.  My weight loss story, how I lost 95 pounds in five and a half months and came out of it looking the way I did.  That impressed them.   MY AGE, THAT DID NOT IMPRESS THEM.  Sure, they could photoshop me, they photoshop everyone.  BUT, I didn't want them to do that. Well maybe my forehead or something since I don't do botox or fillers (that's scary).   I was trying to help them to see that, again, FITNESS LOOKS DIFFERENT ON EVERYONE. Fitness possess an individual.   I felt that they needed a campaign that catered to normal folks that are intimidated by these fitness models; and might I add, they can't sustain that body type for too long. Sooner or later all that cut you see in pictures (aside from the self-tanner, photoshop and complete depletion of carbs and water ) fill up. If you didn't photoshop the CUT parts of their rock hard looking abs, arms and legs, you'd see that the definition is much, much less (especially if they are boozy on the reg, which most are because these stupid companies don't pay that much for these youngsters just starting out, poor depressed hungry things - I'm kidding on the depressed part).  They need WATER  and carbs (aside from the photo shopping)-- ha ha ha ha!

So this company loved what I had to say, and as I was finishing, this beautiful 20 something model walked in and well that's her job, MODELING ready for the shoot they were about to let me sit in on and watch. Show me how the behind the scenes of a shoot looks like.  That part made me a little sad. Photography has entered my heart since my Dad passed away. The creativity has began to take over me.  When I walk around and shoot I feel calm as I do when I write. I begin to feel hungry for knowledge on how to be better.   I feel so creative, free and relaxed and then HAPPY.  So I felt that would have been cool to see how they orchistrate this.  But I was so turned off by some of the dismissive facial expressions at some of the things I was saying.    So,   I declined and Union Square was bouncing through my mind -- SHOPPING, SCREW THESE GUYS, LET'S GO SHOPPING!

I got a call two days later thanking me for my time but, NO.  N-O!

In that experience what I realized is that, the aesthetics will always be and are always replaceable. But not every fitness model can relay the message to the public that STICKS. Not every fitness spokesperson can motivate people and touch them.   What's not replaceable is personality, experience and the heart felt drive that compliment a great look, yes I'm aging, I can't help that (although my mind feels none of this by the way...HA HA HA HA).  A look that the public who are fitness oriented, but aren't walking around photo shopped all day long! Okay?  Not every fitness model is an actual ATHLETE and can move.  I can do those things. I can jump really high.  I can do burpees, push-ups, agilities, quick feet, whatever.  I can.  I teach it every day! (but not Friday's a girl's got to rest) But they wanted to stick with what they know.  I get that. It's why they are a huge company.

So my age trumped my abilities. the athlete that I am, my twenty five plus years experience, my shape (that I have worked so hard on to maintain since my ninety five pound weight loss) the muscle growth I have fought for.  No basically I'm too old in their eyes. I'm a Golden Girl? Huh?  I thought I would never hear that.  I mean sure, I've heard you are not tall enough, but really?

So, did I feel defeated? The age thing at first stung a tad.   It brought me back to how society works and what society commands (due to spoon feeding us throughout the years).  The more the fitness industry keeps its head like a bobble head, looking all around to see what everybody else is doing, then we will continuously see the same thing over and over again. When there is a realness out there, IT'S US!   The fitness industry will continuously recreate the same person over and over again.

NEXT!  Moving right along and keeping it moving is what I have done since.  There is a company that will get it. But in the meantime, what a shame that is.  In the REAL WORLD (that preconceived notion). It's the fitness trainers, the mentors, and fitness instructors on the daily THAT ARE MAKING THE DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES ALL AT ONCE.  I'm so proud to be a part of that.  I can't begin to explain the feeling inside of me for it.  PASSION is the best word.  I crave more and more education to learn, as in February I will be inidated with so much new education.  I CANNOT WAIT to bring it back and share it with my students.  But  I WILL take it any day, then listening to robot talk, as it regurgitates itself over and over again.

Let your certified trainers and certified instructors know how much you appreciate them whenever possible.  Always thank them for a great session or a great class the preparation for such is all for you.  I say certified for a reason. There are a lot of 'fitness jockeys' out there that have zero education and are coaching people on how to lose weight and get fit.  It's scary.  But,  the amount of money we spend on our education, written testing, practical testing,  our time memorizing our workout routines to present to you, the preparation time is constant, music selection, etc., etc.  This  is ALL due to the passion we possess to HOPEFULLY change your life.  Much love to every single person out there struggling to change their health.

* For some inquiries.  I am no longer BIGGEST LOSER certified.  Because there were not enough participants annually, they decided to do away with the program (training Biggest Loser participants that get cut from the show, or have signed up to do the home challenges).  I'm bummed, but that is why you have not been able to sign up this new season.  My apologies.  And hope all that in-boxed me get this.

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