Friday, July 5, 2013

Today's INSANE Workout...

At 2:00 I could've just went home and relaxed by the pool, stayed inside with the air on. Instead I went to the gym and worked my ass off. I posted my workout earlier...However, when I got started, FIRE came over me and I kicked my ass and changed it up and added on. Here is the workout I did and you can do this at home/or in the gym (notice my post sweat photo, key word SWEAT!)

1. Did jump rope drills. Double jumping eight times both feet. Then single footed 8 times w/ only one hop, then the other leg 8 times, then as fast as I could with a single hop 8 times, then again 8 times with heels tucked. Did this 4 rounds. OUT OF BREATH, sweat dripping in my eyes -- YES!
2. Jump back into burpie, held it and did 8 plank jacks/8 leg raises while in the plank

3. 8 pushups

4. 8 bent over rows (heavy as I could lift)

5. 8 Tricep kick backs (heavy as I could lift)

6. 8 Bicep curls (heavy as I could lift)

7. 8 Shoulder presses (heavy as I could lift

8. Walking alt leg lunges around entire perimeter of group x room

START ALL OVER FROM THE TOP (2-7 each round lessoned the reps by 1. And started back at 8 ;til 30 minutes was up) DID THIS ENTIRE THING FOR 30 MINUTES

THEN ENDED ON A CARDIO MACHINE FOR 20 MINUTES DOING INTERVALS AND BURNED AN EXTRA 277 CALORIES. By the time I got to this machine the sweat was crazy...!



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