Monday, July 22, 2013

Do you make promises and commitments to your friends and family & keep them? Do you sometimes go out of your way for your friends? Sometimes REALLY out of your way and you don't even question it -- you just do it? Are you a "GIVER" to your friends? When is the last time as a GIVER to your friends/ family you threw your hands in the air and said, "forget it this is too hard, I can't do it!" No ...follow through. You break your word constantly to them? When you keep your word, and they see that you do, does it make you feel proud? Make you feel like a better person a better friend or family member/partner? Sure it does. WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU MADE A COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF? MADE A PROMISE, REALLLLLLLLLY STUCK WITH IT AND SAW IT THROUGH TO THE END? I mean, sure it's great to please others and help them out and be there for them.....BUT WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE ACTUALLY THERE FOR YOU? When is the last time you even thought about YOU. That YOU JUST MIGHT NEED TO THERE FOR YOUR before your health/weight get out of hand? 
Sometimes when those that are "givers" don't realize is they usually do NOT get the same in return back from their friends and family. And for some, resentment starts to build. They become internally unhappy. But, they don't stop GIVING. There is no balance.  
I asked the above question to a brand new client that hired me to be his personal trainer. I could tell right off the bat he was a very loving, giving man to those he cares about. And guess what his reply was? He sat there a second and thought about what I asked. Then, he got up, went and stood in front of the mirror. I didn't want to ask him what he was doing. I could tell he was digging deep in thought. He took of his shirt and stood there in silence for a second or two. He replied, "I haven't." He paused and went on, "I put EVERYBODY before my needs. I have great friends, great family. I'd DO ANYTHING FOR THEM! But, now that you make me think about this in that way, I have NOT done the same for myself." I asked him, "how do you know this?" He still had his shirt off and he said, "I've told myself so many times new years would hit, that I was going to lose this weight! I would start and give up within a few weeks. I didn't realize that I put the needs of others before me so much! Look at my weight. Look at me! I didn't even realize I let myself get to this point. I have been so consumed with my kids' needs and my friends/family I forgot about me!"  
He got it! There are deeper reasons that I do not want to share that we got to the bottom of --why he forgot about himself, why he stopped committing to himself. But those reason are why he used the GIVER card if you will, to camouflage the real deeper issues. There are always DEEPER reasons why people allow their weight to get out of hand. Dig deep to find out why. Honestly I believe and I know YOU DESERVE TO KNOW! Then, once you do, you are on the RIGHT track to a healthier life. I wanted to share this because it is really something to think about. It was an "AH HAAAA" moment for this man. You have to EMOTIONALLY and MENTALLY really be one with your body to change your lifestyle to a lasting healthy one.  
That Gym Girl

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