Sunday, March 18, 2012


When I write something like I did below, earlier today, I truly get choked up.   I believe so strongly that there are so many that suffer pain unnecessarily.  Why? Because they can't let go of what ever pain they might have inside of them, but also because a lot people do not believe in themselves.  They have conditioned themselves to believe that this is it.

It is easy to say, "let go."  But doing the actual letting go is easier said then done.  But I can tell you this, if you wonder what you are meant to be while you are here, or what is your purpose, or, is this it and you just cannot find the answer then try this, PAY ATTENTION TO THE LIFE YOU ARE LIVING."    For example, pay attention.  If you are in a bad relationship, then that relationship is teaching you how to be in a better relationship.  Each bad experience WILL teach you something.  That's if you are paying attention.  But your heart has already told you this is NOT right for you.  Do you pay attention to it and follow you heart? Or, do you ignore your inner voice? If you ignore it, then you are allowing yourself to live a life that you are not supposed to be living, but FEAR and not believing in yourself keep you there. 

YOU ARE WORTHY OF HAPPINESS, HEALTH,  LOVE AND PEACE.   Do you believe it?  Well, why don't you believe? Your inner self has already told you?  I know, fear and doubt those are your first thoughts.  Excuses, "well I can't afford to leave."   In life, somebody has to stand up for YOU, and that person should be YOU.     When I sit with some of my clients , some don't believe  they cannot lose 50, 100 or even more pounds.  They don't believe it mainly because they are afraid.  Afraid of failing.  I know it's because they believe they have tried everything to lose the weight and each time they started out really good, but,  they failed.  And each failure put them a step back.  A step back from what they want so badly.   CONQUER YOUR FEAR!  Be BIGGER and GO FOR IT and don't let ANYTHING STAND IN YOUR WAY of your goals!  Whatever they may be!

One of the things that I feel is key to get yourself to where you want to  be in life is find out what is REALLY driving your fear, other than YOU...But sometimes, it can be deeper.  It can go way back that has caused you to not believe in yourself.  For instance, was there anyone in your earlier years that may have told you, "you will never be good enough!"  Or, "you will not amount to anything!"  Or, how about, "you can't do that!"  Or, "YOU ARE FAT!"  You get the picture right?  Maybe you have become conditioned to those statements and have believed it.  Is this you? 

It is really important to know what you believe about yourself, not just the surface, but your shadow too.  Because what you believe about yourself is what you are, what you become. Is your subconscious tape player, you know, that one that is inside you, that plays over and over, what is it playing?  "You are not good enough.  You can't do that you don't have enough money.  Other people are meant to be happy and get what they want in life, not you."  Are those some of the messages?  Pay attention to your inner tape player and if it's playing those negative messages over and over, then what do you think you need to do?  MAKE A CHANGE and it now! Don't let fear stand in your way. Please don't.  I don't care if you tried before, try harder this time!  Make progress as you do this .. that is key PROGRESS, keep moving forward as you change! 

Harnessing your fear is something you've got to do now.  Because if you do not, you will continue to sabotage your life, what your dreams are and your happiness.  LET GO and stop believing false statements.   What others say about you is not your reality.

I am going to stop here.  This could be a very long article.  But let me let you marinate what I just wrote, and what I wrote below.  I will touch on some more later.

To You!

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