Sunday, March 18, 2012


When we are unfulfilled that is when we become the most predictable. 

Know that we are NOT meant to be perfect, we are meant to be whole.

Are you whole? Do you know what that means? It means being the REAL you everyday, every moment = authentic you!  Here's an example of not being whole, staying in a relationship that you are unhappy in.  Staying at a job that you hate.  Allowing people in your life that you don't really like, or maybe you like them but you have underlying jealousy toward them.  These are just a few examples of not being whole.

It takes a lot of courage to live in the world we live in and being truly whole. 

Are you fulfilled?  Is your life rich? Are you doing what you love?  Are you resistant to your dreams and your goals?  Do you even have dreams and goals?    I'm asking you a lot of questions.  Can you take a moment, REALLY ask yourself these questions, and then honestly answer each one.  It's just you reading this.  It's ok, nobody is going to hear your truth.  But YOU the listener of the answer really LISTEN to your answer.

I personally believe in evolving throughout my life.  My motto is: RESOLVE TO EVOLVE!  I believe that I am a new person every single day that I wake up and it is up to me to make my life.  I don't really believe in destiny.  I believe that what you think of yourself, you become.  So I believe that WE are in control of our own destiny a.k.a. life.  Do you believe when we are born our life is already planned out for us? If you are over weight, do you believe you are destined to be overweight?  Every second that you are living and breathing is that moment you have the opportunity to make changes.  Those changes that you only think of.

Most people are terrified of change.  Sometimes, some struggle with their inner divine.  Meaning that some of us want to know why we are here and what is our purpose.  And when those thoughts come up that's where they struggle begins with one's self.

I believe most of us are not really LIVING.  Sure we have to make a living...And that's where it stops.  Some loath their jobs on a daily basis and have those thoughts, those same thoughts that many do "IS THIS IT? IS THIS MY LIFE?"  Have you thought that?

I believe that each one of us, if we were given the opportunity, we would be doing what we absolutely love.  But here's the thing, if you can think it, if you can visualize it, then it can become real and you can do it.  But, fear holds most back.    CALL FEAR OUT.  Confront fear and then open your mind because there are so many possibilities that are all around you\

Getting physically healthy is important, but what is even more important is getting your mind and and soul right first.  That needs to be healthy  You may not think about that.  But once you can do this, and you stay focused, you can be and have that body you visualize.

We are the driver of our life.  YOU CAN DO ANYTHING....DON"T BE YOUR OWN ROAD BLOCK!

To You!

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