Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Brain - Work It Like A Strong Muscle!

When it comes to the journey of weight loss, the most important muscle to work is the brain.    It's amazing how much our head can mess with us. I touch on this subject time and time again in my pieces.  You might notice that.  Well that's because, it's really a huge issues for a lot of people.    I have sat down with countless people that just can't figure out why they cannot motivate themselves to workout. 

Have you felt that way? Get frustrated with yourself because you can't motivate yourself to REALLY workout...I mean the kind where you are out of breath, you are NOT in your comfort zone kind of workout?  Those workouts are the workouts that are actually going to not only make you more physically strong, physically fit, but is great discipline for your thoughts-for you.  I mean naturally nobody wants to do something that makes you experience pain, fatigue and that out of breath feeling.

As a conditioned athlete, I was there.  I know how you feel.  But in order to get your body conditioned so you can make it through a thorough GOOD STRONG workout that is truly effective in so many ways, there are only three words that I can tell you and you've heard them before - JUST DO IT! And when you are done?  You feel GOOD, you feel accomplished, some tell me they feel like a ROCKSTAR like they can do more, right there in that moment, even though they just finished a grueling workout.  When I finish a workout I feel like I could go and run 10 miles or so, I feel so alive, I feel on top of the world!

The stronger you become the more motivated YOU WILL become to motivate yourself to workout and workout strong.  Your body will tell you it wants it. Your brain will need it ! Because as we all know that at some point while working out strong, your endorphins kick it.  And we all know that when that happens, you feel GREAT...You are HAPPY!

It took a while for you to become overweight.  So you have to really try to be realistic and understand that it takes a while for the weight to come off. That is something you have to come to terms with.  Because we live in a world full of instant gratification. Everybody wants results NOW. That's why there is plastic surgery, that's why there all of these diet pills to help you to lose weight.  YOU DON"T NEED PILLS to help you try to lose weight. You have YOU!  And I so understand that right now you may not think you can depend on you to get the work done and that is why you might be taking pills. But I only ask that you give yourself a fair true chance at the effort of doing this.  And then at some point stop taking the pills.  It's much healthier to eat the right foods and the right portions (like right when you start to feel a bit full, not eating until you are full) so you can train yourself on how to do this the right way without depending on a pill that makes you feel full, then you sabotage all of your efforts. You have to take in a certain amount of calories in order to burn the fat .  When you skip meals then you will store fat.  Unfortunately it's just how it goes. So those pills can actually at some point WILL make you reach a weight loss plateau wherein you may not be able to lose weight any longer.  And now you throw your hands in the air, you become frustrated because you now believe you can't lose weight, when truly you can but the pills can hinder you from the true outcome.  So think about that, because it truly has happened to countless people while the company that makes those pills continue to get rich off of you, while you now have driven your self-esteem, the faith you had in weight loss into the ground.  All of this is your mind completely messing with you.  When truly doing this the right way, the natural way, the clean way will teach you and help you to a true weight loss journey that keeps the weight off.  But, again, it's all in the way we approach weight loss and how we think, how we trick ourselves into getting there. There is NO quick fix!

 I want to go through my archives and make sure I haven't touched on foods that make you feel full so you don't overeat.  I think that will be a great topic that will be helpful for you.

Stay tuned!

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