We inspire each other! Here is my next feature of your FITSPIRATION spot light on Brynn! Read her story and BE INPSIRED!
In Brynn's Own Words:
After a life of eating unhealthy and trying every possible diet I could get myself to attempt I knew a lifestyle change was in order. I’ve known that for years. On the 10 year anniversary of my fathers passing from heart failure I decided meat and dairy would be my death. My bp was 140/105. I was 217 pounds. I became vegan on February 22 2012.
When I began the transition to Henry eating I felt the euphoria or "pink cloud" of making a great decision. The hard part was sticking it out to the end result I wanted. I only wanted to lose 30-50 pounds... then again that's all I thought I had extra. After 3 months of veganism and moderate hiking I lost the pink cloud I needed other motivation.
I truly do not know what kept me going other than knowing I wanted big results. Someday I wanted to run a marathon or do a big hike.... so those goals I set out helped me make smaller goals in order to reach my biggest goals.
After 6 or 7 months and a half marathon, I got burned out on working out after going so hard.. I had also lost 65 pounds and was looking great. After I realized how much I had physically beaten myself up I took a month off got my diet back on point with raw organic foods and started small with workouts again. At this point I realized my baseline fitness level was way better than 7 months prior and I was not actually starting over from scratch but instead picking up where I left off.. this was encouraging. Mental strength is derived from progress for me. And as long as there is some progress I will continue making efforts..
The weight didn't impact my mental strength. However the dropping of inches empowered me beyond comprehension.. I shopped at second hand stores a lot because I was shedding inches like crazy. From a size 40 to a size 28 (mens sizes) that's 12 inches! I looked forward to monthly wardrobe shopping because I knew I deserved it. Buying small clothes is rewarding in and of itself. I HAVE LOST 92 POUNDS!!!!!
I have run a half marathon, hiked Humphrey’s peak (the highest peak in Arizona):
Hiking Humphrey's was intense. In the beginning it felt like one of my easy hikes. But I realized only about 45 yards in that a year ago I would already be done and heading home because of how difficult the trail was... So I trekked on. The altitude began to get to me once I got close to the top of the mountain. But I knew my lungs were strong. I had trained too hard for this and I didn't feel weak. Once I reached the top I met men who had hiked Mt. Whitney and many other high peaks and summits in the united states. I told them each my story of how I had overcome a life of obesity and was no longer restricted from seeing the views atop the best peaks in the world's. These men were shocked. Especially because they headed down before me and I ran past them as I sprinted down the mountain 45 minutes later.
On that mountain I also met a 78 year old man. He was hiking the peak for his 6th time this year. I was again in awe by the things humans can do when they set their mind to it. Slowing down and becoming unhealthy is a battle to be fought in the mind first. You are only as young as you decide you are. Age is just a number.
When I got back into my car after an all day hike to the highest peak in Arizona I was in shock. I really did it. Something I had only heard and read about, I did it. I did it with ease! I ran, I jumped and I skipped. I made it out alive!! That motivated me to train for the Zion narrows hike which is 16 miles. I am doing it this weekend with a group. And then again in 2 weeks. There are no words to describe the amount of pride I have for myself in getting back and maintaining my freedom in the form of health.
I hope to empower others through my progress and encouraging people to treat their body as if it were the best car in the world. Because, lets face it, its the only vehicle keeping us out of our grave. That's why I eat only a mostly raw, organic, vegan diet. :)
My Father passed in 2002 his death was hard. Had he changed his eating habits he would be 63 this year. I'm just glad I could change my life using his example. I miss him. I like helping people decide to make the change before someone like me becomes inspired by their death.
Thank you Brynn! You HAVE touched hearts!
In Brynn's Own Words:
After a life of eating unhealthy and trying every possible diet I could get myself to attempt I knew a lifestyle change was in order. I’ve known that for years. On the 10 year anniversary of my fathers passing from heart failure I decided meat and dairy would be my death. My bp was 140/105. I was 217 pounds. I became vegan on February 22 2012.
When I began the transition to Henry eating I felt the euphoria or "pink cloud" of making a great decision. The hard part was sticking it out to the end result I wanted. I only wanted to lose 30-50 pounds... then again that's all I thought I had extra. After 3 months of veganism and moderate hiking I lost the pink cloud I needed other motivation.
I truly do not know what kept me going other than knowing I wanted big results. Someday I wanted to run a marathon or do a big hike.... so those goals I set out helped me make smaller goals in order to reach my biggest goals.
After 6 or 7 months and a half marathon, I got burned out on working out after going so hard.. I had also lost 65 pounds and was looking great. After I realized how much I had physically beaten myself up I took a month off got my diet back on point with raw organic foods and started small with workouts again. At this point I realized my baseline fitness level was way better than 7 months prior and I was not actually starting over from scratch but instead picking up where I left off.. this was encouraging. Mental strength is derived from progress for me. And as long as there is some progress I will continue making efforts..
The weight didn't impact my mental strength. However the dropping of inches empowered me beyond comprehension.. I shopped at second hand stores a lot because I was shedding inches like crazy. From a size 40 to a size 28 (mens sizes) that's 12 inches! I looked forward to monthly wardrobe shopping because I knew I deserved it. Buying small clothes is rewarding in and of itself. I HAVE LOST 92 POUNDS!!!!!
I have run a half marathon, hiked Humphrey’s peak (the highest peak in Arizona):
Hiking Humphrey's was intense. In the beginning it felt like one of my easy hikes. But I realized only about 45 yards in that a year ago I would already be done and heading home because of how difficult the trail was... So I trekked on. The altitude began to get to me once I got close to the top of the mountain. But I knew my lungs were strong. I had trained too hard for this and I didn't feel weak. Once I reached the top I met men who had hiked Mt. Whitney and many other high peaks and summits in the united states. I told them each my story of how I had overcome a life of obesity and was no longer restricted from seeing the views atop the best peaks in the world's. These men were shocked. Especially because they headed down before me and I ran past them as I sprinted down the mountain 45 minutes later.
On that mountain I also met a 78 year old man. He was hiking the peak for his 6th time this year. I was again in awe by the things humans can do when they set their mind to it. Slowing down and becoming unhealthy is a battle to be fought in the mind first. You are only as young as you decide you are. Age is just a number.
When I got back into my car after an all day hike to the highest peak in Arizona I was in shock. I really did it. Something I had only heard and read about, I did it. I did it with ease! I ran, I jumped and I skipped. I made it out alive!! That motivated me to train for the Zion narrows hike which is 16 miles. I am doing it this weekend with a group. And then again in 2 weeks. There are no words to describe the amount of pride I have for myself in getting back and maintaining my freedom in the form of health.
I hope to empower others through my progress and encouraging people to treat their body as if it were the best car in the world. Because, lets face it, its the only vehicle keeping us out of our grave. That's why I eat only a mostly raw, organic, vegan diet. :)
My Father passed in 2002 his death was hard. Had he changed his eating habits he would be 63 this year. I'm just glad I could change my life using his example. I miss him. I like helping people decide to make the change before someone like me becomes inspired by their death.
Thank you Brynn! You HAVE touched hearts!