Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I can attempt to inspire you to get up and change your life until I'm blue in the face.  But, it will only work when YOU decide to take charge of your life.  Nobody can make you. 
Let me ask you a question.  Have you ever set a goal and the reached it?  So, when you achieved that goal,  did you look back at the journey that IT took you on to reach it? Yes?  Me too.  It's amazing what you can learn.  Many times we will shake our heads at ourselves. We begin to realize what we were like in the beginning. We made excuses, might have been lazy at first and even doubted  ourselves.  But now, we wish what we  know NOW, we knew then, you know when we were we trying to reach  that goal.  You ever do that? I sure have.
Well that's how I feel about weight loss and getting started.  If I would've known then, at the heaviest weight I'd ever been in my life, 210 pounds-- what I knew now, I would've never allowed myself to get like that.  Why?  Because I can't even imagine allowing myself to become that unhealthy. I can't imagine a life without with out exercise and clean foods.  I just can't.  I could have never imagined then the energy, the drive and the desire to continue to push myself in ways that I never knew I could. I never knew my body could do what it does when it comes to working out.  When you get to THIS place, and you see your friends, your client's and your students that make up so many excuses, talk the talk but not walk the walk, you just want to shake them and tell them, "trust me, I know it's hard in the beginning but you MUST get started! You must never stop and you must never look back and allow yourself to live like that again! Because on THIS side, life is so different and so much better! "
But I can't shake you.  My words won't shake you.  Only YOU can stand up for yourself and for once and for all get started and never stop!  I promise you this, you will love yourself so much more.  IF you PAY ATTENTION along the way, and I mean REALLY pay attention, you will learn what your TRUE weaknesses are about yourself along the journey.  You will get to experience smashing your own doubt and conquering your own fears, which will in fact make you stronger, more driven and much more determined.  PAIN IS YOUR TEACHER!
When you start to see results in your body, you will push yourself even harder.  It will become fun to do so, even though you know you will have to work hard.  You will become a brand new person.  A better parent, a better partner, a better co-worker - A BETTER YOU!
So, when? When will you STOP talking about it and starting DOING something about it?  Some didn't make it in 2013.  Their weight became their life's crutch and four people I know died due to their weight issues.  PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU to get started!  Because every single end to the year, if you can look at yourself and say wow I'm heavier this year than last year, then I'm talking to you and this is your life and you CAN do this and you can TAKE OVER and not let your weight ruin your health and your way of life! 
NOW I know many make resolutions. Many don't keep them.  Many resolutions fizzle within the first 60 days.   I challenge you today that if you make one that involves weight loss....PLEASE SEE IT THROUGH.  Let the learning be your gift and the pain will be your teacher.  The pain will teach you TO NEVER put yourself through THIS over weight life again.  I'm here to answer any questions and advise you as much as possible!


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