Has being fat become your default setting? Do you have a tendency to sabotage yourself so you can maintain the default? Do you behave this way so you can justify your position because you could be self deluded? Do you tell yourself , " I want to change." But in reality, it takes too damn much energy to lose weight. So you look in the mirror and you’re still fat.
You may have said yes that is me! Well if that is you, you are NOT alone.
It’s so much easier to plop down on the couch after a day at work. But funny, my students and I were laughing yesterday before I started our group exercise class, on how you ever notice when you are work you are ‘tired’ but as soon as you get home, you aren’t as tired? I think we can all say yes to this. But see, what I want you to try and understand is that you can overcome your mind telling you that you are tired. When we let our mind tell us what we are, that’s what we are. We then feel and become tired.
You can make every excuse in the book as to why you do NOT exercise and take care of your body. I’ve heard them all and I’ve used a couple myself.
If you don’t want to feel lazy, tired, non-motivated, depressed, blah in that funk, then ask yourself, how bad do you want change? If you do, then you must make so important changes and there are some simple tools to help you make that lifestyle change and it all starts with something so basic and simple.
First, let’s RESET THE MIND SET!

You must be READY for a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. You must be ready MENTALLY and EMOTIONALLY. It is so important to really be honest with yourself. Sit down a moment when you have some quiet time; some YOU time, ask yourself these questions and please WRITE DOWN YOUR ANSWERS - BE HONEST NO SABOTAGING OR LYING TO YOURSELF. RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW BE ACCOUNTABLE TO YOU AND HERE ON THIS BLOG SITE IT IS SAFE TO DO SO:
1. Why do I want to lose weight?
2. Why haven't previous attempts worked?
3. Why am I overweight and NOT reached my fitness goals?
4. Why am I overeating? I know some foods I eat are bad, but why do I keep eating them anyway?
5. When something goes wrong in my life, a bad day, I lost my job and can't find a new one, my boyfriend broke up with me, etc. Do you head for food? And, does it make you feel better when you do this?
6. Am I ready for a LIFESTYLE change?
7. What are my expectations in losing weight? Am I realistic?
8. Am I ready fit working out on a regular basis to my weekly schedule?
9. Am I willing to make some sacrifices when it comes to eating and drinking?
10. Do I like the way I look? If no, why?
11. Do I make excuses and stay away from friends and family for social events because I am ashamed of how I look?
12. Do I cover myself up with clothes to camouflage my weight?
13. Have I tried fad diets? If yes, which ones?
Now look at your answers. If you'd like to add your answers down below. This may be a start at true honesty with yourself, and may even help you with commitment. After you write down your answers and/or respond here below, keep them somewhere close by. I'll tell you why later.
After you have answered those questions, you may find that the only person you can blame is YOU for not reaching your weight loss goals. WE can be lazy sometimes and then make up so many excuses for not exercising, one right after another. Pretty soon, the treadmill ends up in the garage because our excuses pushed it that far away, just like our self-esteem. Or you may be paying for a gym membership you don't even use.
Before you hit the gym hard, and before you think you have to start eating like a cute little rabbit, there are some things I want to share with you on how to mentally prepare yourself for this lifestyle change. If you want to lose weight and keep it off and never go back to being overweight, YOU MUST BE MENTALLY PREPARED, especially if you are not used to this lifestyle. That is just the bottom line.
I believe with all of my heart and have seen it work with HUNDREDS of people I have worked with in the gym over many years. If you really are honest with yourself and you prepare yourself mentally, YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. YOU CAN DO THIS! I CAN HELP YOU - I'M RIGHT HERE.
Realize, there is NO QUICK FIX. Fad diets are temporary not permanent. This IS going to take work, it's going to be a process that you MUST BE READY TO DEDICATE YOURSELF TO. So you must first prepare yourself with some mental exercises. Many do not do this before they take the big plunge. They go and hit the gym hard again, they have good intentions and 3 to 6 weeks later something changes. What? NOT MUCH. They aren't seeing fast enough results, something is not working right and they give up, or slow down. There are many reasons for this. They do NOT train their mind. They do not look at this as a lifestyle change which involve so many factors. They fail. Why? IT'S OUR THOUGHTS. OUR THOUGHTS CAN MAKE US EAT, DO THINGS AND NOT DO THINGS, OUR THOUGHTS CAN BECOME THINGS. OUR THOUGHTS CAN BRING US THE SUCCESS BY PROJECTING POSITIVE THOUGHTS.
You must change your thinking, your mind set and you must do this to succeed!
To your health!
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