Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ways To Overcome Your Fear Of Stepping Into A Gym

Many people resolve to stay overweight and unhealthy because they are intimidated by the gym.  I've even been told by friends,  that they want nothing to do with the gym. Before they can even get a membership, they've got to lose weight.  Even though I have tried so hard to convince friends that, NOT everyone in the gym has this lean, toned, muscular perfect body, that.the truth is, the majority do not.  That's why they are there.

I've been working in gyms since I was 24 years old.  Nobody even cares if someone walks in that's overweight. People are not staring at you.  But I get it.  No matter what I can tell them and try to reassure them, they've got to take the first step themselves.

This is why I try to suggest getting a free pass for a day or so.  This way you can get the feel of the environment. Do a walk through with a sales person.  Trust me, you more than likely will realize you had a preconceived notion about the gym that is not true. 

But, there are some other ways to over come this fear:
  • Remind yourself why you are there: You signed up to lose 20 pounds before your wedding, look better naked, lose that stubborn baby weight, or help lower your cholesterol.
  • I strongly believe in power in numbers: Workout with a friend. Meet your buddy at the gym so you have someone to talk to. It is always nice to have a familiar face in an uncomfortable place. Plus, you will be less likely to skip a session when someone is meeting you there.
  • Everyone is there for the same reason: Even the fittest people at the gym were beginners at one point. Your target weight may be months away, but the important thing is that you are taking the first step to achieving your goal. YOU ARE THERE! BE PROUD OF THAT!
  • Less staring eyes: If you are convinced that everyone is staring at your while you workout then avoid going when the gym is crowded. Ask a gym employee when are the busiest times of the day. When is your gym least crowded?
  • FILL YOUR MP3 player with GOOD MUSIC!  Make a playlist with your favorite songs and listen to your mp3 player while you workout. Get lost in the music and forget about your embarrassment. Just try not to sing out loud when you are on the treadmill. It usually draws more attention. Occasional air guitar is fine. And you know what, before you know it, your workout is finished!
  • DON’T compare yourself to others: Be realistic. If you are a 43 year old mother of two, don’t compare your thighs to the 19 year old college track and field star’s legs. However, if you are intrigued by a person’s rock-hard calves, don’t be afraid to ask what exercises they do. How else would you know that they go hiking three days a week outside the gym?
  • DO compare yourself to yourself: Ask a trainer at your gym to help you track your progress with measurements and regular body fat assessments. Better yet, how do your jeans fit? Are you less winded when you walk up a flight of stairs? Notice small improvements and write them down. I suggest for the first 60 days STAY AWAY FROM THE SCALE (if you are doing this on your own).
  • Stay Classy: Check out a group class designed for beginners. You will probably see other people just like you. If the pace is right, jump in and sign up.  Consider a yoga class.  Read Alicia Parks article “Getting Back To The Yoga Mat”.
  • Workout attire. Stay classy.  You'll notice that most people sort of dress the same.  Tank tops, spandex, shorts, t-shirts, sweatshirts.  It's not a fashion show and workout clothes in general do not cost too much.


IT'S NOT TRUE!  In fact, for me, the gym is one of the most positive places I can be during the week.  You will start to get to know people.  Develop new friendships and you WILL start to enjoy yourself!

To Your Health!

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