Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Many of you were inspired by Brad's weight loss story.  It was truly touching and inspiring.  If you didn't have a chance to read it.  Cursor over to the right side of this page and under Archives click on the month of March and there you can read his featured story.

After reading his story I couldn't help but ask the following questions.   I decided to interview Brad and ask some questions. Now, I'm no Barbara Walters, so bare with.   Here is the interview that I did with Brad:

Me: Brad, looking back, do you wish that it didn't take an almost death sentence to get you to lose weight?

Brad:  Of course. Dialysis is a painful process. I was living an unhealthy lifestyle. But I was in the mind set that "it'll never happen to me." But it did & it completely opened my eyes. It brought me closer to my family & made me realize who my real friends were.

Me:   When you were at your heaviest, what was your self-esteem like and when going out in public how did you feel, did you feel people looked at you due to your weight?

Brad: My self-esteem was at rock bottom. I was bitter & suffered from road rage. I worked 40 hrs a week & work with the public.
I have some very inconsiderate and mean co-workers. HATERS!! I was harassed, the butt of jokes and snide comments. So I always assumed people were making comments about my weight behind my back.

Me:  When you joined the gym tell me what some of your thoughts were that ran through your head when you would enter those doors while you were still new?

Brad:  I was scared! It was intimidating to walk into the gym not knowing anyone else there. Thinking people would be watching me, laughing at my lack of knowledge of the equipment.
But to my surprise I saw myself everywhere in the gym. People just trying to make a change to be healthier. People encouraging others. People more focused on their own workouts than worrying about what others are doing.
Also, at the time I joined the gym, I had been doing a lot of running & walking. My knees and ankles were banged up, so some of the first classes I took were the aqua classes. They are low impact and a good cardio workout. But, as always, communicate with your trainer/instructor any pain or pre existing injuries, and they will show you a different workout or modification.
Me: When you would try on clothes to go to work, out with friends or out for some form of entertainment, did you ever get frustrated and feel like no matter what you put on to go out, you just didn't feel good about yourself?

Brad:  I wear a uniform at work, which at the time was issued by an outside company. One of the most embarrassing things was to have to ask for a larger pant size on 3 different occasions. 40, 42, 44. Same with the shirt 2XL to a 3XL.
I wore jeans and t-shirts everywhere else I went.
When going out, I couldn't sit in a booth at a restaurant, had to sit at a table or the bar. Always sat in the aisle seat at the movie theater. At sporting events, if my seat was in the middle of the row I didn't enjoy myself as I felt very self-conscious about taking up to much room.
Me: Do you remember about when it was that your self-esteem changed? And when it did how did you feel?

Brad: When I started dropping weight to the point where my clothes didn't fit, because they were to big!!
I was still doing dialysis, but I was seeing results and feeling good about it. I was getting compliments on my weight loss and my dedication to my workouts.
I even went camping for the first time in years, and spent a weekend in Tahoe with friends.
The real change came when I received my transplant and realized I had the opportunity to completely transform my life.
Me:  If you could say something that could really inspire those that think yo yo dieting, pills, no carb diets, etc etc are going to work, what could you say to them to inspire them on the weight loss journey?

Brad: I tried those all protein, no carb diets. I even tried diet pills. No Long Term Results!!! Ok, so you lose 10-15 pounds, but then you gain back 20. It's not worth it and is hard on your body in the long run.
Eating right, burning more calories then you consume is the HEALTHY way to lose weight.
After my transplant, I was told I could go back to living however and eating whatever I wanted. I had already lost 50 pounds. I had discovered a new lifestyle. I felt great after my workouts, I had more energy the next day. My self-confidence went through the roof. If I could make this transformation, I could do anything I put my mind too!!

Me: Did you date as much then as you do now? And PEOPLE Brad is out there dating, he's always got a story for me on Monday's right before he takes my kickboxing class.

Brad: HA!! Not at all.

Brad's story is amazing and I know that there are many out there, that can relate to his story. If Brad can do it, I KNOW YOU CAN TOO!


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