Good afternoon fitness peeps! I have been a little absent, I apologize. With the holidays and teens out of school for Christmas break, it's been busy.....We have 3 days left of 2012. I'm sure a lot of you have been looking forward to a brand new year. A lot of times, the reason why we have NOT hit our fitness goals is due to NO ACCOUNTABILITY. When you can find ways to be held accountable for your fitness/weight loss goals, you have a HIGHER rate of achieving them. This page YOU can use to hold yourself accountable. I am very proud that all of my clients have hit their 2012 goals and actually went above and beyond them on the scale. We have one that has lost over 120 lbs in 2012. Her Summer, she's gonna be looking sexy in her bathing suit (2 piece ) she has NEVER been able to wear. All it takes is work, constant change up in your workouts, understanding how to eat and when and what to eat. So if you would like to try something new, be held accountable....Which IF YOU list your 3 goals for fitness/weight loss I WILL BE CHECKING IN ON YOU to make sure you are hitting them. It's up to you. You can think the same which will make you stay the same, OR you can take my hand (so to speak) of 25 years of experience and DO THIS once and for all. Your turn, you list your 3....
Friday, December 28, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
I'm sure you have heard all about the buzz of PURE coconut water.
Yep, of course I did too. I have to be honest. The first brand of PURE coconut water I drank, it for some reason, reminded me of wet dog. I couldn't even take a third sip.
But, the brand I'm holding in the picture, now this one I can handle. I'm getting use to it now. Not so bad guys!
So what is up with this coconut water thing? Let me explain.
Coconut water is EXCELLENT for hydration! In fact in some countries, if they were not able to get someone to a hospital to hydrate them, they would use PURE coconut milk w/ water to hydrate the patient. So this isn't something new. It's been around for years.
PURE coconut water is a great sports drink if you have sweat heavily. I recommend this over any other sports drink out there. Especially due to all of the nutrients it carries.
PURE coconut water does have other benefits. A recent study in rats found it to be just as effective as a stating drug for lowering cholesterol and its potassium is a key nutrient for controlling blood pressure (and yes also for alleviating hangover symptoms!). So if you have the terrible hangover, slam a can! It also helps with aging.
Why do I keep stressing PURE, read your ingredient label, some out there are not PURE and have other additives that you don't need.
PURE Coconut water also helps with WEIGHT LOSS! Pure coconut water can helps with controlling your cravings, and help suppress your appetite.
Several studies have found that PURE coconut water and the oil may help reduce body weight and belly fat and increase metabolism. Coconut oil has also been shown to raise "good" HDL cholesterol to improve your heart's health and provide antioxidants similar to those in berries, grapes and dark chocolate.
However, you do not want to go overboard on this drink. Yes it's lower in calories than soda, all natural and good for you, but any calories you take in that your body doesn't need make a go straight to your fat cells. I'm not stating cutting it out but drink PURE coconut water or even the oil in moderation. Take this approach to PURE coconut water = use it when you are active.
Give it a try!
p.s. for those that keep coming back to read my fitness blog...On the right side of the page, you'll see the word, "FOLLOWERS" PLEASE PLEASE follow my blog! Click and get on board (FREE)... I AM THANKFUL YOU COME TO READ! I'm not the BEST writer, but I'm passionate about health & fitness, & in helping others!
Yep, of course I did too. I have to be honest. The first brand of PURE coconut water I drank, it for some reason, reminded me of wet dog. I couldn't even take a third sip.
But, the brand I'm holding in the picture, now this one I can handle. I'm getting use to it now. Not so bad guys!
So what is up with this coconut water thing? Let me explain.
Coconut water is EXCELLENT for hydration! In fact in some countries, if they were not able to get someone to a hospital to hydrate them, they would use PURE coconut milk w/ water to hydrate the patient. So this isn't something new. It's been around for years.
PURE coconut water is a great sports drink if you have sweat heavily. I recommend this over any other sports drink out there. Especially due to all of the nutrients it carries.
PURE coconut water does have other benefits. A recent study in rats found it to be just as effective as a stating drug for lowering cholesterol and its potassium is a key nutrient for controlling blood pressure (and yes also for alleviating hangover symptoms!). So if you have the terrible hangover, slam a can! It also helps with aging.
Why do I keep stressing PURE, read your ingredient label, some out there are not PURE and have other additives that you don't need.
PURE Coconut water also helps with WEIGHT LOSS! Pure coconut water can helps with controlling your cravings, and help suppress your appetite.
Several studies have found that PURE coconut water and the oil may help reduce body weight and belly fat and increase metabolism. Coconut oil has also been shown to raise "good" HDL cholesterol to improve your heart's health and provide antioxidants similar to those in berries, grapes and dark chocolate.
However, you do not want to go overboard on this drink. Yes it's lower in calories than soda, all natural and good for you, but any calories you take in that your body doesn't need make a go straight to your fat cells. I'm not stating cutting it out but drink PURE coconut water or even the oil in moderation. Take this approach to PURE coconut water = use it when you are active.
Give it a try!
p.s. for those that keep coming back to read my fitness blog...On the right side of the page, you'll see the word, "FOLLOWERS" PLEASE PLEASE follow my blog! Click and get on board (FREE)... I AM THANKFUL YOU COME TO READ! I'm not the BEST writer, but I'm passionate about health & fitness, & in helping others!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
I had to motivate myself before I started my day today.
Home gym'n I go....
Today is a day I normally don't teach a group exercise class. So, I put on my brand new workout pants, went out to the garage and did a half treadmill and half spin bike workout for 45 minutes. I followed that with some stand and flow moves for my core and lower body, then stretched. Later it's YOGA! (no make up I'm a mess right there )
Yep, I have a mini gym in my garage and I am so thankful that I do, saves gas driving to the gym on my off days.
Even for fitness professionals, yes we too have our moments where we don't feel motivated. But, this time of year my body weight just LOVES to fluctuate. UGH! You have that problem? So, I figure I need to get on top of this now.
This time of year, it's so easy to get cozy on the couch with your blankie and become sedentary. Make sure you remember your goals. I mean it's so easy to catch a good movie on cable and get cozy and lay around all day long. But do you find that you snack more while doing this? I know I've caught myself many times. Sometimes, I find myself eating a snack and I'm really not hungry! Don't do that kids! Ha ha ha.
I know weight loss can be frustrating and sometimes ya just want to throw your hands in the air.
I will share that my body is NOT perfect. Well nobodies is. But, I have my problem areas where my body wants to hold onto fat. So, I've incorporated yoga into my fitness regiment.
Yoga not only reduces stress, but it also helps burn STORED stubborn fat. So if you have some stubborn fat too, keep reading.
Through many of the yoga poses, they actually stimulate many organs in the body like the thyroid gland. A properly functioning thyroid gland helps the processes that convert food into energy. When food is converted into energy efficiently there is less accumulation of body fat. The yoga postures also improve and balance blood circulation in the body which makes the person healthier and more energetic. This helps to reduce calorie intake and start providing the necessary energy by burning the fat cells.
So, if you are like me and you'll try just about anything to raise your metabolism, GET YOUR YOGA ON!
Home gym'n I go....
Today is a day I normally don't teach a group exercise class. So, I put on my brand new workout pants, went out to the garage and did a half treadmill and half spin bike workout for 45 minutes. I followed that with some stand and flow moves for my core and lower body, then stretched. Later it's YOGA! (no make up I'm a mess right there )
Yep, I have a mini gym in my garage and I am so thankful that I do, saves gas driving to the gym on my off days.
Even for fitness professionals, yes we too have our moments where we don't feel motivated. But, this time of year my body weight just LOVES to fluctuate. UGH! You have that problem? So, I figure I need to get on top of this now.
This time of year, it's so easy to get cozy on the couch with your blankie and become sedentary. Make sure you remember your goals. I mean it's so easy to catch a good movie on cable and get cozy and lay around all day long. But do you find that you snack more while doing this? I know I've caught myself many times. Sometimes, I find myself eating a snack and I'm really not hungry! Don't do that kids! Ha ha ha.
I know weight loss can be frustrating and sometimes ya just want to throw your hands in the air.
I will share that my body is NOT perfect. Well nobodies is. But, I have my problem areas where my body wants to hold onto fat. So, I've incorporated yoga into my fitness regiment.
Yoga not only reduces stress, but it also helps burn STORED stubborn fat. So if you have some stubborn fat too, keep reading.
Through many of the yoga poses, they actually stimulate many organs in the body like the thyroid gland. A properly functioning thyroid gland helps the processes that convert food into energy. When food is converted into energy efficiently there is less accumulation of body fat. The yoga postures also improve and balance blood circulation in the body which makes the person healthier and more energetic. This helps to reduce calorie intake and start providing the necessary energy by burning the fat cells.
So, if you are like me and you'll try just about anything to raise your metabolism, GET YOUR YOGA ON!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
If you look to the very TOP RIGHT side of my page ..You will see my ad for the METRX 180 program!
THIS PROGRAM IS AMAZING! I have put each of my clients on this and THEY LOVE IT!
Check it out, click on the link there on the upper right YOU CAN'T MISS OUT ON THE FREE SHIPPING EITHER!
90 days and you will be a whole new person!
That Gym Girl
THIS PROGRAM IS AMAZING! I have put each of my clients on this and THEY LOVE IT!
Check it out, click on the link there on the upper right YOU CAN'T MISS OUT ON THE FREE SHIPPING EITHER!
90 days and you will be a whole new person!
That Gym Girl
Monday, November 12, 2012
If you have been there or are there, you know what I'm talking about. I have blogged about this a few times, getting your mind right. It's really is so very important folks. When your mind is strong, and you truly believe in yourself, you can REALLY DO ANYTHING. The journey is no longer "HARD." You don't see it that way. Thoughts are EVERYTHING, it's just so true. Your own thoughts are either going to make you or break you when it comes to THIS.
Let me ask you, I hope I can get some conversation/forum going here, but let me ask a few questions, love to hear from you:
1. Have you began this weight loss journey without considering this, and noticed that it's super difficult? Nothing "SEEMS TO WORK?"
2. Have you given up because, nothing "SEEMS TO WORK?"
3. Have you considered that YOU are the number one cause of what's holding YOU back?
4. If you have aligned your mind and body through this journey what have you learned?
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Do you REALLY know how many calories you are burning? Did you know it's IMPORTANT to know? It takes, 3,500 calories to burn one pound of fat off of your body....Some will drive all the way to the gym to burn 200/300 calories. On average a person will not put in their all at the gym doing JUST cardio and will burn 250 calories. Those calories, 200/250 amount to one snack ate for the day or one meal ate for the day -- NOT A LOT OF CALORIES BURNED RIGHT THERE!
Make the time you are working out COUNT. Remember the OUTPUT (working out) number has to be larger than the INPUT (food/calories you eat)...INVEST in a GOOD calorie counter! My recommendation is go get one from BODY BUGG. This is the same one you have seen the contestants on the Biggest Loser wear. They are VERY accurate! KNOW what you are doing less frustration for yourself!
Set a daily goal of how many calories you want to burn for the entire day, put your body bugg/or body spy on and gage your numbers. It really makes it less of a mystery as to why can't seem to lose the pounds. Know the work you are doing, PUT IN THE WORK to meet your goals!
Monday, November 5, 2012
My First 10k Mud Run!
So, I wanted to share my experience on my 10k race I did on Sunday, October 28, 2012. This was a 6 mile race with obstacles. I wish I could've showed you all the obstacles, but there weren't photographers at each one.
This was a great way for me to test the ATHLETE in me. I tell ya what, I felt like a confirmed ATHLETE by the time we completed the race. We not only got a great workout and had a BLAST! We did some laughing throughout our 1:48 and 3 seconds. Laughing and running can be challenging. My determination and fear of heights was about to be tested!
I would encourage you to try something, even a 5k which is a 3 mile run. It’s amazing to when you finish and be proud of yourself that you did it! Honestly, it makes you want to something even more difficult! I am afraid of heights so I knew going into this I was going to be faced with some high walls and there are NO nets to catch you. Some of the obstacles there were men to help you hoist up but that was it, the rest would depend on the person. If you are vertically challenged like myself, some of the obstacles were a bit tough, but DO-ABLE!
So there we went and I knew the running would be a breeze before we started, SO I THOUGHT. It wasn’t until we were in it, and running up these darn hills that I realized ok, maybe not so easy. We brisk walked the steeper hills because we knew we needed strength and ENERGY to get through each obstacle. Running through sand was a challenge. My socks and toes did not appreciate this!
Here are just a a few of the obstacles we had to do and I’ll explain to you what went through my mind as I did these. I'll be honest a few I looked for an escape route! :)
The first one was I believe the crawling under a net on the ground, the HARD ground and you had to do it on your stomach. That wasn’t easy but I didn’t think much of it I jammed through it with raw elbows and scrapes on my schinns by time I completed that one.
Next was a semi wall to get up and over. I saw it and was like OMG how am I at 5'0 gonna get over that? One running start, nope couldn’t get my upper body up on top. I went back further and ran my buns off up to it, and hoisted myself up and over and was like ok, I think I can do this! The 10 push ups were a breeze as I was yelling 10? That’s it 10? The crawling through a tube was on my knees, easy, kind of felt like a little kid in a jungle gym!
First mud pit, they are screaming at you get on your stomach don’t use your knees. I have never had mud on my teeth nor in a particular area that wanted to exfoliate me and I really wanted no part of it, but I had no choice. It was so gross and mushy and cold all I could do was laugh as I would dip my head under the flag ropes hoping my mouth wouldn’t go under. I also had to stay back a bit from the person in front of me, they were splashing mud everywhere. It was hilarious and fun hugging my friend who awaited me outside the pit completely covered in mud as well! MUD HUG!!!! Suggestion for any future female mud runner, wear workout pants that CLING to the bottom of your knees! I didn't do this and my workout pants stretched to a longer length, which made them feel heavier. No matter what, you are going to have sand, some small rocks and mud up in your everything, but trust me you want clingy workout pangs. Oh, Erinn that wasn't my butt clapping at you, I now realize it was my pants swinging and hitting my legs! I know, I know, I kept telling you it was clapping at you throughout the run, and although my butt was proud of you and cheered you on, it was swinging muddy pants - it's been confirmed.
The next was a double sided roped wall. This one got me nervous because when someone else was on it with you, it wobbled all over the place, so core strength and your legs needed to hold tight and boy was your core strength and leg strength tested! When I got to the top I panicked.( This is the wall that I know where I got my black and blue inner thigh bruises from!) I couldn’t figure out how to get down because again, my legs are NOT that long folks! For most it was a breeze. If I’d had about 2 to 3 more inches on me I wouldn’t have gotten stuck up there. I couldn't reach the rope on the other side to place my foot. Help I need longer legs! But a fellow racer stopped at the top in front of me, and talked me through what to do, my friends cheered me on (which has NEVER happened to me to be cheered on like that by friends so that was SUPER COOL!) and very slowly as I held on for dear life with my thighs and arms, I very, very slowly maneuvered my back leg over and slowly got to the other side to climb down, with thank goodness my friend was at the bottom reaching for me. This was TRUE TEAMWORK! Again, no nets or cushions if you fell, so the pressure was on.
When we finally got to the next course and I hope I’m not skipping any, but this one scared the CRAP out of me it was so high! I actually think this was the highest of them all (now that I think of it.) We saw this one driving in and I was like OMG it’s so high up! This obstacle caused the most laughter during and after. It was like a very very tall bouncy house thing. One side was a rope wall attached to it, don’t look down is all I could think (I hate roller coaster and HEIGHTS). Erinn was climbing like GI JANE in front of me and all heard way, "it’s a huge slide!" There she went!She disappeared on the other side as I was climbing and freaking out. Other people that were climbing were making this thing move all over the place! I got to the top and realized there is no where to go but down! You could NOT see the bottom! I didn’t realize how loud I yelled, "OH F...K NO!" I was so scared you guys! Then I closed my eyes, and according to Ernn, legs and arms were spread all the way out as I’m screaming all the way down! I opened my eyes, my heart is somewhere in my sloshy socks and it’s over! I got off thing as fast as possible with my friend laughing calling it my "Jesus Slide." And how everyone looked up when they heard me scream the F word in panic. She said, "she’s with me..yep that’s my friend..." LOL...That one freaked me out I’m not kidding you. I earned the name, "Chinese Fighting Star." from my fabulous slide down! LOL
Running a short disantace with a sandbag thrown over my shoulder was too easy for me, I should've grabbed two! Walking through the lake was sort of refreshing, water was a bit cold, not too bad, but we were like a line of cattle crossing water, it was funny and mushy! We think a guppy may have landed in Erinn's pants in the lake, but wasn't quite confirmed at that point, there was something in there!
When we got to the balance beams that were super narrow (this is where I told myself I should've never quit gymnastics when I was 9!) they were pretty high and I thought, OMG how am I going to get my leg up there! I couldn’t without help this time. And a big dude let me use one arm to hold his shoulder to hoist up then he held my hand as I made it across and all the way he coaxed me, encouraged me and told me to make a good dismount which during all the while one of my friends flew off doing a tuck and roll! I’m so glad she didn’t get hurt because again, there are no safety nets or cushions no nothing.
We ran and ran (it seemed like forever and now I felt like we were in the movie the Hunger Games) before we got to the next obstacle. These were were three walls - one right after the other! ENDURANCE TIME! Lord let my arms get me up, I thought! These were so high there was no way I could even do this by myself. They had three guys that would let you put your foot in their hands hoist you up and you do the rest. First two, HOLY BATMAN! I now know what my upper body strength can do!!!! But as I was trying so hard to use my core to pause to let me leg get over the guy about hoisted me all the way over the 3rd wall because apparently I was super light. LOL that scared me! I was about to me superwoman flying over a wall! I rolled my foot but quickly tried my best to recover from it!
More running up/down hills and I’m just wanting this to be OVER! And I wanted out of my underwear! LOL....But, I am having fun all at the same time. I was prepping myself mentally for the last wall which would be the very highest wall of all. But next obstacle was getting hoisted up onto very thin straps that you had to walk across and your guide were these hanging horizontal ropes that I could NOT REACH! How in the hell was I going to do this I thought. There is no getting out of this! One guy that was beside me was a big guy and so my straps were all wobbly over the place and I panicked! I didn't want to fall! But with the help of Tina ahead of me pulling down the rope a little so I could reach it and then him I made it over. That required core strength and I was so thankful that in my group strength training class I teach a lot of balance and core. I needed it right then and made it!
More running ensued and crazy hills, rocks everywhere. The tire run I walked across - I was not about to break my ankle, nor twist my ankle on that one. Then came the finish 3 more obstacles. I thought there was one major wall to get over but there was a second after.
When we finally got to the last two walls, the big wall I was telling myself, no way , no way I can’t do it. This was pegged. As a girl in elementary school I could never achieve this. I tried and failed as a kid. I looked to see if there was a way around it, NOPE. I saw a gal struggling at the top and panicking. I decided to get a running start and got up and climbed like spiderman so fast to the top, talked to her and coaxed her and we both got down. I was in shock! I did it. It was easy! I did it!
Last wall! It was wet and soapy with only a rope and we had to use to crawl up to the top on our stomach. My friend said find the longest rope you can that is your best bet. I sure did! I climbed up there like a ninja and shocked myself again! I could NOT believe my strength and had NO IDEA! I smelled like soap instead of Folsom Lake water that we had to walk across earlier in the race!
And FINALLY! The final mud pit, which was longer than the first! The crowd was cheering us on and I couldn't stop laughing!
All three of us girls, held hands and ran across the finish line and boy were we ELATED and VERY MUDDY!! This experience is something I will never forget. I will tell you that I did this with both shoulders injured, 2 bulging discs in my back and a re-occurring knee problem. HECK YES! We had our picture taken at the finish completely covered in mud (which I can't find on the website) and given our hard earned dog tag!
We headed over to get some water and something to fuel ourselves before we showered off and changed!
I know now that my class I teach R.I.P.P.E.D., helped me achieve this race. That class did exactly what the master trainers said it would do!! TRAIN YOU LIKE TO BE AN ANTHLETE - DUE TO ITS ATHLETIC STRUCTURE. I’m so very proud of myself and friends for making it through this. It was a blast doing it! I encourage you to take your fitness outside the gym and try these type of charity events. You want to be inspired? You can truly inspires yourself and your friends and even total strangers, by achieving such! My inner determination was seriously challenged. My fear of heights was challenged and I’m proud to say I did it, and I’m not afraid anymore! Oh, and it's confirmed I can climb like a monkey! WHEW!
The race was very organized and all for a good cause - To help our military. We donated our shoes after the race and it was cool to see so many people donate their shoes. I thought it was awesome that Tina had bought brandnew shoes just to donate after the race! I had a great veggie burger after and then off we went to enjoy some refreshing bloody mary's! Boy did that hit the spot! Although pooped, I think I could've done that race twice - what do you think Erinn? LOL!
Thank you Erinn and Tina I will never forget this day!
This was a great way for me to test the ATHLETE in me. I tell ya what, I felt like a confirmed ATHLETE by the time we completed the race. We not only got a great workout and had a BLAST! We did some laughing throughout our 1:48 and 3 seconds. Laughing and running can be challenging. My determination and fear of heights was about to be tested!
I would encourage you to try something, even a 5k which is a 3 mile run. It’s amazing to when you finish and be proud of yourself that you did it! Honestly, it makes you want to something even more difficult! I am afraid of heights so I knew going into this I was going to be faced with some high walls and there are NO nets to catch you. Some of the obstacles there were men to help you hoist up but that was it, the rest would depend on the person. If you are vertically challenged like myself, some of the obstacles were a bit tough, but DO-ABLE!
So there we went and I knew the running would be a breeze before we started, SO I THOUGHT. It wasn’t until we were in it, and running up these darn hills that I realized ok, maybe not so easy. We brisk walked the steeper hills because we knew we needed strength and ENERGY to get through each obstacle. Running through sand was a challenge. My socks and toes did not appreciate this!
The first one was I believe the crawling under a net on the ground, the HARD ground and you had to do it on your stomach. That wasn’t easy but I didn’t think much of it I jammed through it with raw elbows and scrapes on my schinns by time I completed that one.
Next was a semi wall to get up and over. I saw it and was like OMG how am I at 5'0 gonna get over that? One running start, nope couldn’t get my upper body up on top. I went back further and ran my buns off up to it, and hoisted myself up and over and was like ok, I think I can do this! The 10 push ups were a breeze as I was yelling 10? That’s it 10? The crawling through a tube was on my knees, easy, kind of felt like a little kid in a jungle gym!
First mud pit, they are screaming at you get on your stomach don’t use your knees. I have never had mud on my teeth nor in a particular area that wanted to exfoliate me and I really wanted no part of it, but I had no choice. It was so gross and mushy and cold all I could do was laugh as I would dip my head under the flag ropes hoping my mouth wouldn’t go under. I also had to stay back a bit from the person in front of me, they were splashing mud everywhere. It was hilarious and fun hugging my friend who awaited me outside the pit completely covered in mud as well! MUD HUG!!!! Suggestion for any future female mud runner, wear workout pants that CLING to the bottom of your knees! I didn't do this and my workout pants stretched to a longer length, which made them feel heavier. No matter what, you are going to have sand, some small rocks and mud up in your everything, but trust me you want clingy workout pangs. Oh, Erinn that wasn't my butt clapping at you, I now realize it was my pants swinging and hitting my legs! I know, I know, I kept telling you it was clapping at you throughout the run, and although my butt was proud of you and cheered you on, it was swinging muddy pants - it's been confirmed.
The next was a double sided roped wall. This one got me nervous because when someone else was on it with you, it wobbled all over the place, so core strength and your legs needed to hold tight and boy was your core strength and leg strength tested! When I got to the top I panicked.( This is the wall that I know where I got my black and blue inner thigh bruises from!) I couldn’t figure out how to get down because again, my legs are NOT that long folks! For most it was a breeze. If I’d had about 2 to 3 more inches on me I wouldn’t have gotten stuck up there. I couldn't reach the rope on the other side to place my foot. Help I need longer legs! But a fellow racer stopped at the top in front of me, and talked me through what to do, my friends cheered me on (which has NEVER happened to me to be cheered on like that by friends so that was SUPER COOL!) and very slowly as I held on for dear life with my thighs and arms, I very, very slowly maneuvered my back leg over and slowly got to the other side to climb down, with thank goodness my friend was at the bottom reaching for me. This was TRUE TEAMWORK! Again, no nets or cushions if you fell, so the pressure was on.
When we finally got to the next course and I hope I’m not skipping any, but this one scared the CRAP out of me it was so high! I actually think this was the highest of them all (now that I think of it.) We saw this one driving in and I was like OMG it’s so high up! This obstacle caused the most laughter during and after. It was like a very very tall bouncy house thing. One side was a rope wall attached to it, don’t look down is all I could think (I hate roller coaster and HEIGHTS). Erinn was climbing like GI JANE in front of me and all heard way, "it’s a huge slide!" There she went!She disappeared on the other side as I was climbing and freaking out. Other people that were climbing were making this thing move all over the place! I got to the top and realized there is no where to go but down! You could NOT see the bottom! I didn’t realize how loud I yelled, "OH F...K NO!" I was so scared you guys! Then I closed my eyes, and according to Ernn, legs and arms were spread all the way out as I’m screaming all the way down! I opened my eyes, my heart is somewhere in my sloshy socks and it’s over! I got off thing as fast as possible with my friend laughing calling it my "Jesus Slide." And how everyone looked up when they heard me scream the F word in panic. She said, "she’s with me..yep that’s my friend..." LOL...That one freaked me out I’m not kidding you. I earned the name, "Chinese Fighting Star." from my fabulous slide down! LOL
The climb up to the top to slide down FAR RIGHT PHOTO!
Running a short disantace with a sandbag thrown over my shoulder was too easy for me, I should've grabbed two! Walking through the lake was sort of refreshing, water was a bit cold, not too bad, but we were like a line of cattle crossing water, it was funny and mushy! We think a guppy may have landed in Erinn's pants in the lake, but wasn't quite confirmed at that point, there was something in there!
When we got to the balance beams that were super narrow (this is where I told myself I should've never quit gymnastics when I was 9!) they were pretty high and I thought, OMG how am I going to get my leg up there! I couldn’t without help this time. And a big dude let me use one arm to hold his shoulder to hoist up then he held my hand as I made it across and all the way he coaxed me, encouraged me and told me to make a good dismount which during all the while one of my friends flew off doing a tuck and roll! I’m so glad she didn’t get hurt because again, there are no safety nets or cushions no nothing.
We ran and ran (it seemed like forever and now I felt like we were in the movie the Hunger Games) before we got to the next obstacle. These were were three walls - one right after the other! ENDURANCE TIME! Lord let my arms get me up, I thought! These were so high there was no way I could even do this by myself. They had three guys that would let you put your foot in their hands hoist you up and you do the rest. First two, HOLY BATMAN! I now know what my upper body strength can do!!!! But as I was trying so hard to use my core to pause to let me leg get over the guy about hoisted me all the way over the 3rd wall because apparently I was super light. LOL that scared me! I was about to me superwoman flying over a wall! I rolled my foot but quickly tried my best to recover from it!
More running up/down hills and I’m just wanting this to be OVER! And I wanted out of my underwear! LOL....But, I am having fun all at the same time. I was prepping myself mentally for the last wall which would be the very highest wall of all. But next obstacle was getting hoisted up onto very thin straps that you had to walk across and your guide were these hanging horizontal ropes that I could NOT REACH! How in the hell was I going to do this I thought. There is no getting out of this! One guy that was beside me was a big guy and so my straps were all wobbly over the place and I panicked! I didn't want to fall! But with the help of Tina ahead of me pulling down the rope a little so I could reach it and then him I made it over. That required core strength and I was so thankful that in my group strength training class I teach a lot of balance and core. I needed it right then and made it!
More running ensued and crazy hills, rocks everywhere. The tire run I walked across - I was not about to break my ankle, nor twist my ankle on that one. Then came the finish 3 more obstacles. I thought there was one major wall to get over but there was a second after.
When we finally got to the last two walls, the big wall I was telling myself, no way , no way I can’t do it. This was pegged. As a girl in elementary school I could never achieve this. I tried and failed as a kid. I looked to see if there was a way around it, NOPE. I saw a gal struggling at the top and panicking. I decided to get a running start and got up and climbed like spiderman so fast to the top, talked to her and coaxed her and we both got down. I was in shock! I did it. It was easy! I did it!
And FINALLY! The final mud pit, which was longer than the first! The crowd was cheering us on and I couldn't stop laughing!
All three of us girls, held hands and ran across the finish line and boy were we ELATED and VERY MUDDY!! This experience is something I will never forget. I will tell you that I did this with both shoulders injured, 2 bulging discs in my back and a re-occurring knee problem. HECK YES! We had our picture taken at the finish completely covered in mud (which I can't find on the website) and given our hard earned dog tag!
We headed over to get some water and something to fuel ourselves before we showered off and changed!
Human Wash! We didn't bother we were way too muddy, we needed HOSES!
The race was very organized and all for a good cause - To help our military. We donated our shoes after the race and it was cool to see so many people donate their shoes. I thought it was awesome that Tina had bought brandnew shoes just to donate after the race! I had a great veggie burger after and then off we went to enjoy some refreshing bloody mary's! Boy did that hit the spot! Although pooped, I think I could've done that race twice - what do you think Erinn? LOL!
Thank you Erinn and Tina I will never forget this day!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Exercise vs. Pregnancy
Fitness and being pregnant. Oh what joy huh. I have been asked a couple of times to write on this subject. And I'm glad too because, I have experienced this. However, my experience .was on the side of being the fitness professional and my butt growing to the size of who knows what AND I HAD TO TEACH A CLASS with rotunda facing them! Sure I know a thing or two about fitness and pregnancy.
Now, clearly before you exercise you must consult your physician first. The reason being, if you have some health issues, exercising may only cause a problem. And this is especially for those that have - High blood pressure, poorly controlled diabetes and a condition called placenta priviea. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST.
Although you will make a lot of this up in your head on how you look terrible, trust me when I tell you that, you don't. I have a woman right now that takes my cardio classes that's VERY pregnant and she looks more beautiful than before she was blessed with such great news. I know you are going to feel yucky looking but you don't! I felt that was pretty important to cover first. As women, we already have enough pressure to confirm to looking a certain way(which I think is nuts), let alone being pregnant with tight clothes on and you feel like every eye in the place is on you. When really, it's not, I promise you this!!!! EMBRACE THE GLOW!
Let's get into what kind of exercise to do, that's ok during your pregnancy. Let's hit the first question I'm asked ALL THE TIME from expecting moms. They want to know if they can or cannot, should or should not work their core/abs in class due to being pregnant. Honestly, I did them all the way up to 4 1/2 months. After that I just felt like there just was a moral code that you don't want to sit there and crunch for days. I felt if I did, my child would come out deformed or harmed by it. Kids permanently hunched over because you kept doing those damn ab challenges at the gym. No, seriously, I'm cracking up, due what I thought would happen if I crunched. On a lighter note, you should probably abstain from doing any ab work after being 4 months pregnant, nor do yoga moves after 6 months pregnant that require you to lay on your stomach.
Find a yoga class, most gyms offer pre-natal, or sometimes the hospital where you are going to have your baby, offers that to patients. Hey, when you are holding your legs up in the air, THAT LONG, trust me, you need to be flexible. Wink, I'm winking at you, you'll be sorry if you don't get yourself limber!
Listen to your body, that to me is most important. You are in charge of a growing little nugget and your job is to handle it with care. So if you feel funny, don't dismiss it...PROMISE ME!
So, the only thing I would stay away from is a very high intensity high impact cardio class *like crossfit/bootcamp this requires high jumping and you could fall) after 4 to 5 months. As you grow you aren't going to want to do high intensity. Be mindful NOT to exercise to the point of breathlessness, if you do, you could be cutting off the oxygen supply to your baby. So this is why working at a lower impact is very important. Otherwise besides killing your back, you would be peeing all over the place. NOT that I would know about the pee part, it's just, SO I'VE HEARD.
Aqua fitnss is fantastic because you can then jump, run, skip and not have the same impact as jumping in a bootcamp class. It's low impact and the workout is fantastic!
Running? Is that ok? Usually if you are in a habit of running, you can continue running. However, if you did not run before pregnancy, you may want to speak to your health care provider before you begin a running program. If you run, make sure you're well hydrated, avoid over-heating , and wear good shoes = again watchout for becoming BREATHLESS and dizzy!
Now, clearly before you exercise you must consult your physician first. The reason being, if you have some health issues, exercising may only cause a problem. And this is especially for those that have - High blood pressure, poorly controlled diabetes and a condition called placenta priviea. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST.
Although you will make a lot of this up in your head on how you look terrible, trust me when I tell you that, you don't. I have a woman right now that takes my cardio classes that's VERY pregnant and she looks more beautiful than before she was blessed with such great news. I know you are going to feel yucky looking but you don't! I felt that was pretty important to cover first. As women, we already have enough pressure to confirm to looking a certain way(which I think is nuts), let alone being pregnant with tight clothes on and you feel like every eye in the place is on you. When really, it's not, I promise you this!!!! EMBRACE THE GLOW!
Let's get into what kind of exercise to do, that's ok during your pregnancy. Let's hit the first question I'm asked ALL THE TIME from expecting moms. They want to know if they can or cannot, should or should not work their core/abs in class due to being pregnant. Honestly, I did them all the way up to 4 1/2 months. After that I just felt like there just was a moral code that you don't want to sit there and crunch for days. I felt if I did, my child would come out deformed or harmed by it. Kids permanently hunched over because you kept doing those damn ab challenges at the gym. No, seriously, I'm cracking up, due what I thought would happen if I crunched. On a lighter note, you should probably abstain from doing any ab work after being 4 months pregnant, nor do yoga moves after 6 months pregnant that require you to lay on your stomach.
Find a yoga class, most gyms offer pre-natal, or sometimes the hospital where you are going to have your baby, offers that to patients. Hey, when you are holding your legs up in the air, THAT LONG, trust me, you need to be flexible. Wink, I'm winking at you, you'll be sorry if you don't get yourself limber!
Listen to your body, that to me is most important. You are in charge of a growing little nugget and your job is to handle it with care. So if you feel funny, don't dismiss it...PROMISE ME!
So, the only thing I would stay away from is a very high intensity high impact cardio class *like crossfit/bootcamp this requires high jumping and you could fall) after 4 to 5 months. As you grow you aren't going to want to do high intensity. Be mindful NOT to exercise to the point of breathlessness, if you do, you could be cutting off the oxygen supply to your baby. So this is why working at a lower impact is very important. Otherwise besides killing your back, you would be peeing all over the place. NOT that I would know about the pee part, it's just, SO I'VE HEARD.
Aqua fitnss is fantastic because you can then jump, run, skip and not have the same impact as jumping in a bootcamp class. It's low impact and the workout is fantastic!
Running? Is that ok? Usually if you are in a habit of running, you can continue running. However, if you did not run before pregnancy, you may want to speak to your health care provider before you begin a running program. If you run, make sure you're well hydrated, avoid over-heating , and wear good shoes = again watchout for becoming BREATHLESS and dizzy!
Take care and continue to eat healthy foods, minus caffeine and continue to build your endurance as this will help you with your labor!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Self vs. Self Image
I wanted to touch on this subject today and I sort of touched on it before. But, I think that it's such an important subject and a HUGE part of the weight loss journey--YOUR WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY!
Some want to change their body for all of the wrong reasons. If you are one that is on a weight loss journey, ask yourself this question, "Why do I want to lose weight?" Please really, really think about it. What is REALLY motivating you to lose weight? This is one of the very first questions I ask a client that has hired me to train them. I need to know what is motivating them. What is motivating you?
It is important to truly understand your motivating factor(s) behind what your motivation is in this journy. Because if in fact the motivation is coming from the wrong place(s), this can become a toxic journey for you, or a journey wherein you may not learn anything about yourself - because OH this journey can BE an awakening for you. Lastly it could be a journey that will lead to a dead end. My job is to help this journey be a success for you. My job is to help you see what your true potential is. I take it pretty hard when my clients fail. Some I have had to let go as clients. Why? I have had to do this because I know they are not doing it for the right reasons and they are truly not even present when I'm training them. When they leave our session, that session didn't mean anything to them. It was robotic. They basically just went through the motions. Now, some trainers may not care about that. They are just 'training' their clients and collecting their money. I AM NOT THAT KIND OF TRAINER. Your mind is a part of your body. YOUR SOUL IS YOU. So if your mind, your soul are not aligned that tells me I have work to do with you there FIRST before I can train your body. That is what sets me apart and I TRULY believe this is so important.
So let's get back to something basic. Self vs Self Image. Do you know the difference? Self image is how OTHERS look at you, your outer appearance. Self is how YOU look at yourself. I want to encourage you to do something. Now, it may be tough at first if you do not believe in yourself. But believing in yourself is an EXERCISE that one should do daily just as if they were working out to lose weight. These two things go hand in hand. But, I want you to go look in the mirror. Take a deep breath and say to yourself while looking yourself straight in the eyes, "I am beneath NO ONE. I am WORTHY of a truly happy life. I am, me and I love me. I AM a masterpiece." Do this everyday until you believe this and feel this throughout your entire being. One of the things I would like to invite you to do if you are having some trouble with this. Take up yoga. Yoga will truly help you to learn how to BE. Be in balance and harmony with your mind and your body, your soul. Yoga will help you to get centered. So many of us, and A LOT OF US are NOT centered. Yoga will train your mind and body to be in the moment. Try some yoga, be consistent with it. Let me know in a couple of months how you feel. Let me know how this practice in the mirror is going. I want to know. Because YOU are special and YOU matter. When you do THIS WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART, every single bit of it...YOU HONOR YOURSELF!
So let's get back to the title of this article. Self? What does self mean? Self is who you see yourself as. Not how other's do, how YOU do. How do you see yourself? Saying those words, truths, meanings to yourself and really believing it will truly help you in this journey. If you don't believe in yourself then we have to figure out why. Because NO MATTER what has happened to you, doesn't define what will happen to you in THIS moment or in the future. See, here's the thing, I want you to say this out loud, seriously, ok get back up, go back to that mirror and say these truths, "I AM NO GREATER THAN THE THOUGHTS THAT I THINK." Say these words because it is true.
Now wait, are you projecting in life your IMAGE or your real self? Do you work in life from your core? Most do not. So in the journey if you are not working from your real self, there could be some failures and more of that 'being hard on yourself' thing going on with you and you have done enough of that to yourself, you have got to stop it. Getting back to you, your true self, your core has got to come out to make THIS work.
Do you love yourself? Do you? Do you REALLY? When you are in love with someone, so in love, is there anything wrong with your life? NO...You are in a state of bliss aren't you. YES! When you are in love with someone you want to be the best you can be don't you! YES. You are on cloud 9! Now, imagine that being in love feeling and projecting it into you -- loving yourself! Do you see where I am going with this? You do don't you. When you truly LOVE YOURSELF - nobody, NOTHING can get in your way. Use that love , that love energy and become THE BEST YOU CAN BE FOR YOU!
Once you can get to your true self and and can come from a place of conviction, motivation, and an unstoppable attitude, this weight loss journey is going to be one that you will succeed in. Then when I ask you the question as to what is motivating you to lose weight, you can answer that you are doing this FOR YOU because YOU are worthy of a healthy body and mind. You are worthy of feeling good about yourself. YOU are worthy of having an abundance of healthy energy to LIVE and be happy. When you don't believe in yourself, you then look to someone else to believe in you for your. That is what I call BANKRUPTCY OF THE SOUL. You put your entire worth in someone else's hands. THAT IS BANKRUPTCY OF THE SOUL. Don't do it. Practice that self talk and believe in yourself. FEED YOUR SOUL. Have that talk with yourself.
I want to leave you with just these things I have shared and go no furthere in this article. Let me know your thoughts. Come back and talk to me, tell me how yoga went. Tell me if that talk you are having with yourself in the mirror is helping you. You ARE WORTHY! NOW -- GET YOUR LIFE!
With love,
That Gym Girl
Some want to change their body for all of the wrong reasons. If you are one that is on a weight loss journey, ask yourself this question, "Why do I want to lose weight?" Please really, really think about it. What is REALLY motivating you to lose weight? This is one of the very first questions I ask a client that has hired me to train them. I need to know what is motivating them. What is motivating you?
It is important to truly understand your motivating factor(s) behind what your motivation is in this journy. Because if in fact the motivation is coming from the wrong place(s), this can become a toxic journey for you, or a journey wherein you may not learn anything about yourself - because OH this journey can BE an awakening for you. Lastly it could be a journey that will lead to a dead end. My job is to help this journey be a success for you. My job is to help you see what your true potential is. I take it pretty hard when my clients fail. Some I have had to let go as clients. Why? I have had to do this because I know they are not doing it for the right reasons and they are truly not even present when I'm training them. When they leave our session, that session didn't mean anything to them. It was robotic. They basically just went through the motions. Now, some trainers may not care about that. They are just 'training' their clients and collecting their money. I AM NOT THAT KIND OF TRAINER. Your mind is a part of your body. YOUR SOUL IS YOU. So if your mind, your soul are not aligned that tells me I have work to do with you there FIRST before I can train your body. That is what sets me apart and I TRULY believe this is so important.
After training these two beauties (my friend Angela on the right - breast cancer SURVIVOR!)
So let's get back to something basic. Self vs Self Image. Do you know the difference? Self image is how OTHERS look at you, your outer appearance. Self is how YOU look at yourself. I want to encourage you to do something. Now, it may be tough at first if you do not believe in yourself. But believing in yourself is an EXERCISE that one should do daily just as if they were working out to lose weight. These two things go hand in hand. But, I want you to go look in the mirror. Take a deep breath and say to yourself while looking yourself straight in the eyes, "I am beneath NO ONE. I am WORTHY of a truly happy life. I am, me and I love me. I AM a masterpiece." Do this everyday until you believe this and feel this throughout your entire being. One of the things I would like to invite you to do if you are having some trouble with this. Take up yoga. Yoga will truly help you to learn how to BE. Be in balance and harmony with your mind and your body, your soul. Yoga will help you to get centered. So many of us, and A LOT OF US are NOT centered. Yoga will train your mind and body to be in the moment. Try some yoga, be consistent with it. Let me know in a couple of months how you feel. Let me know how this practice in the mirror is going. I want to know. Because YOU are special and YOU matter. When you do THIS WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART, every single bit of it...YOU HONOR YOURSELF!
So let's get back to the title of this article. Self? What does self mean? Self is who you see yourself as. Not how other's do, how YOU do. How do you see yourself? Saying those words, truths, meanings to yourself and really believing it will truly help you in this journey. If you don't believe in yourself then we have to figure out why. Because NO MATTER what has happened to you, doesn't define what will happen to you in THIS moment or in the future. See, here's the thing, I want you to say this out loud, seriously, ok get back up, go back to that mirror and say these truths, "I AM NO GREATER THAN THE THOUGHTS THAT I THINK." Say these words because it is true.
Now wait, are you projecting in life your IMAGE or your real self? Do you work in life from your core? Most do not. So in the journey if you are not working from your real self, there could be some failures and more of that 'being hard on yourself' thing going on with you and you have done enough of that to yourself, you have got to stop it. Getting back to you, your true self, your core has got to come out to make THIS work.
Do you love yourself? Do you? Do you REALLY? When you are in love with someone, so in love, is there anything wrong with your life? NO...You are in a state of bliss aren't you. YES! When you are in love with someone you want to be the best you can be don't you! YES. You are on cloud 9! Now, imagine that being in love feeling and projecting it into you -- loving yourself! Do you see where I am going with this? You do don't you. When you truly LOVE YOURSELF - nobody, NOTHING can get in your way. Use that love , that love energy and become THE BEST YOU CAN BE FOR YOU!
Once you can get to your true self and and can come from a place of conviction, motivation, and an unstoppable attitude, this weight loss journey is going to be one that you will succeed in. Then when I ask you the question as to what is motivating you to lose weight, you can answer that you are doing this FOR YOU because YOU are worthy of a healthy body and mind. You are worthy of feeling good about yourself. YOU are worthy of having an abundance of healthy energy to LIVE and be happy. When you don't believe in yourself, you then look to someone else to believe in you for your. That is what I call BANKRUPTCY OF THE SOUL. You put your entire worth in someone else's hands. THAT IS BANKRUPTCY OF THE SOUL. Don't do it. Practice that self talk and believe in yourself. FEED YOUR SOUL. Have that talk with yourself.
I want to leave you with just these things I have shared and go no furthere in this article. Let me know your thoughts. Come back and talk to me, tell me how yoga went. Tell me if that talk you are having with yourself in the mirror is helping you. You ARE WORTHY! NOW -- GET YOUR LIFE!
With love,
That Gym Girl
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
I created a health and fitness page on facebook on August 17, 2012.
This is a recent email that I received from a reader that I thought was so sweet, and well I just wanted to share what she wrote.
"Hi, a friend shared one of your messages on her FB page.
I admire what you have accomplished personally so far and what you are trying to do for others.
For myself, I love the photos, the posters/pics of motivational quotes and your stories. I'm doing well in my own goals, staying healthy, fit and trim at 50ish ;)
but we can all use encouragement and praise.
Mainly, I am sharing your page with friends and loved ones that need the help and especially motivation to make themselves and their health a priority. Your work, helping people, motivating them to get fit is going to save lives. I am serious. Losing that 30-50 or more pounds will save them from chronic disease and death.
Keep up the great work, for all these great folks on line, for your family and especially yourself."
When I read that, I got a little choked up because that is exactly what I am trying to accomplish. If I can save ONE person from dying young and from being unhealthy then I've done my job. If I can inspired ONE person on a day they need it the most, and my words can stay with them when they need it most, I've done what I am supposed to be doing!
I believe we ALL are here to enjoy a life of abundance in joy, health, you name it....SO LET'S GET TO ENJOYING!
Thank you to "C" for writing such a kind note it went so far with me!
This is a recent email that I received from a reader that I thought was so sweet, and well I just wanted to share what she wrote.
"Hi, a friend shared one of your messages on her FB page.
I admire what you have accomplished personally so far and what you are trying to do for others.
For myself, I love the photos, the posters/pics of motivational quotes and your stories. I'm doing well in my own goals, staying healthy, fit and trim at 50ish ;)
Mainly, I am sharing your page with friends and loved ones that need the help and especially motivation to make themselves and their health a priority. Your work, helping people, motivating them to get fit is going to save lives. I am serious. Losing that 30-50 or more pounds will save them from chronic disease and death.
Keep up the great work, for all these great folks on line, for your family and especially yourself."
When I read that, I got a little choked up because that is exactly what I am trying to accomplish. If I can save ONE person from dying young and from being unhealthy then I've done my job. If I can inspired ONE person on a day they need it the most, and my words can stay with them when they need it most, I've done what I am supposed to be doing!
I believe we ALL are here to enjoy a life of abundance in joy, health, you name it....SO LET'S GET TO ENJOYING!
Thank you to "C" for writing such a kind note it went so far with me!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Is Alcohol Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?
I'm going to ask YOU ALL two very interesting question. I'd like to see if you know the answer. If you don't that's ok, you'll soon find out. But let me share what the question was this morning:
A woman came up to me asking me why she wasn't losing weight. She shared that she works out 5 days a week, eats very healthy but refuses to stop having her cocktails in the evening. She said she felt she deserved them. So what she does is she preserves "calories" for those drinks. Do you think preserving calories for alcohol is ok and keeps you on track? Or, No? And do you think that by having those cocktails after working out she is sabotaging her weight loss goals?
A woman came up to me asking me why she wasn't losing weight. She shared that she works out 5 days a week, eats very healthy but refuses to stop having her cocktails in the evening. She said she felt she deserved them. So what she does is she preserves "calories" for those drinks. Do you think preserving calories for alcohol is ok and keeps you on track? Or, No? And do you think that by having those cocktails after working out she is sabotaging her weight loss goals?
Now she was using 900 calories for food and the 450 for booze. Is that ok? NO.
You need the protein, carbs and fat for those 450 calories to continue to give your body the nesessary nutrients it so needs and to keep your metabolism functioning.
Those that answered on my Facebook page all most ALL of you had the correct answer. GOOD JOB!
Can Alcohol prevent weight loss? The answer is a big YES! I know plenty of people that workout at the gym then booze up when they get home. Their idea is, "I'll work it off tomorrow." Those, may want to rethink their strategy. Alcohol converts to sugar, sugar, sugar yes SUGAR and then has the ability to store fat LONG before you hit the gym. Have you ever been in the gym and smelled the acohol protruding out of someones pours from sweating? I have, it's a distinct smell and terrible.
When you workout you get dehydrated and obviously the way to get hydrated is by drinking more water post workout. I needed to know a little more, so I asked her about how long would it be from the time she left the gym until she poured her vodka/cran (sugar) cocktail and she said about 2 hours or so. Well in those two hours her body needed WATER to rehydrate and to be able to work through her body- NOT BOOZE? Why? Booze dehydrates the body even more!
After working out the muscles need time for REPAIR. Alcohol actually will disrupt this process and it blocks the protein that your muscles need post workout. Why? Alcohol is a toxin, we all know this. So, if you are boozing it up after your workouts, forget about getting RIPPED! You body uses human growth hormone during that muscle-repair process. By drinking alcohol will then reduce the secretion of human growth hormone (HGH), eliminating the gains that you made while you were in the gym pumping the iron and working out!
When I gave her the answer, her reply was, "I'm not giving up my cocktails every night, I'll just workout even harder!" Alrighty then. Those that know me, know I enjoy wine. I enjoy my 2 glasses on my off days from working out. I restrict on the two days that I do. If I work out those two othere days, no wine for me. NO PROBLEM!
On a weight loss/fitness journey? Bottom line is you CAN'T OUT TRAIN BAD NUTRITION! That RIPPED BODY IS MADE IN THE GYM AND YOUR KITCHEN EXPOSES IT!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
As I was turning on my computer this morning, this article popped up on AOL News. I wanted to share this article because not only do I see friends and family eating junk they also feed JUNK to their kids and I think this could be a great wake up call and perhaps save lives....Take a read, let me know if you believe it or not and your thoughts.
People who eat a so-called "Western diet," which is high in fat, salt and sugar, are at significantly greater risk for stroke or premature death, according to a new study involving rats.
Researchers from Canada found this type of food, also known as the "cafeteria diet," creates what they called "a ticking time bomb of health problems."
For the study, the researchers gave sedentary rats a choice of nutritional food pellets or junk food items including cookies, sausage and cupcakes. The animals were also given a choice of water or a 30 percent sugar solution that imitated soft drinks.
Like humans, the researchers said, the rats preferred the treats. And after eating a high-calorie, high-sugar and high-sodium diet for just two months, they developed symptoms of a condition known as metabolic syndrome, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and obesity — factors that increase the risk of stroke and other health problems.
The researchers noted that the rats were only the equivalent of about 16 to 22 years old in human years.
"I think we'll soon start to see people in their 30s or 40s having strokes, having dementia, because of this junk food diet," the studies lead researcher, Dr. Dale Corbett, scientific director of the Center for Stroke Recovery at Canada's Heart and Stroke Foundation, said in a foundation news release. "Young people will have major, major problems much earlier in life."
The study authors said their findings underscore the need for regular exercise and a well-balanced diet to prevent metabolic syndrome.
"We're not sure whether metabolic syndrome can be reversed," noted Corbett. "If it can't, and we continue to live and eat like this, then we're each a ticking time bomb of health problems," he added.
Another expert, Dr. Mark Bayley, co-chair of the Canadian Stroke Congress and medical director of the Neurological Rehabilitation Program at Toronto Rehab, pointed out in the news release that "metabolic syndrome and stroke are huge health concerns for the public. We cannot afford to continue making poor nutritional choices. Our diet is killing us."
The study authors concluded that more research is needed to investigatethe risks of a poor diet on animals that have other health issues.
"Laboratory models often use relatively young animals who are healthier and on better diets than we are," Corbett noted. "However, it is important to remember that for many people, the consequences would be even worse, since a lot of people with stroke also have pre-existing health problems."
The study was scheduled to be presented Monday at the Canadian Stroke Congress, in Calgary. The data and conclusions of research presented at meetings should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal. In addition, experts point out that results from animal research are not necessarily applicable to humans.
And while the study found an association between the unhealthy diets and an increase in health risk factors in the rats, it didn't prove a cause-and-effect relationship.
People who eat a so-called "Western diet," which is high in fat, salt and sugar, are at significantly greater risk for stroke or premature death, according to a new study involving rats.
Researchers from Canada found this type of food, also known as the "cafeteria diet," creates what they called "a ticking time bomb of health problems."
For the study, the researchers gave sedentary rats a choice of nutritional food pellets or junk food items including cookies, sausage and cupcakes. The animals were also given a choice of water or a 30 percent sugar solution that imitated soft drinks.
Like humans, the researchers said, the rats preferred the treats. And after eating a high-calorie, high-sugar and high-sodium diet for just two months, they developed symptoms of a condition known as metabolic syndrome, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and obesity — factors that increase the risk of stroke and other health problems.
The researchers noted that the rats were only the equivalent of about 16 to 22 years old in human years.
"I think we'll soon start to see people in their 30s or 40s having strokes, having dementia, because of this junk food diet," the studies lead researcher, Dr. Dale Corbett, scientific director of the Center for Stroke Recovery at Canada's Heart and Stroke Foundation, said in a foundation news release. "Young people will have major, major problems much earlier in life."
The study authors said their findings underscore the need for regular exercise and a well-balanced diet to prevent metabolic syndrome.
"We're not sure whether metabolic syndrome can be reversed," noted Corbett. "If it can't, and we continue to live and eat like this, then we're each a ticking time bomb of health problems," he added.
Another expert, Dr. Mark Bayley, co-chair of the Canadian Stroke Congress and medical director of the Neurological Rehabilitation Program at Toronto Rehab, pointed out in the news release that "metabolic syndrome and stroke are huge health concerns for the public. We cannot afford to continue making poor nutritional choices. Our diet is killing us."
The study authors concluded that more research is needed to investigatethe risks of a poor diet on animals that have other health issues.
"Laboratory models often use relatively young animals who are healthier and on better diets than we are," Corbett noted. "However, it is important to remember that for many people, the consequences would be even worse, since a lot of people with stroke also have pre-existing health problems."
The study was scheduled to be presented Monday at the Canadian Stroke Congress, in Calgary. The data and conclusions of research presented at meetings should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal. In addition, experts point out that results from animal research are not necessarily applicable to humans.
And while the study found an association between the unhealthy diets and an increase in health risk factors in the rats, it didn't prove a cause-and-effect relationship.
So, what do you think? Are you going to ignore the warnings that are in front of us daily?
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Boy oh boy, I taught a spin class this morning and it wasn't bad enough that my legs were like jello once the ride was over, but when I got off the bike and completed my 146 walking lunges (yes I'm doing the challenge I posted in yesterday's article) I almost needed to pay someone to carry me to my car! HA HA HA
I hope you have started the challenge and you are enthusiastic about it. Many of us get VERY comfortable doing a particular type of exercise and the goal here is to mix it up and get you to challenge your body.
We are entering into a new season = FALL. I always say when you enter into a new season, YOU CHANGE with that season. Meaning, do something different this season. For instance, if you are always using "walking" as your form of cardio exercise then perhaps change it to running. But CHANGE. Your body gets very use to what you do and shocking your body and doing something different will give you some great results on the scale - that thing I told you to stay off of ha ha ha ha.
One of the things I wanted to talk about - and before I forget, I will be putting up VERY SOON PART II to the article I wrote last weekend about REBOOTING! But anyway, I wanted to talk to those folks that are women at the ages between 35 and 50. I want to talk about how your body at 35 or so and up is preparing for menopause. And the thing is, is that pre-menopause can be SO FRUSTRATING because one of the symptoms is WEIGHT GAIN and it's inevitable. And so because it's inevitable, you really need to CHANGE UP your workouts. The body is going to fight you and you have got to FIGHT BACK and with DETERMINATION!
Now the downside of this is that, if you are just now at these ages starting your weight loss journey then this is THAT BUMP IN THE ROAD that can either make or break you. Of course those symptoms go away in time, but WHO WANTS TO GAIN WEIGHT OR NOT BE ABLE TO LOSE WEIGHT? I don't know about you, but I bust my booty in the gym and I'm fighting this right now at the age of 44. So you may find yourself gaining unnecessary weight and the kind of workouts you have done don't seem to be working any longer. It's already bad enough that with these symptoms we get to have mood changes too OH JOY! And if you are an emotional eater, than this can really sabotage your weight gain - IF YOU LET IT. DON'T LET IT!
Now I can get all scientific and break down why at the pre-menopausal state we gain weight. But I'm more focused on those two words WEIGHT GAIN! YIKES! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET STRONG AND BUCKLE UP AND GET A GOOD SOLID GAME PLAN WHILE YOUR BODY GOES THROUGH THIS.
It will be VERY important as mentioned above to CHANGE UP YOUR WORKOUTS adding INTENSITY! You have to trick that body of yours! Your metabolism isn't going to be your friend. So importantly buckle up mentally and emotionally as well.
Doctors are realizing that even taken hormonal replacement therapy is not preventing the weight gain, so do you hear what I'm saying? While going through this state, your goal will be to MAINTAIN YOUR WEIGHT don't focus on losing. If you lose FABULOUSSSS! But just focus on maintaining. Now if you have a lot of weight to lose you are probably thinking OMG I don't want to stay at this weight. Well then get MOVING BABY CAKES! This will mean dropping your caloric intake and BURNING MORE through exercise. As I've mentioned in other articles it takes 3,500 calories to burn off ONE pound of fat. So a plan of action is really needed here because you may not even notice the slow increase in your weight, or maybe you have and maybe you have even noticed you can't lose. I don't want this state to deter you from a healthy lifestyle. It's a SEASON in your body that will pass.
Here is an interesting study that I read about, take a read:
I hope you have started the challenge and you are enthusiastic about it. Many of us get VERY comfortable doing a particular type of exercise and the goal here is to mix it up and get you to challenge your body.
We are entering into a new season = FALL. I always say when you enter into a new season, YOU CHANGE with that season. Meaning, do something different this season. For instance, if you are always using "walking" as your form of cardio exercise then perhaps change it to running. But CHANGE. Your body gets very use to what you do and shocking your body and doing something different will give you some great results on the scale - that thing I told you to stay off of ha ha ha ha.
One of the things I wanted to talk about - and before I forget, I will be putting up VERY SOON PART II to the article I wrote last weekend about REBOOTING! But anyway, I wanted to talk to those folks that are women at the ages between 35 and 50. I want to talk about how your body at 35 or so and up is preparing for menopause. And the thing is, is that pre-menopause can be SO FRUSTRATING because one of the symptoms is WEIGHT GAIN and it's inevitable. And so because it's inevitable, you really need to CHANGE UP your workouts. The body is going to fight you and you have got to FIGHT BACK and with DETERMINATION!
Now the downside of this is that, if you are just now at these ages starting your weight loss journey then this is THAT BUMP IN THE ROAD that can either make or break you. Of course those symptoms go away in time, but WHO WANTS TO GAIN WEIGHT OR NOT BE ABLE TO LOSE WEIGHT? I don't know about you, but I bust my booty in the gym and I'm fighting this right now at the age of 44. So you may find yourself gaining unnecessary weight and the kind of workouts you have done don't seem to be working any longer. It's already bad enough that with these symptoms we get to have mood changes too OH JOY! And if you are an emotional eater, than this can really sabotage your weight gain - IF YOU LET IT. DON'T LET IT!
Now I can get all scientific and break down why at the pre-menopausal state we gain weight. But I'm more focused on those two words WEIGHT GAIN! YIKES! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET STRONG AND BUCKLE UP AND GET A GOOD SOLID GAME PLAN WHILE YOUR BODY GOES THROUGH THIS.
It will be VERY important as mentioned above to CHANGE UP YOUR WORKOUTS adding INTENSITY! You have to trick that body of yours! Your metabolism isn't going to be your friend. So importantly buckle up mentally and emotionally as well.
Doctors are realizing that even taken hormonal replacement therapy is not preventing the weight gain, so do you hear what I'm saying? While going through this state, your goal will be to MAINTAIN YOUR WEIGHT don't focus on losing. If you lose FABULOUSSSS! But just focus on maintaining. Now if you have a lot of weight to lose you are probably thinking OMG I don't want to stay at this weight. Well then get MOVING BABY CAKES! This will mean dropping your caloric intake and BURNING MORE through exercise. As I've mentioned in other articles it takes 3,500 calories to burn off ONE pound of fat. So a plan of action is really needed here because you may not even notice the slow increase in your weight, or maybe you have and maybe you have even noticed you can't lose. I don't want this state to deter you from a healthy lifestyle. It's a SEASON in your body that will pass.
Here is an interesting study that I read about, take a read:
"One study found that women who do work at diet and exercise can stave off weight gain as they enter menopause — and stay healthier
, too. The Women's Healthy Lifestyle Project involved more than 500 pre-menopausal women, half of whom were instructed to follow a reduced-fat, 1,300-calorie-a-day diet and increase their physical activity (to burn 1,000 to 1,500 calories a week through exercise), while the other half did not follow any special intervention.
Results published in the journal Circulation showed that during nearly 4.5 years of follow-up, the women who worked hard at diet and exercise did not gain weight but actually lost an average of .2 pounds. Meanwhile, those in the other group gained an average of 5.2 pounds — roughly a pound a year. The women in the intervention group also were healthier with regard to their blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood levels of glucose and insulin."
WOW! So you see, it's important now to gear up and make eating healthy and regular exercise a lifestyle change. So back to you walkers and lite bicycle riders through your neighborhood read the following to this study:
"While health
experts often recommend 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity to boost health, many endorse much more — 60 to 90 minutes a day — for weight loss.
Reader No. 1, you say you're doing the treadmill 30 to 50 minutes three times a week, so you may want to try increasing your aerobic activity. Keep in mind that an exercise program that worked for you in your 20s, 30s or even 40s may not be enough now, says Los Angeles personal trainer Kathy Kaehler, author of "Fit and Sexy for Life."
"You must work harder," says Kaehler.
Reader No. 2, your walking program may not be enough to burn off the fat, especially if you're strolling along.
Both of you should experiment to find what's working for you, and aim to mix things up, Kaehler says. When you do the same activities over and over, such as the treadmill or walking outdoors, your body isn't challenged as much as when you regularly do different activities. So consider biking, tennis, swimming, step class or whatever else you enjoy.
Keep in mind that incorporating different types of activity, including weight-training, into your fitness routine can give you more all-around benefits."
So we have some work to do ladies...KICK UP YOUR ACTIVITY NOW because you in for a ride and I'm there now and those that know me know I workout hard and often. Losing 2 pounds a week is NOT easy and so even for myself I am taking my workout tablet out, and writing out a great game plan for my workouts to increase the levels of my intensity and the length of time. Personally, I'm going from a 1 hour workout to 1 hour and a half. I've talked to many women in the gym after my classes and they have confirmed that they too saw that the numbers were going the other direction on the scale - instead down were going up. They couldn't understand this as they work out and eat healthy. One woman told me she was ready to give up and give in! I suggested to her to change up her eating plan. GET THIS, believe it or not, IT WORKED! I'm SO happy she listened. She went on the paleo eating plan and lost 30 pounds in 4 months. Her body was in complete shock! She took out the toxins that are in the foods she was eating (which we want to do in the pre-menopause and menopause state) and her body went to town! If you want to know more about the Paleo eating plan you can check out some information here:
Now the weight gain that occurs is mainly in the belly...NO WAY JOSE I'm saying...But it's true. I've got to do way way more ab work then I ever had to. Or course, mixing up the way you work your core is SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT ladies.
Now the weight gain that occurs is mainly in the belly...NO WAY JOSE I'm saying...But it's true. I've got to do way way more ab work then I ever had to. Or course, mixing up the way you work your core is SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT ladies.
There are natural herbs that you can take with menopause:
- Soy foods. The isoflavones in soy foods help balance hormone levels and have some estrogenic activity. There is ongoing research about the safety and efficacy of isolated soy isoflavone supplements. While the initial results look promising, we currently recommend using natural soy foods rather than supplements. Choose from tofu, soy milk, roasted soy nuts or tempeh.
- Flaxseed. Substances called lignins in flaxseed are important modulators of hormone metabolism. Grind flaxseed daily in a coffee grinder at home and use 1 to 2 tablespoons a day.
- Dong quai. Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is known both in China and the West for its ability to support and maintain the natural balance of female hormones. It does not have estrogenic activity. This is one of the herbs for menopause that should not be taken if a woman is experiencing heavy bleeding.
- Black cohosh (Cumicifuga racemosa). One of the best-studied traditional herbs for menopause, black cohosh is used to help alleviate some symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes. Black cohosh seems to work by supporting and maintaining hormonal levels, which may lessen the severity of hot flashes. Many women report that the herb works well but it isn't effective for everyone. While any therapy that influences hormonal actions should be a concern, black cohosh does not appear to have estrogenic activity and thus may be safe for women with a personal or family history of breast cancer.
- Vitamin E. A daily dose of 400 IUs of natural vitamin E (as mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols) can help alleviate symptoms of hot flashes in some menopausal women.
- B vitamins. This group of water-soluble vitamins may help women deal with the stress of menopausal symptoms.
- Evening primrose oil or black currant oil. These are sources of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid that can help influence prostaglandin synthesis and help moderate menopausal symptoms.
But seriously don't feel doomed. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS! But inevitably with age the metabolism slows down so remember and always keep in the back of your mind that you have to get MORE INTENSE in your workouts to fight this THING! GRRRR! My suggestion is STAY OFF OF THE SCALE!! Hide it, have a friend come and take it out of your reach STAT! Or you can take a hammer to it - ha ha ha!
Your mental attitude is going to play a HUGE role, well actually the STARRING role in this!
That Gym Girl
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