Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Men v Group Fitness Classes

Majority of the men in the gym, do that special 'gym waddle' walk right past the group fitness room to slurp down a bunch of water, not realizing what is even going on in that room.

Most don't care for they have this notion that the group fitness classes are for women or as some have told me sissy's and other have straight out stated, "that's NOT a workout," even though they've never taken a class in their life.

Sidenote: I was joking around with a family member telling him he needed to come to my aunt's house this Sunday.  I was going to be conducting a mini aqua class for them in their pool.  He laughed and said that those classes are for people that are old and have gray hair.  STOP - HUGE MISCONSEPTION.  I bet you probably thought that too, didn't you?  Well guess what.  It's not true.  Have you tried an aqua class?  Before I got my certification in aqua fitness, I thought let me try this; I sorta thought the same thing.  BOY WAS I WRONG! I had to take a long nap after, I was pooped! I used every muscle in my body in ways I never had before.  The strength training portion was crazy and I was sore for days -  I LOVED IT! Boy was I wrong! TRY IT!

It's funny, on Monday's I usually go down to the weight workout floor where the free weights are to work my upper body.  I'm surrounded by men grunting, groaning, form all off, sweating and some lifting in ways that are so dangerous, out-of-date, way too fast (i.e., dangerous) and I got to say a lot lift in a way that is NOT effective to the muscle group they working. 

Being buff is NOT being FIT.  Sorry guys, I know, I know you are probably going HUH? Or, 'this chick doesn't know what she's talking about.'    Well, it's just not.  Being fit is a healthy cardio respiratory system as well as lean muscle mass and eating clean.  They all go hand in hand. 

It's pretty tough for me as I sit there  in between sets and watch these guys practically injure themselves. I just want to go over there and tell them to STOP. Slow is better.  If it's way to heavy and your form is compromised, use lighter weights and do more repetitions. FORM IN EVERYTHING.  But most don't know what true form is.  Now, if they took a group strength training class or body pump class,  they would learn proper form and technique to get better and have those quicker results that they are after.

 I was witnessing one small man doing bench presses.  Granted he didn't have a spotter and had  50's on each side.  As he would lift and press the bar upward, his entire back would come off the bench. His lower back completely arched and he was pushing with his legs to get the bar upward.  I couldn't help but stare and of course he was  making the most unnecessary noises.   I cringed and I knew that what I was thinking, was written all over my face! OOPS! But, was he using he chest muscles? Not completely no.  He was using his legs and  back to push off...WRONG form!  I see this a lot with men who work their chest.  They lift that bar and push off with their legs. WRONG!  This man will have a lower back injury VERY SOON.  This is exactly what he was doing:

When it comes to group fitness instructors.  We spend more money in our education than we make on a paycheck.  The gym I work for you MUST be nationally certified to teach a class  and then you must have a separate certification for the format you are teaching.  This should  assure you  that when you step into a class, we know what we are doing and a lot of us have multiple certifications and have many years under our belt of education.  One of things folks may not realize is that, in the Institute of Exercise and Science, they are constantly researching and doing studies to make sure that we are doing things safely and effectively.  So every few years, things change, particular exercises are realized to be ineffective and can cause short term to long term injury and we are updated on this information. 

When it comes to group fitness, it is a joy to see more and more men taking the classes.  Now guys again, I know you think it's sissy.  IT'S NOT.  There ARE men that even take Zumba, let alone teach it and it is A great workout and it's FUN.  You forget you are even doing cardio!

Stop depending on just weight lifting and get your cardio in. It's true having more lean muscle means less fat on the body and raises your metabolic rate.   But, that doesn't mean you are strong in you cardio area, and that is VERY important for your body.  Balance out your workouts.  Change up your workouts, especially when you hit the pesky plateaus!

 Here is an example of a higher population of men  in the following group exercise classes:

- Spin/Cycle type classes (requires NO coordination)
- Bootcamp (requires NO coordination)
- Body Pump (requires NO coordination)
- R.I.P.P.E.D. (requires NO coordination)
- Group Strength Training  (requires NO coordination)
- Kickboxing (requires NO coordination)

Don't be scared! Nobody and I promise you NOBODY is going to look at you, point and laugh.  People are way too focused on their performance in the class.  Best part, it's a positive environment, high energy and FUN!

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