Sunday, October 26, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Question. Are you REALLY in control of your life? Are you creating your life and always evolving? Do you know what you motivation is? Do you know why you are here and what you are meant to do? Do you know how to find out?
Development begins at the first moment you know what you are supposed to be. You probably wouldn't learn what it is, unless you are constantly connected to your SOURCE. Or, you wouldn't learn what that is, if you are not truly PRESENT in your life.
People that just go through the motions in life are not in recognition of their life, they have no perspective. They are also blinded by the power of their own EGO. Narcissistic people are controlled by their EGO. So clueless, that they wouldn't even realize this applies to them. They would believe it applies to everyone else.
Going through the motions in life is what I witness some of my friends doing and family doing. Existing is what a lot of people do. LIVING is not one of them. Think about it. I don't think you were born to get up go to work, come home plop on the couch and start again the next day. This has created a lot of unhappiness within people and a sense of non-fulfillment. Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever feel that there must be more to life than this? We were placed here to serve others, not ourselves. So whatever it is you are meant to do, I'm pretty sure it will involve serving others.
The only way to find your motivation and what your life is to be about it, is to crucify your ego.
Love faces us everyday in different forms. IF YOU STAY ASLEEP IN LIFE and let your EGO be the king of your castle, you will have never known the love, the form of love that stood before you, around you, above you, under you, beside you, the love that was there in so many ways and in so many forms , daily, weekly, monthly, annually, it's been there, it's still there WAKE UP, STAY AWAKE, BE PRESENT IN EVERY MOMENT. Technology is a great DISTRACTION. So to actually be present in the MOMENT, those moments don't involve your phone (PUT IT DOWN - especially when with others!). There are many things I do with friends and family that I don't need to have my phone out taking photos of every play by play moment to post on Facebook or Instagram. I don't need to respond to comments on Facebook. Or see what everyone else is doing while I'm DOING SOMETHING! LOL. PUT IT DOWN. I myself had to work on that. There are times people are loving you and you are too busy looking at your phone and miss the entire moment! Being seriously present helps you find your way, the way I am speaking of. I've experienced this firsthand with some friends. I'm talking to them, I have them over my home, etc. and in midst of conversations, here comes the stupid phone. And you will get nothing but "uh-huh, uh-huh" with no eye contact. You know! You might be guilty of this or have had this happen to you.
Life may not go the way we think it should. WELL YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT. First wake up! Start LIVING rather than EXISTING. Pay attention to THIS - We are in control of 2 things, how we prepare for what might happen and how we respond to what just happened. What keeps us in the valley of frustration is our response. We cannot allow external forces to bring us peace and fulfillment. Use your personality work for the spirit within you. That Spirit is embracing your true self. Sadly people don't think they are good enough, so they wouldn't experience this. I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT -- YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! YES YOUR ARE!
You see, there is no story without conflict. This is how we grow. Without conflict we cannot build ourselves and manage what we aspire to achieve. If you are not AWAKE you won't know how to deal with conflict. You could have an attitude, "you screw me over, I screw you over." That's not a healthy mentality, that is evil. That is a person controlled by their EGO. YIKES!
By knowing yourself and where you want to go, you can then control external forces to keep your internal peace, so you can keep pressing forward. Getting back at someone because they pissed you off is not healthy. You are better than that. This is an external force that will TRY to throw you off track, in a negative direction, losing your focus on where you want to go and are meant to go. THAT IS YOUR EGO RUNNING YOU.
Development begins at the first moment you know what you are supposed to be. You probably wouldn't learn what it is, unless you are constantly connected to your SOURCE. Or, you wouldn't learn what that is, if you are not truly PRESENT in your life.
People that just go through the motions in life are not in recognition of their life, they have no perspective. They are also blinded by the power of their own EGO. Narcissistic people are controlled by their EGO. So clueless, that they wouldn't even realize this applies to them. They would believe it applies to everyone else.
Going through the motions in life is what I witness some of my friends doing and family doing. Existing is what a lot of people do. LIVING is not one of them. Think about it. I don't think you were born to get up go to work, come home plop on the couch and start again the next day. This has created a lot of unhappiness within people and a sense of non-fulfillment. Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever feel that there must be more to life than this? We were placed here to serve others, not ourselves. So whatever it is you are meant to do, I'm pretty sure it will involve serving others.
The only way to find your motivation and what your life is to be about it, is to crucify your ego.
Love faces us everyday in different forms. IF YOU STAY ASLEEP IN LIFE and let your EGO be the king of your castle, you will have never known the love, the form of love that stood before you, around you, above you, under you, beside you, the love that was there in so many ways and in so many forms , daily, weekly, monthly, annually, it's been there, it's still there WAKE UP, STAY AWAKE, BE PRESENT IN EVERY MOMENT. Technology is a great DISTRACTION. So to actually be present in the MOMENT, those moments don't involve your phone (PUT IT DOWN - especially when with others!). There are many things I do with friends and family that I don't need to have my phone out taking photos of every play by play moment to post on Facebook or Instagram. I don't need to respond to comments on Facebook. Or see what everyone else is doing while I'm DOING SOMETHING! LOL. PUT IT DOWN. I myself had to work on that. There are times people are loving you and you are too busy looking at your phone and miss the entire moment! Being seriously present helps you find your way, the way I am speaking of. I've experienced this firsthand with some friends. I'm talking to them, I have them over my home, etc. and in midst of conversations, here comes the stupid phone. And you will get nothing but "uh-huh, uh-huh" with no eye contact. You know! You might be guilty of this or have had this happen to you.
Life may not go the way we think it should. WELL YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT. First wake up! Start LIVING rather than EXISTING. Pay attention to THIS - We are in control of 2 things, how we prepare for what might happen and how we respond to what just happened. What keeps us in the valley of frustration is our response. We cannot allow external forces to bring us peace and fulfillment. Use your personality work for the spirit within you. That Spirit is embracing your true self. Sadly people don't think they are good enough, so they wouldn't experience this. I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT -- YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! YES YOUR ARE!
You see, there is no story without conflict. This is how we grow. Without conflict we cannot build ourselves and manage what we aspire to achieve. If you are not AWAKE you won't know how to deal with conflict. You could have an attitude, "you screw me over, I screw you over." That's not a healthy mentality, that is evil. That is a person controlled by their EGO. YIKES!
By knowing yourself and where you want to go, you can then control external forces to keep your internal peace, so you can keep pressing forward. Getting back at someone because they pissed you off is not healthy. You are better than that. This is an external force that will TRY to throw you off track, in a negative direction, losing your focus on where you want to go and are meant to go. THAT IS YOUR EGO RUNNING YOU.
Our body is here to experience the show of our soul. What show is playing out for your body?
- That Gym Girl
- That Gym Girl
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Exercise A Great FEEL GOOD PILL!
Sometimes I have to take myself aside and kick my own ass. One of the ways I am currently working through and trying to come to reality is that my dad is sick and CANCER SUCKS. One way for me is through exercise which is truly a mind and body time experience. With absolutely NO interruptions. If you are going through the same, it can be extremely therapeutic. This morning I needed that first.
I didn't sleep well last night. Dad was in the hospital again last week. Holidays are coming up. I began to have these genuine concerns that began distracting me. So this morning before my two classes I had to teach, cycle first, then group strength training second and on an empty stomach - yes I do cardio fast 2 times a week. I knew a PERFECT place at the gym to do what I needed to do. Say a prayer so that while I work, Dad is okay and stays that way.
I didn't sleep well last night. Dad was in the hospital again last week. Holidays are coming up. I began to have these genuine concerns that began distracting me. So this morning before my two classes I had to teach, cycle first, then group strength training second and on an empty stomach - yes I do cardio fast 2 times a week. I knew a PERFECT place at the gym to do what I needed to do. Say a prayer so that while I work, Dad is okay and stays that way.
1. Warm Up for about 6 mins - just start walking up and down the stairs - as if you were going to get a cold one, but not with too much excitement because then you would be out of breath too quick. Easy there. Just want build to get your heart rate up - especially for me, there is no air conditioning in that area.
2. After warm up I began a little quick routine.
a. 1st set run up down fast as you can for 15 seconds
at 15 seconds
b. Get to the bottom, and then pick a set of stairs to perform push ups. During that it's like an 8 second recovery and then begin push ups for the next 30 seconds.
b. You will repeat this, but each set you repeat add 5 seconds or so, or as many seconds as you want until you run out of time. YOU CAN BUILD AND ADD TO THIS.
I FELT A HUNDRED TIMES BETTER AND WAS SO NOW PREPARED TO TEACH TWO AMAZING CLASSES! Thanks Dad. My Dad was my softball coach for many years, so I already knew what he would be telling me. "Get on that pitchers mound on throw that ball, with speed, grace and resolve..." Both classes were so much fun and successful this morning. I had 4 women and the rest men this morning. I really pushed them and encouraged them. It's amazing at what you think CAN do vs WHAT YOU THINK YOU CANNOT DO... Wake up - there is a ROCK STAR IN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US!
3 hours later I tried my hardest to avoid buying a breakfast (now
lunch) burrito from the corner shop that I have to pass twice!
Exercising alone and taking your body, your lungs, your thoughts to a different level can be extremely cleansing and freeing...PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF UP A 20 MIN WORKOUT LIKE I DID AND POST IT TO THIS ARTICLE.
Exercising alone and taking your body, your lungs, your thoughts to a different level can be extremely cleansing and freeing...PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF UP A 20 MIN WORKOUT LIKE I DID AND POST IT TO THIS ARTICLE.
SHOP - 0 ME - 1
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Looking down between my feet, I sometimes wonder when will I ever see that number again?
Although I can't complain too much, I have kept myself from reaching double numbers when it comes to clothing sizes. I'm 4'11, that's a big deal for me. I do not want to see myself go backwards. Losing 95 pounds was a life changer for me. The journey was INCREDIBLE. I learned so many things about myself. I became a better person and stronger on the inside because of it. Even though once we lose the weight, our journey still continues due to "maintenance." We are on a new page. Plus, eating healthy feels so much better than eating terrible and feeling so bloated and yucky right?
As my goal continues to gain lean muscle and lose unwanted stored fat, time decided to speed up and viola, this week was my birthday! No no, please, no happy birthday song! 46! HOLY COW 46!!!
Aging and metabolism. These two need a summit or something. For those of you in your 40's and up that are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, I have a feeling you know what I'm talking about.
I mean look at us, we can't eat or drink like we did in our 20's and 30's. Our metabolism can become lazy and oh so slow, (yes that's what I like to call it) the older we get. If you haven't quite experienced this, trust me, there will be a time you will!
Although I can't complain too much, I have kept myself from reaching double numbers when it comes to clothing sizes. I'm 4'11, that's a big deal for me. I do not want to see myself go backwards. Losing 95 pounds was a life changer for me. The journey was INCREDIBLE. I learned so many things about myself. I became a better person and stronger on the inside because of it. Even though once we lose the weight, our journey still continues due to "maintenance." We are on a new page. Plus, eating healthy feels so much better than eating terrible and feeling so bloated and yucky right?
So as I'm in the maintenance mode, I created a new goal for myself. BEFORE I TURN 50 I want to get back to that number with the increase of lean muscle. I haven't quite decided if I want to take up Jessica's invitation and train to compete. Silly, I know but for me it will be some serious WORK because I don't have the 'skinny gene.' But 50 whoahhhhh, slow down CLOCK -- slow down!
We are all built differently. We all have places in our bodies where our fat cells just don't want to depart with their buddies. WELL I'M ABOUT TO BREAK UP THE PARTY! I wasn't born with the good gene that some have. Yea you people, the one's that don't exercise at all, eat what you want and you have a lean body. I have to fight for it every day. Do I get tired? NO! I create little fun competitions with myself to keep myself engaged in my own fitness.
Stay with me as I journal my weekly/bi weekly progress! Some that I may see as I lift beside you, this will probably be my gym face for a while
Some may say WHAT she only has 15 lbs to lose. Well guess what this 15lbs trying to reach 110 has been a struggle with my ridiculous metabolism that I'm about to have a 'COME TO JESUS MOMENT' with!
Some may say WHAT she only has 15 lbs to lose. Well guess what this 15lbs trying to reach 110 has been a struggle with my ridiculous metabolism that I'm about to have a 'COME TO JESUS MOMENT' with!
Although the lighting was not good here. Here is
DAY# 1. Weight 125 Percentage of fat 23%
That Gym Girl
#weightloss, #thinspiration #diet #exercise #fitness #health #loveyourself #exercise #fitspiration #athlete #femalefitnesscompetitors
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Green Veggies - BURN THAT FAT
March & April are my Cut/Shred months. Instead of loading up on more supplements, i.e., fat burners, I switch to complete utilizing for my fat burner & to accelerate my metabolism, LOTS OF RAW GREEN LEAFY VEGGIES (not juicing) . The benefit of green leafy veggies, is that they help raise your metabolism to work harder to digest those foods. Green leafy veggies are very low in calorie, so you can really load up on them, and the best part...THEY HELP YOU TO FEEL FULL. Today is raw spinach day for me. Usually I wouldn't eat a green leafy veggie for breakfast
Today along with my oats, 1 scoop of protein, 15 raw almonds, I added 1 cup of spinach and will have 1 cup at my mid-morning snack, some w/ my lunch and 1 cup at dinner. HAVE YOU BEGAN YOUR WEIGHT LOSS GOAL YET?
Spring is just around the corner...MAKE A PLAN TO SUCCEED!
#weightloss #juicegreen #greenjuice #gym #diet
Today along with my oats, 1 scoop of protein, 15 raw almonds, I added 1 cup of spinach and will have 1 cup at my mid-morning snack, some w/ my lunch and 1 cup at dinner. HAVE YOU BEGAN YOUR WEIGHT LOSS GOAL YET?
Spring is just around the corner...MAKE A PLAN TO SUCCEED!
#weightloss #juicegreen #greenjuice #gym #diet
Sunday, March 16, 2014
It's amazing the things that we tell ourselves. What's even MORE amazing is that WE BELIEVE IT!
There are so many people that struggle with their weight. Not only do some struggle with it, but it's now caused many health problems. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, knee problems, back problems, you name it, weight can cause it.
There is no secret to losing weight and eating right. You can download, tips, books, workouts within seconds on the internet. All the information you need on how to do it, is at your finger tips.
But you don't utilize it do you? See, the reason why many don't lose weight is because many, maybe even you, have been STUCK IN YOUR STORY. What you tell yourself, is your story. What you believe in what you have told yourself is YOUR story about YOU.
Have you ever said or thought, "I've tried every diet and everything and I can't lose weight. Nothing works."
Have you ever said that? Then you just sort've threw your hands up in the air and just succumbed to what you just told yourself. You believe it. So you gave up, and the weight is still there. Many people just accept the fact they are overweight and come to the belief they are meant to be 'fat.' NO NO NO NO NO! NO you are NOT! I don't even like the word 'fat.' My last client said that to me while she cried her eyes out. It broke my heart because I know it's not true, but convincing her was going to take some work. Once we could begin changing her story, her weight would begin to fall off.
Say these words to yourself, "I am not my story. I CAN lose weight."
I promise you, YOU CAN.
Thoughts thus create emotions. This is why it is important we pay attention as to what we tell ourselves and what we allow ourselves to believe. BUT, not noticing all the negative stuff we clog our brain with is like poisoning ourselves. I mean think about it, would you take a spoonful of poison and eat it? NO. You could die from it. GUESS WHAT IT'S THE SAME AS THE POISON WE FEED OUR MIND, that comes with emotion. WE MUST BE AWARE. But you see, it's that story, the one you tell yourself over and over - IT is why you can't lose weight. That story you so believe is the cause. Then you justify it by more stories, "I don't have time. " "I'm too tired." It's not that the diet didn't work or that you think you don't have time. It's because you have fooled yourself. Then the shame comes.
The key to being successful in losing weight, is to first STOP TELLING YOURSELF NEGATIVE STORIES and STOP LISTENING TO THEM - STOP BELIEVING THEM. Because really you haven't tried EVERYTHING. Your story keeps you stuck and WILL keep you stuck.
Anybody can lose weight. You've seen friends, family and maybe co-workers lose weight and keep it off. They are not doing anything that you can't do. It isn't that they are lucky or have some secret you don't know about. The difference between you and them is their story and your story.
The key? How? What do I do now? CHANGE YOUR STORY. It is crucial that you do this and you do this quickly. In fact, make your story have a happy ending, make it positive. Feed yourself a spoonful of positive when it comes to your body every day! I CAN LOSE WEIGHT and I CAN KEEP IT OFF. I AM GOING TO GET STARTED, and this time, I AM NOT GIVING UP. I AM WORTH IT! Your story should be a positive story and it should be YOUR TRUTH. Believing in yourself is SO IMPORTANT. You must believe that if Harry at work can lose 40 pounds so can you! Harry doesn't have some magic secret to how he did it. Harry's story changed. Many people wake up one day and they are over it. They are ready for a new story. Are you?
Have you REALLY tried everything? You can drive into town and there are gyms everywhere. You can go on to Youtube and there are a ton of FREE workouts on line. There are personal trainers just waiting to whip you into shape. Invest in you!!! TAKE ACTION.
Every client that I sit down with, I ask them to create a VISION for themselves. I tell them to close their eyes and see their body they way they would like it to look at the end of their weight loss journey. I tell them to take a good look at themselves (keeping eyes closed no peeking!), adore that person they see, believe they can be their vision. BELIEVE IN YOUR VISION. Once you have a vision (and that's just and example), MAKE A PLAN. YOU MUST MAKE A PLAN. How are you going to carry this out? Have you ever hired a personal trainer? Have you ever signed up for a workout challenge at the gym? Have you ever started an exercise program and never quit? Well it's a new day and you get a new start to NEVER STOP! Have you ever asked for help on losing the weight, taking that advise and inculcating it into your plan on to succeed at this. It's important to make a plan and how you plan on achieving this vision. THIS IS SOMETHING MANY, MANY PEOPLE DO NOT DO, let alone stop being the star of their negative story.
My wish for you is that you, LOVE YOURSELF and know YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT and that you ARE NOT YOUR STORY. Let your mind open and your heart open to the possibilities to a brand new you. So, go get some paper and a pen. Find a quiet place. At the top of your page...The title to your NEW STORY -- and begin to write out your plan.....YOU CAN DO THIS!
#weightloss #diet #exercise #fitness #loveyourself #workout
#weightloss #diet #exercise #fitness #loveyourself #workout
Sunday, January 5, 2014
You, Your Mind. Let's Begin The Workout
I had a great session with a new client this morning. Once the physical workout was over, I began the second half. This second half doesn't bring sweat, maybe some tears but THIS second part, IS the most important component. And it's THIS work, that sets me apart from other personal trainers as they attempt to help their clients to lose weight. If you have TRIED to lose weight over and over and it just hasn't worked, I can tell you right now why it hasn't worked. I wouldn't even have to meet you in person. I could tell you why. Just as important as it is to do consistent cardio and strength training, it is also important that you consistently exercise your mind! For it is one's mind and thoughts that control them.
Exercise your mind. Change your perception of yourself. Change your mind. This is absolutely VITAL for long-term weight loss, ESPECIALLY for someone that has struggled with their weight. Without this one important component of one's workout, the weight that they lost will more than likely will creep back. I mean think about it, there's a reason why you let all that weight settle onto your body and you have been okay with this! Gradually it's crept up. And, you have done nothing about it, but spent more money buying clothes of a larger size and more money on foods that will sooth you because of this. You have succumbed to it. How many times were you sick in 2013? Sick of ANY kind of illness, all the way down to a cold? It's not okay to be unhealthy. NOT OKAY. Some might say, "I thought I was suppose to love myself, even if I'm overweight?" You should love yourself enough to get the unhealthy weight off of your body! No person was meant to be overweight, and live a life with all the physical ailments, negative emotions, self-abuse and sicknesses that overweight(ness-that's not a word, I know) has caused. That is NOT loving yourself. Of course, let me throw out a disclaimer before I get started on this article, YES YOU SHOULD LOVE YOURSELF NO MATTER WHAT! BUT IF YOU LOVE YOURSELF TRULY - YOU WILL BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF YOU CAN BE FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! And, you WILL not allow poison in your mind and body, and you will NOT be overweight and sick.
When I train/coach a client, it's for their LIFE and for their SURVIVAL during their life's experience. If you are paying me money to help you, then I'm going to do the very best job I can to help get you there. From inside your brain, down to the bottom of your toes.
It's with the negative experiences of being overweight that I TRULY UNDERSTAND. Why? I've been there! Did you not see my before and after picture on the right side of your screen? Oh trust me, I've abused my body with food and I've spent the money buying larger clothes, and I've made the excuses to not go places due to my weight. I HAVE BEEN THERE.
I'm going to venture off a little bit here, so bare with me. I get rambley sometimes. It's only due to the passion I have for this subject.
I want to ask you to think about something. Say you want a specific job. A job that interests you and you want it badly, but, you have no experience, no education, no training. You want that job. How would you go about getting this job? 1 - Educate yourself? Would you spend money to learn how to get this job that you want so bad? 2. - Be around those that have the very job you want and ask questions? Sure, that's a great way to learn about it. 3. You want the job so bad you would do whatever it takes to get it because you know in the long run, it something you want long-term and it would make your life better. If it means investing in education like college you will do it. Once you are educated, knowledgeable, you would then do whatever it takes to get that job. You spend a lot of time trying to get it right? Does this sound about right? Have you ever been in that situation? I know I have. I think one time I almost became obsessive about getting this one job. The one job, I now have had for 16 years.
BE THAT PASSIONATE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH! Why can't you? Think about it. If you are overweight, why aren't you THIS PASSIONATE on educating yourself, investing in something, like a personal trainer/lifestyle coach, gym membership, nutritionist, etc. to help you learn how to live a healthy life - and KEEP A HAPPY LIFE. Why have YOU limited your quality of life? People that work at McDonald's don't want to work there forever, they someday want something better! Same goes for your health/fitness.
Most of us want long-term careers. But, it really doesn't cross many people's minds to yearn for a long-term HAPPY and HEALTHY life, like they do for a better job and more money. Most think MORE MONEY will make them happier. Many display that they do not want a long term, happy/healthy life. I see it everyday as I walk down the street and see morbidly obese people EVERYWHERE = with many illnesses. THAT'S NOT LIVING A HEALTHY / HAPPY LIFE.
Recently, I had took my children to the movies. As we sat waiting for the movie to start, people were coming in with their families. The first thing I noticed, was almost every single person that filled the movie theater were seriously overweight. In their arms, filled with popcorn, sodas, candy, hot dogs. I sat there in my mind wanting to get up an smack the junk out of their arms and shake them. Well, obviously, I can't do that. I would get kicked out of the theater and embarrass the heck out of my children. I always sit on the end of the isle. I hate climbing over people if I have to go to the bathroom! But, as people were coming up the stairs toward where we were seated, the adults and children were out of breath as they attempted to find seats. We were only SIX steps up and they were out of breath!!!!!! My heart just got really heavy in that moment. I realized how so many people are truly asleep when it comes to LIVING and the importance of their health. I bet you $100 dollars that if I asked at least 50 people in the movie theater if they ever tried to lose weight and did it work for them. I can guarantee their answers!
Ask yourself this question, like that of the McDonald's worker (and then sit, ponder on your answer, dig deep for the answer, and listen to it, think about it, be still with it for a minute, and then ask yourself WHY DID I ANSWER it that way?): DO I WANT TO LIVE IN THIS UNHEALTHY / SICK BODY, the way, I HAVE LET IT BECOME- FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE?
I have a lot of work to do. This is why I take time out of my day - and NO I do not get paid to write these blogs. People from across the world stop by this blog site, some by accident. It's my goal to just reach ONE PERSON to change their health, and their life FOR THE BETTER!
So, please stay tuned for the second half to the article....
Go to the right side of this page on your screen. Scroll down where it says, "FOLLOWERS." Click on that so you can get my blogs by email.
Exercise your mind. Change your perception of yourself. Change your mind. This is absolutely VITAL for long-term weight loss, ESPECIALLY for someone that has struggled with their weight. Without this one important component of one's workout, the weight that they lost will more than likely will creep back. I mean think about it, there's a reason why you let all that weight settle onto your body and you have been okay with this! Gradually it's crept up. And, you have done nothing about it, but spent more money buying clothes of a larger size and more money on foods that will sooth you because of this. You have succumbed to it. How many times were you sick in 2013? Sick of ANY kind of illness, all the way down to a cold? It's not okay to be unhealthy. NOT OKAY. Some might say, "I thought I was suppose to love myself, even if I'm overweight?" You should love yourself enough to get the unhealthy weight off of your body! No person was meant to be overweight, and live a life with all the physical ailments, negative emotions, self-abuse and sicknesses that overweight(ness-that's not a word, I know) has caused. That is NOT loving yourself. Of course, let me throw out a disclaimer before I get started on this article, YES YOU SHOULD LOVE YOURSELF NO MATTER WHAT! BUT IF YOU LOVE YOURSELF TRULY - YOU WILL BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF YOU CAN BE FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! And, you WILL not allow poison in your mind and body, and you will NOT be overweight and sick.
When I train/coach a client, it's for their LIFE and for their SURVIVAL during their life's experience. If you are paying me money to help you, then I'm going to do the very best job I can to help get you there. From inside your brain, down to the bottom of your toes.
It's with the negative experiences of being overweight that I TRULY UNDERSTAND. Why? I've been there! Did you not see my before and after picture on the right side of your screen? Oh trust me, I've abused my body with food and I've spent the money buying larger clothes, and I've made the excuses to not go places due to my weight. I HAVE BEEN THERE.
I'm going to venture off a little bit here, so bare with me. I get rambley sometimes. It's only due to the passion I have for this subject.
I want to ask you to think about something. Say you want a specific job. A job that interests you and you want it badly, but, you have no experience, no education, no training. You want that job. How would you go about getting this job? 1 - Educate yourself? Would you spend money to learn how to get this job that you want so bad? 2. - Be around those that have the very job you want and ask questions? Sure, that's a great way to learn about it. 3. You want the job so bad you would do whatever it takes to get it because you know in the long run, it something you want long-term and it would make your life better. If it means investing in education like college you will do it. Once you are educated, knowledgeable, you would then do whatever it takes to get that job. You spend a lot of time trying to get it right? Does this sound about right? Have you ever been in that situation? I know I have. I think one time I almost became obsessive about getting this one job. The one job, I now have had for 16 years.
BE THAT PASSIONATE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH! Why can't you? Think about it. If you are overweight, why aren't you THIS PASSIONATE on educating yourself, investing in something, like a personal trainer/lifestyle coach, gym membership, nutritionist, etc. to help you learn how to live a healthy life - and KEEP A HAPPY LIFE. Why have YOU limited your quality of life? People that work at McDonald's don't want to work there forever, they someday want something better! Same goes for your health/fitness.
Most of us want long-term careers. But, it really doesn't cross many people's minds to yearn for a long-term HAPPY and HEALTHY life, like they do for a better job and more money. Most think MORE MONEY will make them happier. Many display that they do not want a long term, happy/healthy life. I see it everyday as I walk down the street and see morbidly obese people EVERYWHERE = with many illnesses. THAT'S NOT LIVING A HEALTHY / HAPPY LIFE.
Recently, I had took my children to the movies. As we sat waiting for the movie to start, people were coming in with their families. The first thing I noticed, was almost every single person that filled the movie theater were seriously overweight. In their arms, filled with popcorn, sodas, candy, hot dogs. I sat there in my mind wanting to get up an smack the junk out of their arms and shake them. Well, obviously, I can't do that. I would get kicked out of the theater and embarrass the heck out of my children. I always sit on the end of the isle. I hate climbing over people if I have to go to the bathroom! But, as people were coming up the stairs toward where we were seated, the adults and children were out of breath as they attempted to find seats. We were only SIX steps up and they were out of breath!!!!!! My heart just got really heavy in that moment. I realized how so many people are truly asleep when it comes to LIVING and the importance of their health. I bet you $100 dollars that if I asked at least 50 people in the movie theater if they ever tried to lose weight and did it work for them. I can guarantee their answers!
Ask yourself this question, like that of the McDonald's worker (and then sit, ponder on your answer, dig deep for the answer, and listen to it, think about it, be still with it for a minute, and then ask yourself WHY DID I ANSWER it that way?): DO I WANT TO LIVE IN THIS UNHEALTHY / SICK BODY, the way, I HAVE LET IT BECOME- FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE?
I have a lot of work to do. This is why I take time out of my day - and NO I do not get paid to write these blogs. People from across the world stop by this blog site, some by accident. It's my goal to just reach ONE PERSON to change their health, and their life FOR THE BETTER!
So, please stay tuned for the second half to the article....
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Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Music Motivates Me!
When it comes to weight loss, people always ask how they can get and stay motivated.
When I run, I have to listen to Classic Rock. It keeps me moving and keeps me motivated. What a great warm up run for 3 miles before teaching Group Strength.
Select music that will motivate you to go longer in your workout This of course, will help you keep burning those calories and lose that weight. Weight loss and music go together!
What is on your playlist?
When I run, I have to listen to Classic Rock. It keeps me moving and keeps me motivated. What a great warm up run for 3 miles before teaching Group Strength.
Select music that will motivate you to go longer in your workout This of course, will help you keep burning those calories and lose that weight. Weight loss and music go together!
What is on your playlist?
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