Sunday, November 1, 2015

How Often Do You Snort Social Media

Sometimes it can be incredibly frustrating to sit back and watch people lie to themselves.  They also lie to us when they PUT IT OUT THERE--OUT LOUD, to the UNIVERSE.   Wishy-washy isn't 100% dedication. Leaving one component out of health and wellness isn't 100% dedication.  It's in fact, 50%.  That can lead to zero if it keeps going.

I watch people more concerned about social media than actually taking care of themselves. Their DAILY dose is SOCIAL MEDIA. Their first spoonful usually takes place right when they open their eyes in the morning.  Could you imagine if you used at least 50% of the time that you inject your life with social media posting selfies and the distractions you place in front of you (a.k.a fun at every single opportunity for social media opportunities) to dedicate to your FITNESS? This isn't to suggest fun is out of the question. But have you ever tried just having phone and not taking ANY pictures, or not posting the pictures that you did take? Some just can't even hold back.  Sadly, many don't seem to realize the accountability they put out loud, out to the Universe just isn't their truth.  It's a wish. It's talk. It's not action.  It's a lie.

As if there are not enough excuses made to not to work out, now social media is yet another non-verbalized excuse/distraction. Studies show, that a high percentage of adults will fall off the band wagon during their health and wellness journey.  Maybe you have before.  This can be the very cause to send you down back down "let down" street.  The street you yourself could be creating and do not even realize it yet.  Many are on that street already and don't know how to get off if it.  But, on the flip side, I myself and many people do use social media to document and hold ourselves accountable. We create a 70/30 rule.  70% of the time OFF social media. You can do the math and know what the 30% is.  We can take pictures while working out, sure.  There is a balance to it (it's called wait until you get home to post, use the post to hold yourself accountable.).  I personally, do not take a lot of pictures while working out, BECAUSE I'M WORKING OUT and I utilize that time to focus.  The world does NOT need to know what I am doing constantly at every bicep curl and push up, every stop in my car and every time I walk through those gym doors, or need to know what I'm doing every moment of the day.   That time to myself is so precious.  Shutting out the world to do me!  Some of you know exactly what I'm talking about.  

I actually had 2 brand new clients document the time they spent on social media vs. how much time they spent working on their health and wellness goals.  One was so completely addicted to social media, he couldn't get through a workout, he had to keep checking to see how many, "LIKES" he got on a picture he posted.  At times, he would disappear to the bathroom to try and get ONE GOOD SELFIE. (Now you and I both know, sometimes you have to take A LOT OF PICTURES to get a good one.  Ha ha ha.  I can be time consuming. )  I have to shake my head at this.   I find that to be a problem.  Social media can become and addiction.  For some, it is, and they have no clue that they are now an addict.  I've heard some say they are getting off of social media for a while, only to find, that never even happened, they couldn't follow through with their words they put out there.  Ugh.  They are addicts. If you are a food addict/emotional eater, you have a VERY, VERY high percentage of rate of transferring one addiction to the next.    The ego changes, the attitude changes and instead of building their future life of health and wellness they are too worried about how many followers they have and how many likes they get.  It's KIM KARDASHIAN in the making (well you know what I mean ha ha ha).  There's only one KIM!  The addict NEEDS, no I'm sorry, MUST  be seen, when really they can be seen in REAL LIFE doing what they tell the world they are going to do. Some have gone as far as BUYING followers and likes.  It's obvious when this happens, because many of those purchases of those FOLLOWERS are fake accounts utilized only for that purpose.  WOW!!  But all of this is for what? It's to boost your popularity.   It boggles my mind. 

I put the clients to the test for 21 days.  It takes 21 days to create a habit.  I asked them, to stay off of social media for 21 days, PERIOD. I became their accountability partner. They post -- I KNOW.   Instead, I had them journal their progress, their feelings (yes while on a health and wellness journey there are new things you discover about yourself through the process. Some good and some not so good. If you are too busy with your face in the phone you will miss some INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT OPPORTUNITIES to learn about your past self and present self.) as they were on a new journey in their lives.  I told them to go and find those friends that have a good balance.  Those that have some of the same goals, and build back up those relationships, as they themselves damaged relationships by their addiction. Take classes and find different ways of working out.  This also gave them more of an opportunity to cook, food prep and try new dishes.  This gave them more time to spend with their families, QUALITY TIME instead of face in phone and statusing every damn move they made.

The result was INCREDIBLE.  Each, one not only lost a great percentage in their body fat, and lost weight, but they felt so much better in the sense, they came back down to the REAL TIME WORLD --- reality.  They made true commitments to some of the relationships they hadn't realized they damaged, they discovered foods they liked by cooking more.  They found new workouts they had no clue existed, or they challenged themselves to do and stay consistent with it.  One of my students got back on track with their spirituality. One of them decided to have a cooking night with her friends that were gymrats, this way while socializing with them, they could all try new things.  This being done without their phones, leaving the environment completely authentic and being truly PRESENT.  They were happier and lighter.  THIS SERIOUSLY MADE ME SO INCREDIBLY PROUD OF THEM BOTH.  I know it wasn't easy.  But THEY DID IT!!!!

Yes it's frustrating to sit back and watch.   But you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make the horse drink it.  Some will stay in denial while they must be seen.  Some will keep talking the talk. As a trainer there's nothing I can do about it, but move on to the one's that truly want help and change and put in the actual time, REAL TIME.  Actions speak volumes.   It's clear who the addicts are. You probably know one or two.  But like any addict, they themselves have to recognize it, admit it, get real and follow through with ACTION (not talk) to correct it.  IT CAN BE CORRECTED.  I promise you that. I've seen it, I've coached folks to learn balance.  

Ask yourself, how many times a week do you drive home without hitting the gym (and I'm not talking about driving to the gym to hit a cardio machine, unless you have a cardio day that's worked into a balanced week's workout)?  How many times have you actually gone to the gym and left your phone in the car?  (It's a good habit to get into, as long as it's hidden of course.)  Test yourself, be honest and document how many hours per day you have spent uploading pictures onto social media, updating status', scrolling down to see what everybody is doing in there life, etc.  Some would be very surprised at the score, VERY SURPRISED.  You know how fast an hour can go by when you are scrolling or working on selfies? There should be a balance if you have goals to better yourself. 

THE CELL PHONE HAS BECOME A NEMESIS FOR SO MANY PEOPLE IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE.   It's unbelievable to me.    I don't buy excuses anymore.  I've been in this industry way too long to even hear a new one and actually buy it.  

My latest motto is STARVE YOUR DISTRACTIONS and FEED YOUR FOCUS.  You are the only one that can do this.  Don't let a damn phone and social media stand in the way of the body you want.  I can say I can look at a few people and in my mind I think, my god, had they stopped being so focused on social media, they could have a rockin' tight, fit and firm body.  Their fitness progress doesn't even have to be the way that it is at this present time, if they would just STOP putting distractions in the way of their goals.  I as a professional person in the fitness industry cannot just TALK.  I set an example.  I live, eat and breathe my goals.  I adjust my play time accordingly.  My wellness comes first.   For some, fitness is their therapy.  For me, it is as well.  It's incredible to push your body to the limits you THINK you have.

I ENCOURAGE YOU TO A 21 DAY CHALLENGE -- PUT THE PHONE DOWN.  STAY OFF OF SOCIAL MEDIA  (even dating sites)-- ALL OF IT. Come back to reality, re-group with your ego, rebuild your relationships you may unknowingly damaged, spend quality time with your family/friends, turn up the stereo in your home and experiment in the kitchen. TURN UP THE VOLUME IN YOUR LIFE WITHOUT HAVING TO POST IT (journal throughout this time.  Every time you feel the need to log on, grab your journal and write....YOU CAN DO THIS AND I'M RIGHT HERE TO BE YOUR ACCOUNTABILITY COACH.  

Always In Fitness,
THAT Gym Girl

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