Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Boy oh boy, I taught a spin class this morning and it wasn't bad enough that my legs were like jello once the ride was over, but when I got off the bike and completed my 146 walking lunges (yes I'm doing the challenge I posted in yesterday's article) I almost needed to pay someone to carry me to my car! HA HA HA
I hope you have started the challenge and you are enthusiastic about it. Many of us get VERY comfortable doing a particular type of exercise and the goal here is to mix it up and get you to challenge your body.
We are entering into a new season = FALL. I always say when you enter into a new season, YOU CHANGE with that season. Meaning, do something different this season. For instance, if you are always using "walking" as your form of cardio exercise then perhaps change it to running. But CHANGE. Your body gets very use to what you do and shocking your body and doing something different will give you some great results on the scale - that thing I told you to stay off of ha ha ha ha.
One of the things I wanted to talk about - and before I forget, I will be putting up VERY SOON PART II to the article I wrote last weekend about REBOOTING! But anyway, I wanted to talk to those folks that are women at the ages between 35 and 50. I want to talk about how your body at 35 or so and up is preparing for menopause. And the thing is, is that pre-menopause can be SO FRUSTRATING because one of the symptoms is WEIGHT GAIN and it's inevitable. And so because it's inevitable, you really need to CHANGE UP your workouts. The body is going to fight you and you have got to FIGHT BACK and with DETERMINATION!
Now the downside of this is that, if you are just now at these ages starting your weight loss journey then this is THAT BUMP IN THE ROAD that can either make or break you. Of course those symptoms go away in time, but WHO WANTS TO GAIN WEIGHT OR NOT BE ABLE TO LOSE WEIGHT? I don't know about you, but I bust my booty in the gym and I'm fighting this right now at the age of 44. So you may find yourself gaining unnecessary weight and the kind of workouts you have done don't seem to be working any longer. It's already bad enough that with these symptoms we get to have mood changes too OH JOY! And if you are an emotional eater, than this can really sabotage your weight gain - IF YOU LET IT. DON'T LET IT!
Now I can get all scientific and break down why at the pre-menopausal state we gain weight. But I'm more focused on those two words WEIGHT GAIN! YIKES! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET STRONG AND BUCKLE UP AND GET A GOOD SOLID GAME PLAN WHILE YOUR BODY GOES THROUGH THIS.
It will be VERY important as mentioned above to CHANGE UP YOUR WORKOUTS adding INTENSITY! You have to trick that body of yours! Your metabolism isn't going to be your friend. So importantly buckle up mentally and emotionally as well.
Doctors are realizing that even taken hormonal replacement therapy is not preventing the weight gain, so do you hear what I'm saying? While going through this state, your goal will be to MAINTAIN YOUR WEIGHT don't focus on losing. If you lose FABULOUSSSS! But just focus on maintaining. Now if you have a lot of weight to lose you are probably thinking OMG I don't want to stay at this weight. Well then get MOVING BABY CAKES! This will mean dropping your caloric intake and BURNING MORE through exercise. As I've mentioned in other articles it takes 3,500 calories to burn off ONE pound of fat. So a plan of action is really needed here because you may not even notice the slow increase in your weight, or maybe you have and maybe you have even noticed you can't lose. I don't want this state to deter you from a healthy lifestyle. It's a SEASON in your body that will pass.
Here is an interesting study that I read about, take a read:
I hope you have started the challenge and you are enthusiastic about it. Many of us get VERY comfortable doing a particular type of exercise and the goal here is to mix it up and get you to challenge your body.
We are entering into a new season = FALL. I always say when you enter into a new season, YOU CHANGE with that season. Meaning, do something different this season. For instance, if you are always using "walking" as your form of cardio exercise then perhaps change it to running. But CHANGE. Your body gets very use to what you do and shocking your body and doing something different will give you some great results on the scale - that thing I told you to stay off of ha ha ha ha.
One of the things I wanted to talk about - and before I forget, I will be putting up VERY SOON PART II to the article I wrote last weekend about REBOOTING! But anyway, I wanted to talk to those folks that are women at the ages between 35 and 50. I want to talk about how your body at 35 or so and up is preparing for menopause. And the thing is, is that pre-menopause can be SO FRUSTRATING because one of the symptoms is WEIGHT GAIN and it's inevitable. And so because it's inevitable, you really need to CHANGE UP your workouts. The body is going to fight you and you have got to FIGHT BACK and with DETERMINATION!
Now the downside of this is that, if you are just now at these ages starting your weight loss journey then this is THAT BUMP IN THE ROAD that can either make or break you. Of course those symptoms go away in time, but WHO WANTS TO GAIN WEIGHT OR NOT BE ABLE TO LOSE WEIGHT? I don't know about you, but I bust my booty in the gym and I'm fighting this right now at the age of 44. So you may find yourself gaining unnecessary weight and the kind of workouts you have done don't seem to be working any longer. It's already bad enough that with these symptoms we get to have mood changes too OH JOY! And if you are an emotional eater, than this can really sabotage your weight gain - IF YOU LET IT. DON'T LET IT!
Now I can get all scientific and break down why at the pre-menopausal state we gain weight. But I'm more focused on those two words WEIGHT GAIN! YIKES! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET STRONG AND BUCKLE UP AND GET A GOOD SOLID GAME PLAN WHILE YOUR BODY GOES THROUGH THIS.
It will be VERY important as mentioned above to CHANGE UP YOUR WORKOUTS adding INTENSITY! You have to trick that body of yours! Your metabolism isn't going to be your friend. So importantly buckle up mentally and emotionally as well.
Doctors are realizing that even taken hormonal replacement therapy is not preventing the weight gain, so do you hear what I'm saying? While going through this state, your goal will be to MAINTAIN YOUR WEIGHT don't focus on losing. If you lose FABULOUSSSS! But just focus on maintaining. Now if you have a lot of weight to lose you are probably thinking OMG I don't want to stay at this weight. Well then get MOVING BABY CAKES! This will mean dropping your caloric intake and BURNING MORE through exercise. As I've mentioned in other articles it takes 3,500 calories to burn off ONE pound of fat. So a plan of action is really needed here because you may not even notice the slow increase in your weight, or maybe you have and maybe you have even noticed you can't lose. I don't want this state to deter you from a healthy lifestyle. It's a SEASON in your body that will pass.
Here is an interesting study that I read about, take a read:
"One study found that women who do work at diet and exercise can stave off weight gain as they enter menopause — and stay healthier
, too. The Women's Healthy Lifestyle Project involved more than 500 pre-menopausal women, half of whom were instructed to follow a reduced-fat, 1,300-calorie-a-day diet and increase their physical activity (to burn 1,000 to 1,500 calories a week through exercise), while the other half did not follow any special intervention.
Results published in the journal Circulation showed that during nearly 4.5 years of follow-up, the women who worked hard at diet and exercise did not gain weight but actually lost an average of .2 pounds. Meanwhile, those in the other group gained an average of 5.2 pounds — roughly a pound a year. The women in the intervention group also were healthier with regard to their blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood levels of glucose and insulin."
WOW! So you see, it's important now to gear up and make eating healthy and regular exercise a lifestyle change. So back to you walkers and lite bicycle riders through your neighborhood read the following to this study:
"While health
experts often recommend 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity to boost health, many endorse much more — 60 to 90 minutes a day — for weight loss.
Reader No. 1, you say you're doing the treadmill 30 to 50 minutes three times a week, so you may want to try increasing your aerobic activity. Keep in mind that an exercise program that worked for you in your 20s, 30s or even 40s may not be enough now, says Los Angeles personal trainer Kathy Kaehler, author of "Fit and Sexy for Life."
"You must work harder," says Kaehler.
Reader No. 2, your walking program may not be enough to burn off the fat, especially if you're strolling along.
Both of you should experiment to find what's working for you, and aim to mix things up, Kaehler says. When you do the same activities over and over, such as the treadmill or walking outdoors, your body isn't challenged as much as when you regularly do different activities. So consider biking, tennis, swimming, step class or whatever else you enjoy.
Keep in mind that incorporating different types of activity, including weight-training, into your fitness routine can give you more all-around benefits."
So we have some work to do ladies...KICK UP YOUR ACTIVITY NOW because you in for a ride and I'm there now and those that know me know I workout hard and often. Losing 2 pounds a week is NOT easy and so even for myself I am taking my workout tablet out, and writing out a great game plan for my workouts to increase the levels of my intensity and the length of time. Personally, I'm going from a 1 hour workout to 1 hour and a half. I've talked to many women in the gym after my classes and they have confirmed that they too saw that the numbers were going the other direction on the scale - instead down were going up. They couldn't understand this as they work out and eat healthy. One woman told me she was ready to give up and give in! I suggested to her to change up her eating plan. GET THIS, believe it or not, IT WORKED! I'm SO happy she listened. She went on the paleo eating plan and lost 30 pounds in 4 months. Her body was in complete shock! She took out the toxins that are in the foods she was eating (which we want to do in the pre-menopause and menopause state) and her body went to town! If you want to know more about the Paleo eating plan you can check out some information here:
Now the weight gain that occurs is mainly in the belly...NO WAY JOSE I'm saying...But it's true. I've got to do way way more ab work then I ever had to. Or course, mixing up the way you work your core is SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT ladies.
Now the weight gain that occurs is mainly in the belly...NO WAY JOSE I'm saying...But it's true. I've got to do way way more ab work then I ever had to. Or course, mixing up the way you work your core is SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT ladies.
There are natural herbs that you can take with menopause:
- Soy foods. The isoflavones in soy foods help balance hormone levels and have some estrogenic activity. There is ongoing research about the safety and efficacy of isolated soy isoflavone supplements. While the initial results look promising, we currently recommend using natural soy foods rather than supplements. Choose from tofu, soy milk, roasted soy nuts or tempeh.
- Flaxseed. Substances called lignins in flaxseed are important modulators of hormone metabolism. Grind flaxseed daily in a coffee grinder at home and use 1 to 2 tablespoons a day.
- Dong quai. Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is known both in China and the West for its ability to support and maintain the natural balance of female hormones. It does not have estrogenic activity. This is one of the herbs for menopause that should not be taken if a woman is experiencing heavy bleeding.
- Black cohosh (Cumicifuga racemosa). One of the best-studied traditional herbs for menopause, black cohosh is used to help alleviate some symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes. Black cohosh seems to work by supporting and maintaining hormonal levels, which may lessen the severity of hot flashes. Many women report that the herb works well but it isn't effective for everyone. While any therapy that influences hormonal actions should be a concern, black cohosh does not appear to have estrogenic activity and thus may be safe for women with a personal or family history of breast cancer.
- Vitamin E. A daily dose of 400 IUs of natural vitamin E (as mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols) can help alleviate symptoms of hot flashes in some menopausal women.
- B vitamins. This group of water-soluble vitamins may help women deal with the stress of menopausal symptoms.
- Evening primrose oil or black currant oil. These are sources of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid that can help influence prostaglandin synthesis and help moderate menopausal symptoms.
But seriously don't feel doomed. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS! But inevitably with age the metabolism slows down so remember and always keep in the back of your mind that you have to get MORE INTENSE in your workouts to fight this THING! GRRRR! My suggestion is STAY OFF OF THE SCALE!! Hide it, have a friend come and take it out of your reach STAT! Or you can take a hammer to it - ha ha ha!
Your mental attitude is going to play a HUGE role, well actually the STARRING role in this!
That Gym Girl
Friday, September 28, 2012
OK here it is, I know you have been waiting! So here is YOUR workout challenge. Please follow the rules - read them carefully (NO SLACKING! NO CHEATING) :
You are going to do 2,044 of the following exercises:
1. Push ups
2 Crunches
3. Alternating Leg Walking lunges (with or without hand weights)
4. Challenge starts TODAY and the last day is October 12th.
You do not have to do these all in one day. You can break these up. Here's and example all three exercises a day doing 146 of each one. 146 x 14 = 2,044. OR you can do 73 of each in the morning and 73 of each at night
5. You have to have someone take a picture of you doing each exercise and TURN ALL THREE PHOTOS IN ON THE LAST DAY OCTOBER 12TH - do NOT turn photos in before that.
6. You will send all 3 photos to this email address:
NOW HONESTY IS THE POLICY HERE. IF YOU CHEAT, WELL THEN YOU LIVE WITH CHEATING. BUT THIS IS FOR FUN! TO GET YOU STRONG! Let's inspire the world since the WORLD is reading and viewing this blog! (Again there is no prize just for THIS challenge. As I have explained, this is a warm up challenge. If I can get you guys to do this challenge, follow through with the rules and enough people do it. I then know I can do a challenge with confidence people will participate and I can give away prizes in future challenges).
ARE YOU READY? I put these challenges out there because I INSPIRE THE WORLD TO FITNESS!
You are going to do 2,044 of the following exercises:
1. Push ups
They already got a head start on you !
3. Alternating Leg Walking lunges (with or without hand weights)
4. Challenge starts TODAY and the last day is October 12th.
You do not have to do these all in one day. You can break these up. Here's and example all three exercises a day doing 146 of each one. 146 x 14 = 2,044. OR you can do 73 of each in the morning and 73 of each at night
5. You have to have someone take a picture of you doing each exercise and TURN ALL THREE PHOTOS IN ON THE LAST DAY OCTOBER 12TH - do NOT turn photos in before that.
6. You will send all 3 photos to this email address:
NOW HONESTY IS THE POLICY HERE. IF YOU CHEAT, WELL THEN YOU LIVE WITH CHEATING. BUT THIS IS FOR FUN! TO GET YOU STRONG! Let's inspire the world since the WORLD is reading and viewing this blog! (Again there is no prize just for THIS challenge. As I have explained, this is a warm up challenge. If I can get you guys to do this challenge, follow through with the rules and enough people do it. I then know I can do a challenge with confidence people will participate and I can give away prizes in future challenges).
ARE YOU READY? I put these challenges out there because I INSPIRE THE WORLD TO FITNESS!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
WHO WANTS TO GET STRONG? So many of you love challenges, well I have a new one for you! Join the fun, IT'S GOING TO BE FUN! I would SO LOVE people that read this blog get involved along with the others that have signed up! Don't be shy, show me what you're made of!!!!
Okay readers from:
....where you at? Let's do it!
Okay readers from:
....where you at? Let's do it!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Reboot Your Attitude, Goals And Your Focus- Part I
How did you feel in your heart and mind the first time you decided, ENOUGH is ENOUGH and you were going to do this, THIS TIME? Do you remember? Do you remember how you suddenly felt so driven and you told yourself and your friends/family that , THIS time you were going to lose the weight and get healthy? This time you were serious? Did you feel alive? Did you feel super happy and excited? Did you go out and grocery shop for healthy foods? Did you feel like nothing was going to get in your way this time?
You probably either felt that way about one of the things listed above, if not all, right? Did you make this resolution and then go out and have one last go of eating whatever you wanted?
Let's fast forward to today, right now, this very moment. How do you feel now? Are you still that fired up? You know what I'm talking about. It's almost like when you are in a brand new relationship, you are happy, focused, you feel your best and on top of the world!!!!!!...Still there? For most, your answer might be no. For some it will be a resounding HELL YEA I'M STILL THERE! Maybe for some, you may have even resolved that you just can't do it. Something always gets in the way and you fell off the fit wagon right?
Perhaps you have even been in this very same spot a few times. You start out strong with weight loss goals and hopes and two/three weeks in you fall off the fit wagon-AGAIN. You might even be completely frustrated because you know that by now you should be further along in your weight loss goals.
Sound familiar? Any of it? Have you ever thought that maybe YOUR way isn't working -The way you have resolved to lose weight and get healthy? Have you REALLY put the time in it takes? Have you? Have you been open to new ideas and ways throughout your weight loss journey in the change up factor? Maybe your approach isn't working, your thought process or the belief in yourself or lack thereof? There are many factors that play into falling off the fit wagon and I know the frustration -- it's even happen to me, hence my picture above far right at 210 pounds.
If you have said yes to one of not a few or all of the above (except for those HELL YEA folks) then keep reading, please. Please keep reading.
What TRULY is your goal here? Is it really to lose weight? Is it? If you said yes, then let me ask, WHERE IS YOUR AMBITION and MOTIVATION? Where did it go? I know that this all can be frustrating. Some people are born with genetics and they don't have to try as hard. They don't have to lift weights and they are toned like they've live in the gym. Those people irritate me! HA HA HA - well they irritate me a little. But, I am NOT one of those people, so I get it. So what I would like to attempt to do with you is, do a REBOOT with you. Let's rset your goals and try a different approach, a different way of looking at things and evaluating your progess and hopefully PUMP -- YOU -- UP ( Arnold voice inserted here). I'm going to try and help, but YOU have to want it in order for this to work. You have to commit to what you have started. Okay?
Now the transition to a stealth type mindset is going to take DAILY practice to keep you in the zone. And I say daily because falling off the fit wagon can happen to you several times, which really just causes you more frustration and yo yo weight gain. We want to get past that. So whenever setting goals, you have to have a game plan right? Did you write one out when you started with an execution plan? A football team that wants to win a championship doesn't just practice one time and hope for the best. No they practice constantly, they motivate one another and pump each other up before the BIG GAME. So this is me trying to PUMP you up so you can step out and GET THIS, this time. This transition is a mindset and it is going to command a sharp focus a change in your attitude, preparation and execution. The only thing existing between you and the best version of you is yourself and the time it takes to get there. In order to close the gap, you must become a JEDI. A new game plan is in order cuz' the old one isn't working....Are you GAME? Are you IN? Are you ready?
COME BACK, stay tuned to PART II of this article. I will talk about new ways of reaching your goals. But in the meantime, love yourself, don't be so hard on yourself. Losing weight can be a struggle - it's ALL in the mind. So let's get you THERE.
I'll be back with the rest of the SECOND part of this article next week..SO COME BACK!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Here is a great workout that you can follow.
Now, this workout was designed to get a client out of a plateau. So, due to the repetiteness, which I don't normally recommend, you can follow this workout like this, example:
Week 1: Monday, Wednesday, Friday rest Saturday
Week 2: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday rest Friday
Week 3: Saturday, Monday, Wednesday rest Thursday
Week 4: Friday, Sunday, Tuesday rest Wednesday
You get the idea? Give it a try.
Remember: You want different results - you gotta DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! :)
Now, this workout was designed to get a client out of a plateau. So, due to the repetiteness, which I don't normally recommend, you can follow this workout like this, example:
Week 1: Monday, Wednesday, Friday rest Saturday
Week 2: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday rest Friday
Week 3: Saturday, Monday, Wednesday rest Thursday
Week 4: Friday, Sunday, Tuesday rest Wednesday
You get the idea? Give it a try.
Remember: You want different results - you gotta DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! :)
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Have you ever said, "I just can't lose these last ten pounds?" Or, "these last few pounds just won't come off?" Then you get all flustered huh!?!
I wanted to share something that may help you change your perspective and maybe just save you a little frustration.
Sometimes, if we can just change we look at something and think differently about it, it can change our entire attitude. And also, I'll say this, if you can follow below, this is going to take a lot of pressure off of you. It really will, I promise.
I've written these three words in many of my articles. "LIFE STYLE CHANGE." Why? When you lose those last ten pounds or even all the pounds, you just can't stop and go back to the way you were eating, drinking and perhaps NOT working out. If you do, which many have, you will gain the weight back - if not more. So unnecessarily put themselves through the losing weight roller coaster or "yo yo," and many get so frustrated and resolve they aren't meant to be fit and give up. NOT TRUE.
If you can stop focusing on those "last pounds," and make this a LIFE STYLE CHANGE there are no LAST pounds to lose. EVERYBODY who loses weight, including myself, WILL gain some back. Now that can range. For instance I'll make me as an example. My weight can go up 5 to 8 pounds. Everybody will fluctuate. So that means you REALLY want to just keep your life active and eating healthy because those few pounds that you fluctuate with WILL come back off. But staying active and eating healthy for life keeps that fluctuating number low, rather than you lose 50 lbs and gain 25 back, you lose 20 of it gain 45 of it back. Those numbers won't happen like that if you make a serious change for your entire life. And it's best to get started because the older we get the metabolism gets slower. BUT, no matter what age you are, it's NEVER too late to start.
EVERY SINGLE PERSON hits a plateau. I have written about this very subject before. This is where your body will STOP losing weight no matter what you do. This is just for a period of time, sometimes short, somtimes long, it truly depends on YOU. And I know what you are thinking, "WHAT!" Oh yes, trust me it can be frustrating. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, you CAN get out if it. There are ways to get out of it quickly. There are ways to trick your body to get out of that plateau quickly (shocking your body as we trainers call it) . I've written about that too. (See archives on right side of this page, each month is a list of articles previously written).
So the point of all of this IS this, your journey IS your life, your- whole life. I don't know one single person, that after working their butts off and learning how to eat healthy would want to gain all of it back or even some of it. Don't focus on NUMBERS on the scale. Focus on becoming a better VERSION OF YOU and just staying healthy and fit. Change your life, make THIS a LIFE STYLE change and there won't be a focus on the scale. Just stay on your path. And what's super important is this, if you keep losing and gaining, losing and gaining, soon you will develop loose skin that you CANNOT get rid of in the gym or by eating healthy. It will only come off by surgery. And by losing/gaining constantly can totally mess up your metabolism and make losing those added pounds much harder to lose. (Also see my blog in August about focusing on the journey and how you get there WOW an eye opener for your life!)
So many have thrown their hands in the air and it doesn't have to be this way! Make this simple for you. Resolve to make your life a new one. A life that is healthy and fit. Trust me because when you are in your 60's and on up, your body and your brain will thank you for this.
Do this for your future YOU! And here's another thought, do this not only for you, but for your children. By you setting an example for your children (if you have them) you will inspire them! As you learn and start eating healthy you need to include them. They need to learn what eating healthy is. THEY NEED TO KNOW HOW so when they are adults they can follow in your HEALTHY FOOTSTEPS. You might be one that didn't learn how to eat healthy from your parents. So this carried into your lifestyle as you became an adult and now you are scratching your head in your 20s, 30s, 40s. because you really don't know how to eat healthy and when to eat, how much to eat, etc. Eating truly is 75% of weight loss. But see, that carries onto your kids. See what I'm saying here? It is up to us to INSPIRE our children. Let that be a motivating factor in your life.
I can help you and want to help you. Any questions comment below. But know one last thing, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, YOU HAVE SUPPORT RIGHT HERE and you can join my facebook page where all support each other at -!/pages/That-GYM-GIRL/276374109138803
I wanted to share something that may help you change your perspective and maybe just save you a little frustration.
Sometimes, if we can just change we look at something and think differently about it, it can change our entire attitude. And also, I'll say this, if you can follow below, this is going to take a lot of pressure off of you. It really will, I promise.
I've written these three words in many of my articles. "LIFE STYLE CHANGE." Why? When you lose those last ten pounds or even all the pounds, you just can't stop and go back to the way you were eating, drinking and perhaps NOT working out. If you do, which many have, you will gain the weight back - if not more. So unnecessarily put themselves through the losing weight roller coaster or "yo yo," and many get so frustrated and resolve they aren't meant to be fit and give up. NOT TRUE.
If you can stop focusing on those "last pounds," and make this a LIFE STYLE CHANGE there are no LAST pounds to lose. EVERYBODY who loses weight, including myself, WILL gain some back. Now that can range. For instance I'll make me as an example. My weight can go up 5 to 8 pounds. Everybody will fluctuate. So that means you REALLY want to just keep your life active and eating healthy because those few pounds that you fluctuate with WILL come back off. But staying active and eating healthy for life keeps that fluctuating number low, rather than you lose 50 lbs and gain 25 back, you lose 20 of it gain 45 of it back. Those numbers won't happen like that if you make a serious change for your entire life. And it's best to get started because the older we get the metabolism gets slower. BUT, no matter what age you are, it's NEVER too late to start.
EVERY SINGLE PERSON hits a plateau. I have written about this very subject before. This is where your body will STOP losing weight no matter what you do. This is just for a period of time, sometimes short, somtimes long, it truly depends on YOU. And I know what you are thinking, "WHAT!" Oh yes, trust me it can be frustrating. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, you CAN get out if it. There are ways to get out of it quickly. There are ways to trick your body to get out of that plateau quickly (shocking your body as we trainers call it) . I've written about that too. (See archives on right side of this page, each month is a list of articles previously written).
So the point of all of this IS this, your journey IS your life, your- whole life. I don't know one single person, that after working their butts off and learning how to eat healthy would want to gain all of it back or even some of it. Don't focus on NUMBERS on the scale. Focus on becoming a better VERSION OF YOU and just staying healthy and fit. Change your life, make THIS a LIFE STYLE change and there won't be a focus on the scale. Just stay on your path. And what's super important is this, if you keep losing and gaining, losing and gaining, soon you will develop loose skin that you CANNOT get rid of in the gym or by eating healthy. It will only come off by surgery. And by losing/gaining constantly can totally mess up your metabolism and make losing those added pounds much harder to lose. (Also see my blog in August about focusing on the journey and how you get there WOW an eye opener for your life!)
So many have thrown their hands in the air and it doesn't have to be this way! Make this simple for you. Resolve to make your life a new one. A life that is healthy and fit. Trust me because when you are in your 60's and on up, your body and your brain will thank you for this.
Do this for your future YOU! And here's another thought, do this not only for you, but for your children. By you setting an example for your children (if you have them) you will inspire them! As you learn and start eating healthy you need to include them. They need to learn what eating healthy is. THEY NEED TO KNOW HOW so when they are adults they can follow in your HEALTHY FOOTSTEPS. You might be one that didn't learn how to eat healthy from your parents. So this carried into your lifestyle as you became an adult and now you are scratching your head in your 20s, 30s, 40s. because you really don't know how to eat healthy and when to eat, how much to eat, etc. Eating truly is 75% of weight loss. But see, that carries onto your kids. See what I'm saying here? It is up to us to INSPIRE our children. Let that be a motivating factor in your life.
I can help you and want to help you. Any questions comment below. But know one last thing, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, YOU HAVE SUPPORT RIGHT HERE and you can join my facebook page where all support each other at -!/pages/That-GYM-GIRL/276374109138803
Saturday, September 15, 2012
I wanted to talk about a super food called Chia Seeds. Now, a lot of people tell me that they eat too much. My standard come back is get some fiber in you. Fiber will make you feel full so you don't need that large plate of food.
Chia seeds absorb 12 times its own weight and expands to curb your appetite, so adding just an ounce or so of chia seeds to your diet can reduce caloric intake and help lower the energy density (or calories) of foods, plus double the amount of fiber you receive.
So for someone trying to lose weight but loves food, this can be one of your biggest helpers! They help cut your cravings to snack on stuff you know you shouldn't be snacking on. So therefore the weight is going to come off. Now you don't have to take a diet pill to help prevent cravings nor the crazy powder you sprinkle on your food. Say goodbye to those expensive pills and just add chia seeds to your diet. They are much less expensive, there is zero processed additives to them and are pure. You are going save not only on money on extra foods to snack on, but you are going to save money on buying those pills and powders.
Your energy levels really depend upon what you eat. Chia seeds is a great protein source and will energize you!
We all worry about our bodies aging and the sag of the skin. Well another fantastic benefit of the chia seed is that it's helps with aging. Chia seeds are extremely high in anti-oxidants.
Anti-oxidants help prevent free-radical damage in your body. Free radicals lead to problematic conditions such as premature aging of the skin and inflammation of various tissues. Fight free radical damage by staying fresh and healthy with nature’s anti-oxidant powerhouse.
I had my chia seeds with my breakfast today. I put them in my protein shake. You can get chia seeds at your whole foods stores. They go a long way since they are very tiny. Here is the bag I bought:
Chia seeds absorb 12 times its own weight and expands to curb your appetite, so adding just an ounce or so of chia seeds to your diet can reduce caloric intake and help lower the energy density (or calories) of foods, plus double the amount of fiber you receive.
So for someone trying to lose weight but loves food, this can be one of your biggest helpers! They help cut your cravings to snack on stuff you know you shouldn't be snacking on. So therefore the weight is going to come off. Now you don't have to take a diet pill to help prevent cravings nor the crazy powder you sprinkle on your food. Say goodbye to those expensive pills and just add chia seeds to your diet. They are much less expensive, there is zero processed additives to them and are pure. You are going save not only on money on extra foods to snack on, but you are going to save money on buying those pills and powders.
Also, in our diets we need GOOD fats. Now if you don't like fish, or are a vegetarian, then you are going to love this. Chia seeds have more omega -3 fatty acids than salmon. In my earlier piece about vitamin D and calcium, another great thing about chia seeds is that it gives your body 18% of the daily value per ounce! This delivers more than skim milk can to your body. Being a chia seed eater can actually prevent osteoporosis. And many women develop this. So ladies go get your seeds! Put them in your oatmeal, your protein shake, maybe a sugar free skim milk pudding. But these are VERY beneficial to your body.Your energy levels really depend upon what you eat. Chia seeds is a great protein source and will energize you!
We all worry about our bodies aging and the sag of the skin. Well another fantastic benefit of the chia seed is that it's helps with aging. Chia seeds are extremely high in anti-oxidants.
Anti-oxidants help prevent free-radical damage in your body. Free radicals lead to problematic conditions such as premature aging of the skin and inflammation of various tissues. Fight free radical damage by staying fresh and healthy with nature’s anti-oxidant powerhouse.
I had my chia seeds with my breakfast today. I put them in my protein shake. You can get chia seeds at your whole foods stores. They go a long way since they are very tiny. Here is the bag I bought:
Friday, September 14, 2012
People from all over the world are reading this site!
Today I want you to feel good about YOU!
So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get involved in this lil fun!
1. Make a sign that says: I AM _________________. Then you fill in that blank! (AND IF YOU NEED MORE THAN ONE WORD OK OK THAT'S OK TOO)
2. Take a picture of you holding that sign and send it to my email at
3. I will post it on the site!
GET INVOLVED PLEASE just for today - for fun - don't be shy!
Here's an exercise idea if you have stairs in your home or even stairs in your building at work!
When climbing the stairs to burn extra calories make sure you are pumping those elbows back (at your sides) and climb TWO stairs at a time! If it is two difficult to climb two stairs due to balance, place one hand on the rail but make sure it's a light grip.
After a few times, try another set where you are now skipping that step but instead of placing the foot straight ahead, take the right foot and step wide and then left wide to the corner of each step this will REALLY WORK YOUR THIGHS LADIES! :)
When climbing the stairs to burn extra calories make sure you are pumping those elbows back (at your sides) and climb TWO stairs at a time! If it is two difficult to climb two stairs due to balance, place one hand on the rail but make sure it's a light grip.
After a few times, try another set where you are now skipping that step but instead of placing the foot straight ahead, take the right foot and step wide and then left wide to the corner of each step this will REALLY WORK YOUR THIGHS LADIES! :)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
It's HOT OUT....So here is a fun healthy cool treat:
3 cups watermelon puree (seedless if possible)
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup chopped fresh strawberries
3 cups watermelon puree (seedless if possible)
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup chopped fresh strawberries
1 kiwi, peeled and sliced
1 peach or nectarine, diced small
handful fresh cherries, pitted and chopped
Cut the watermelon into chunks and then puree it in a blender until smooth. Set aside.
Set out about 1 dozen popsicle molds (amount needed will vary depending on size of molds). Fill each one with the chopped fresh fruit. Then pour in the watermelon puree until each mold is full to the top. Place a popsicle stick into each one. Place into your freezer and freeze for about 6 to 8 hours.
When ready to serve, run the popsicle molds under warm water for a few seconds and then pull each one out.
1 peach or nectarine, diced small
handful fresh cherries, pitted and chopped
Cut the watermelon into chunks and then puree it in a blender until smooth. Set aside.
Set out about 1 dozen popsicle molds (amount needed will vary depending on size of molds). Fill each one with the chopped fresh fruit. Then pour in the watermelon puree until each mold is full to the top. Place a popsicle stick into each one. Place into your freezer and freeze for about 6 to 8 hours.
When ready to serve, run the popsicle molds under warm water for a few seconds and then pull each one out.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
I ran across this recipe and after trying it, I HAD TO SHARE IT WITH YOU!
Coconut Bliss Smoothie
Coconut Bliss Smoothie
4 ounces water
6 ounces unsweetened almond milk
1 frozen banana cut into chunks
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon shredded unsweetened coconut
4-6 ice cubes
6 ounces unsweetened almond milk
1 frozen banana cut into chunks
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon shredded unsweetened coconut
4-6 ice cubes
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
GIMME A D. DDDDD! D for Vitamin D
Have you ever gotten a physical and the doctor has told you that you are vitamin D deficient? That was me years ago. I didn't even realize it. The majority of the U.S. is vitamin D deficient. So it's now wonder why the United States is obese, everybody is vitamin D deficient. But sadly, being vitamin D deficient can lead to cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Believe it or not, the deficiency negatively affects every cell in your body.
Everybody is looking for a quick way to lose weight. Well guess what, vitamin D can help speed up the process of your weight loss journey.
Here's the deal and how it works,
dropping levels of your caloric intake and adding vitamin D can help get the job done! Studies showed with a group that had high levels of body fat, they dropped their caloric intake down to 750 calories for a short period of time. They lost weight! Weight they were struggling to get off. Now, clearly, you don't want to drop your calories intake below THAT low for long periods of time. You can do this while in a plateau or do this for a few weeks then boost your calorie intake back up - STILL TAKING the vitamin D. We don't want to go backwards, so we wanna stay above being deficient.
Now studies have shown that the area that lost the most body fat was the stomach. Do you know how many people want a flat stomach? Yea, I know!!!!!!
As the vitamin D improves in your body, not only will you see weight loss but you will also reap some other benefits, such as, sleep. Your body needs to repair and rest. You can burn a lot of calories while you sleep. So it's only fitting that when you have adequate vitamin D levels, you sleep great and lose weight. I remember a few weeks ago, my dad and I were talking and he was confused. He said when he woke up one morning, he had weighed 3 pounds lighter than the day before. He's also getting more vitamin D and calcium since he changed his lifestyle and this is why.
When you have adequate vitamin D levels, your body releases more leptin, the hormone that conveys a "we're full, stop eating" message to your brain, so you WILL eat less. You will also store less fat. HALLELUJAH!
But let me be clear, VITAMIN D is not something depend upon to lose the pounds. You've got to eat very healthy (clean) and exercise and KEEP yourself from being vitamin D deficient.
Now above you see 'margarine" as something high in vitamin D -- IGNORE THAT - NO BUTTER, NO NO NO! Also, unsweetened almond milk has more vitamin D than regular milk.
I know losing weight is tough. It can be a back and fourth, love hate relationship. But just know YOU are worth it. Love yourself and PLEASE put your health first. Make your health a priority. There could be things that have happened in your life that can make you feel broken and torn apart. And when some do not feel loved, appreciated, validated and understood, self-esteem takes a dump. I just want to be here for you to help you pull up those boot straps and get to love YOU!
To your health and to YOUUUUUUU!
Everybody is looking for a quick way to lose weight. Well guess what, vitamin D can help speed up the process of your weight loss journey.
Here's the deal and how it works,
dropping levels of your caloric intake and adding vitamin D can help get the job done! Studies showed with a group that had high levels of body fat, they dropped their caloric intake down to 750 calories for a short period of time. They lost weight! Weight they were struggling to get off. Now, clearly, you don't want to drop your calories intake below THAT low for long periods of time. You can do this while in a plateau or do this for a few weeks then boost your calorie intake back up - STILL TAKING the vitamin D. We don't want to go backwards, so we wanna stay above being deficient.
Now studies have shown that the area that lost the most body fat was the stomach. Do you know how many people want a flat stomach? Yea, I know!!!!!!
As the vitamin D improves in your body, not only will you see weight loss but you will also reap some other benefits, such as, sleep. Your body needs to repair and rest. You can burn a lot of calories while you sleep. So it's only fitting that when you have adequate vitamin D levels, you sleep great and lose weight. I remember a few weeks ago, my dad and I were talking and he was confused. He said when he woke up one morning, he had weighed 3 pounds lighter than the day before. He's also getting more vitamin D and calcium since he changed his lifestyle and this is why.
When you have adequate vitamin D levels, your body releases more leptin, the hormone that conveys a "we're full, stop eating" message to your brain, so you WILL eat less. You will also store less fat. HALLELUJAH!
But let me be clear, VITAMIN D is not something depend upon to lose the pounds. You've got to eat very healthy (clean) and exercise and KEEP yourself from being vitamin D deficient.
Now above you see 'margarine" as something high in vitamin D -- IGNORE THAT - NO BUTTER, NO NO NO! Also, unsweetened almond milk has more vitamin D than regular milk.
I know losing weight is tough. It can be a back and fourth, love hate relationship. But just know YOU are worth it. Love yourself and PLEASE put your health first. Make your health a priority. There could be things that have happened in your life that can make you feel broken and torn apart. And when some do not feel loved, appreciated, validated and understood, self-esteem takes a dump. I just want to be here for you to help you pull up those boot straps and get to love YOU!
To your health and to YOUUUUUUU!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Thought For The Day
What is everybody doing for Labory Day? Although I would have loved to be sitting by the pool or took a weekend road trip, today I decided to just relax. Took my daughter to get her backpack for her first day of 8th grade! I can't believe my daughter is in her last year of junior high!
I thought I would add a brief article about a couple of things.
If you have an expectation and you focus on the end result you will fail. Focus on how you to get there and how you got there.
I thought I would add a brief article about a couple of things.
If you have an expectation and you focus on the end result you will fail. Focus on how you to get there and how you got there.
This helps in the weight loss journey--Changing your weight loss journey into a new lifestyle. Many focus on an expectation of themselves and what the end result has to be. If that isn't working for you, try a different approach. Try focusing on HOW you get to the end and HOW you hit
your weight loss goal.
See, in order to get there, you MUST become stronger INSIDE FIRST. Yes, stronger in your heart and in your mind. Make it your intention. And to be honest, in order to 'get there,' this inner change needs to take place, before you can truly touch the outside. I hope that makes sense.
Something to think about here. Many life lessons = are taught by none other, than ourselves. If you pay attention through your journey, you will learn new things about yourself. Things you might have never understood or known about yourself.
As you learn and you become GRATEFUL, you WILL become stronger, which now connects your mind and body. So, now the OUTSIDE of you now becomes matchingly strong with your mind.
MIND and BODY ARE the journey, which equals YOU BEING IN THE PRESENT, Stay present through your journey, don't just go through the motions. Try this approach, I promise you if nothing else, you will love yourself even more.
Focus on your journey and the weight loss WILL follow.
Remember you are NOT alone...I'm right here to support you!
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