Monday, February 20, 2012


I have been encouraging many to re-evaluate their lives today.  We are almost 60 days in 2012.  Have you set any goals for this year?  If so, are you sticking to reaching that goal successfully?  If not, ask yourself what are you weak at? What is holding you back from just getting on the patch to reaching your goal?

Many have told me they just don't know.  They want to lose weight to feel better, to have more energy and well because they just want to look great too but they just can't get there.  The first step is usually the most difficult.  That getting off the couch.  The going to straight to the gym when you get off of work rather than going home because you are 'tired.'   They don't get it.   They want it, but just can't stay motivated and consistent.

We set our own MENTAL LIMITATIONS and don't even realize it.  Maybe you do not love yourself enough to challenge yourself.  Have you tried to challenge yourself in this weight loss journey?  If not, evaluate.  Ask yourself, "do I love myself enough to challenge me?' The answer should be yes right?  But it's not always that simple.  You have to get your mind right first.  Once you can begin to love yourself enough to challenge yourself, then you take away the limitations and there is NO STOPPING YOU!

Sure there are times you are going to fall into a slump.  You will have every excuse in the book that you will convince yourself of as to why you aren't starting today.  Here's the thing.  There is NOT ONE EXCUSE that is excuse enough to NOT TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.  I don't care what it is, it should NOT come before YOUR HEALTH.

Getting healthy, losing the weight and getting that body back is a journey.  It takes planning.  When you plan a vacation that requires an airplane trip, etc. don't you plan out your trip?  You know your itinerary right?  It's something you do automatically is plan.  Well then why is this weight loss journey different? IT'S NOT.  It too requires a plan, a layout of how you are going to get to your weight loss destination.   Once you begin to map out how you  plan on doing this.  And have a daily plan on how to get one day closer to it, it makes thing run a bit more smoothly.   I mean after all, you have probably tried so many different ways to lose weight and you didn't get there.  You lost some weight then gained the weight and more back.  Well think about it, did you map out your journey then?  No.  So this time, do it right.  Be realistic about it when setting your goals.  And I definitely suggest you STAY OFF OF THE SCALE for a while. The scale can really play with your mind!  If you measure your progress based on what a scale says you will never be happy. After all, what does a scale measure? Does it take into consideration how much bone, organs and the food you ate that day weigh? Does it measure new fitness goals being achieved or your newly obtained energy levels? NO...!

 Just focus on your journey and your daily travel plan.  Staying focused is key.  If you were driving long distance to your destination you wouldn't fall asleep behind the wheel would you?  No, of course not, you could crash and then it's just all bad from there.  Well, again, what's the difference here? None.  If you don't stay focused you will stray from your plan.  So if you learn to change your mind set as to how you view this destination you might find that you will be much more successful this time.

Now let's talk about your workouts.  So you 've been on track, you haven't veered off and you've been going to the gym, but you aren't seeing many results.  This is where I want you to evaluate your workouts that you have been doing.  Can you do them effortlessly?   When you are finished, is your shirt sweaty?  Are you wandering around the gym wondering what the heck to do next -- really not having a workout plan?  A workout must be pre planned and mapped out.. Again, it is part of this journey.  If you don't have this planned out this can hinder your goals and cause you frustration. You want to be able to walk out of that gym feeling like you REALLY worked hard and your body is telling you that is exactly what you did to it.  Are you sore the next day or two? Are you really pushing yourself?

Successful people always first have a vision, then they plan out/map out that vision and how they are going to make it happen.  That is the very same with your weight loss journey.  It's no different.

Set a weekly goal, or even a daily goal.  This will get you one step closer to the success in weight loss.  Weight doesn't come off in one day.  So again you MUST be realistic about this.  Getting insight from others that have succeeded in weight loss will help.  I tell my friends that I am always there for them because I have been there. 

Making a plan is the start.  Loving yourself is key.  Once you begin to successfully reach your daily, weekly goals you will begin to gain more confidence in yourself.  I promise you that.

So, what are you waiting for? You deserve that body you want back.  It's all up to you.  There is not ONE excuse that should be keeping you from starting today!
To Your Health!

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