Monday, February 6, 2012


So, I know.  I do not post pictures of every meal that I eat.  But apparently that is very common on this site with other bloggers.

Today, I have decided I will try to be better about posting with pics what I do eat. I will admit one thing, I NEED TO EAT MORE VEGGIES.  Okay, I know, I know do NOT say it.  As much I train other's, tell them what to eat, I should be doing the same, so I am going to start to blog about what I eat so I can be accountable to myself.

I don't have any pictures of my food in bowls today, sorry.  But, I can list what I did eat TA DAH!

So for breakfast at my DESK of all place and while there's a hidden curling iron heating up under my desk. don't even say it!    I was having a hair dilema, the left side in the front of my head would NOT curl. I looked lopsided it was terrible.  So while trying to curle my hair before anybody walked in,  I had, a whole wheat bagel, with light peanut butter on top, slices of banana and a tad drizzle of honey, along with a huge cup of hot green tea.  Oh that tea sure did hit the spot this morning it was freezing!

My mid morning snack was some green grapes, chia seeds in a small serving of low-fat greek yogurt.

Lunch.  I can't believe I was working all the way into my lunch and had ten minutes left before I even realized what time it was.  So good thing I am always prepared.  I had tore up a rotisserie chicken the night before and took out 1 cup of chicken breast, and mixed that in with kale, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, onions and very light salad dressing, and can't forget my fruit, so I had a  big green apple and big glass of water.

I drink a lot of water throughout the day!  I also had 1 tblsp of my flaxseed oil.  I don't know if it's just me, but I really like the way it tastes!

Today was so busy at the office. Yes on top of being a single mom and being a fitness professional,  I have a full time job.  I'm a busy girl!  So I had to make myself stop working to eat my afternoon snack which was YUMMY! I had half of a MET-Rx Colossal Bar - OMG so good!

And after getting 125 people sweaty and motivated tonight by teaching kickboxing and then R.I.P.P.E.D. I needed protein protein protein so I rushed home, had chicken breast with my quinoa, some onion and the rest of my greek yogurt, mixed all together with lemon pepper for seasoning. with a huge glass of hot green tea followed by water, water and yes water.

So there you have it.  I know after reading this over, I now see why people post pictures of their food along with the blog.  This doesn't look appealing does it? No ha ha ha. So I vow to be better.

With that world, I'm so tired and gave all my energy to those awesome people that came to see me tonight!

To Your Health!
That Gym Girl

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