Friday, February 3, 2012

A Great End To My Week

This has been a great week! A former training client re-connected with me today. and I'm so happy She has finally found herself in her life's journey and is really ready to finish the journey to weight loss and just do it.  I was blessed to somehow be introduced to her life about three or maybe four years ago, actually may be even longer, but we were supposed to meet.  I was working at a very small gym and she happened to look in the yellow pages and see that our gym was not far from her home. So she took a chance and called the gym and asked if they had a service that provided a trainer come train her at her home.   The manager just happened to have answered the phone, which, the timing couldn't have been better.  The manager told that they did not have that type of service, however one of her group fitness instructors comes to people's houses and trains them and  has her own personal training business.   So when I had come out teaching class, the manager stopped me and gave me this small handwritten message and I was so thankful she recommended me.

At first, I was going to throw away the paper, but I felt the right thing to do was call this woman back since she did call the gym I work at and the manager was so sweet enough to even think of me.  Most gyms wouldn't do that. And well, that's how we met each other. 

She had a love hate relationship with the idea of someone telling her what to do and what to eat.  I went through her kitchen first pointing out things that were sabotaging her from losing weight, she didn't like the sound of that, let alone me having her throw out some of the items in her kitchen.  She complained non-stop and I knew I had a challenge on my hands.  She was very closed off and I could tell that she might not be ready for this journey.

She fired me, I think three different times.  Inside, I would get frustrated because I knew I was doing a good job and I was helping her, but she just wasn't ready to surrender and accept the fact she needed to lose weight and that there was hard work ahead that she had to commit to.  She just wasn't ready yet.   So each time she would come up with some EXCUSE, or complain that the exercise we were doing was too hard for her.  I would just continue my faith that one day she'd come around.

And when I logged onto my Facebook page this morning, there was an email, and there she was.  I read through her email and I truly started to cry. I'm proud to say that she gets it now.   She wrote that she appreciated me in so many ways and that I've helped change her life and she needed me.  But on top of that, the best part was that she fell in love with Zumba and just got her certification to teach it.  She is also majoring in nutrition so she can help others.  I am so proud of her.  She has lost a lot of weight since I last saw her and her she is just beautiful with a beautiful family. She is at her lowest weight since nine years now.    Maybe one day she will let me put her before/after picture on here. She has a gleam in her eye that was never there before.  She looks so happy.   I am honored to train her starting next month and help her become a fitness professional.

It is one of things I love most about being a fitness professional is that the people that have come into my classroom or the folks that I train in their homes, some want to do what I do because they realize this IS A LIFESTYLE and when you begin living this lifestyle and you feel great and you get to look great, some become very passionate about it and want to help others.  And it's a joy to mentor each one of them as they blossom into a personal trainer or group fitness instructor.

I am so blessed that God has given me a gift to help others in this way.   And the fact those that I have helped, I can't even count how many are now fitness professionals like myself.  It is a blessing that I inspired them and moved them to pay it forward.  It humbles me when I run into them, they still thank me for helping them and always say, "it is because of her that I'm doing this!"  That is humbling.

To you! I can't wait to help you along to the end of your journey with weight loss and onto a new road of lasting health and your new path as a nationally certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor and nutritionist!

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