Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday Is Over!

I couldn't think of a clever title.  Monday's are my long days and boy am I glad it's over.  All I can say is blogging is serious business.  You have to really stay on top of this and I have not.  I have been so busy that I've been too exhausted to write.

Yesterday I attended an 8 hour workshop to continue my education.  I took the pilates workshop.

Now if you know me and have taken my classes or let me train you, you know I'm not a quiet person.  I'm quite the drill sergeant as some would be quick to tell you.  They love me, they know they do, that's why they keep coming back.  So to me pilates is quiet and I 'm not sure if my students and clients would take me serious being so calm and talking in a soft voice :).

Now don't get me wrong.  I don't know if you have ever taken a pilates class but it can be pretty tough.  I was certainly challenged. When I am challenged I'll keep doing it 'til I do not feel challenged any longer.  Funny, I learned I'm a shallow breather. So it takes me real concentration to do the deep breathing from my diaphragm.  My abs are SOOOO SORE and so are my legs.  You definitely will feel it the next day! I can definitaly see why the female movie actresses are so into this and why their bodies look so amazing!

I feel before I begin to really get into teaching the pilates format, I need a lot of practice on my technique and my breathing.  Funny thing happened tonight. I was going to just sit back and watch the 5:30 p.m. pilates class before my kickboxing class started.  I wanted to watch her technique and cues.  And just my darn luck, the instructor was 25 minutes late and one of my kickboxing students was in the pilates class and pointed out to the manager I was an instructor and that I can do it.  GREAT! So I ended up keeping the class going until she got there.   I went completely blank and then pulled myself together and got them warmed up and got them going until she was able to get there.  It just cracked me up, I just wanted to sit in the corner and watch.  Geesh good thing I spent my day off inside a yoga studio yesterday, otherwise I would've broke out in bootcamp style. I don't think the ladies would've like me so much for that.

Have you ever taken a pilates class? I challenge you to do it at least once /twice a week for 30 days.  You will definitely see and feel the difference. There are different forms of pilates.  I  challenge you to try mat and standing pilates. If you can find a studio that has the reformers TRY IT! I am going to sign up for 2 months on the reformers. 

Some of the benefits of pilates are:

- Pilates makes you very strong
- Increases the strength of your stabilizer muscles
- Pilates is a mind and body workout. So not only does pilates truly tone your body, but your mind and spirit too
- Pilates is known to help reducing stress, anxiety and lift depression
- Pilates will strengthen your core like no other ab workout you have done
- Pilates conditions the entire body and helps reduce injuries
- Pilates helps restore postural alignment
 - Amazingly it's great to do as physical therapy to increase your range of motion
-  Creates a stronger spine.  Many of us have weak back muscles.  But pilates will surely strengthen it
- Increases your circulation
- Enhances your mobility and stamina

There's a very interesting history behind the founder Joseph Pilates and why and how he brought this format about.  The story is very interesting. 

I could go on.  Pilates has SOOO many mind and body benefits.  I truly hope you will try it.  I am super excited to practice more so I can create a great format for my classes and also for my personal training clients. 

To Your Health!

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