Sunday, April 29, 2012


I was recently asked about cheat days and what I thought of them.

Well, I'm going to be pretty blunt.  If you have a large amount of weight to lose, then I don't think one should even be considering a weekly cheat day.

But then the question is, why do I have to withhold food that I love from myself?  Isn't that why you are where you are now?

We all love food.  But here is the problem, when you have one cheat day during the week, it often leads to another that same week. Then you are off track.   

If you MUST have a cheat day, have a cheat day at least once a month.   That's it.  Rewarding yourself with food while trying to lose another 50 pounds or 100 or what have you isn't really a good mindset to have at this stage.  Reward yourself with a a new outfit.  A size you couldn't get into.  While you are this road to losing weight, you also have to learn how to view food.  Sure there is nothing wrong in enjoying food.  But I'm sure at some point you would love to lose the weight and get off the road of "I've gotta lose weight." 

This is a bit of a touchy subject, that I get.  But FOOD is what you got you to be over weight,  Making poor decisions about what you put in your mouth got you to where you are.  So why would you then sabotage your great eating habits, your week of great workouts for food-the very thing that got you to where you are? 

I have observed how some workout.  Do you really know how many calories you have to BURN to LOSE one pound of fat?  IT TAKES APPROXIMATELY 3,500 CALORIES TO BURN TO LOSE ONE POUND OF FAT.  Do you know how many calories you are burning in one workout?  Just put it this way in an intense 45 minute soaking wet, sweating buckets workout you can burn up to 600 to 800 calories.  And I'm talking that is an intense workout.  In my R.I.P.P.E.D. class that I teach in 50 minutes I have gotten feedback from those that wear calorie counters that they have burned up to 750 calories.  So how are your workouts?  So think about that let's just take 750 calories in a one hour workout which again is an intense workout how many of those workout would one need to do in a week to burn 3,500 calories to burn one pound of fat?  Do you follow me yet?  Do you still want that cheat day?

Here's an example of a one that only walks as their form of exercise:  Depending on the intensity of your walking, walking can burn up to 280 to 460 per hour.  Depending on how much you weigh and how fast you walk, if you weigh about 150 lbs., and walk for one hour, for 7 straight days in the week, at approximately 4.5 miles per hour you should burn 1 pound of fat in that week.  But some weigh over 150 pounds and don't even know how fast they are walking and don't do it 7 days a week and want a cheat day?

If your workouts are not intense enough and say you've only worked out 3 times in one week, YOU SHOULD NOT BE REWARDING YOURSELF WITH A CHEAT DAY!  Losing one pound of stored fat is a battle.  So if you workouts are not intense and you have these cheat days, you are basically going to stay on that road for a much longer time.  And I know that will only continue to frustrate you.  So why do it?  Is it really worth it?\

For those that have a ways to go in weight loss, I try to help them by helping them see that on the days they want it to be a food cheat day, turn that around and use your will power.  Will power, determination, dedication and consistency is what is going to help you stay focused, on your path to getting ALL the weight off of your body.  Cheating is only going to keep you steps back away from reaching your goal.

So once a month that isn't so bad. Although I would prefer those that have a lot of weight to lose to not have them.  Think about it. Is shoving that food down your throat really all that wonderful when you look at yourself in the mirror naked and not like what you see?  Is it really worth it.  Or is rewarding yourself each month with a new outfit, you put that one size smaller on and look at yourself in the mirror and you feel so fantastic, so proud of yourself, is that worth it? Is that worth passing up a cheat day?  Give this some thought.  I think getting back on track and sticking to your workouts and making them more intense each time - challenging your body is what should be going on, not cheating. 

Do your body a favor, reward it with healthy foods, stay on your path, workout harder and increase the amount of days you workout.  Don't sabotage yourself, because that's what you could be doing!

To Your Health!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Quick Note...

I have been so busy and I'm overdue for a new article.  SOON -- I promise!

In the meantime, I want to share something with you today. 
When you get frustrated at the scale and with yourself that you only lost one pound -- Look at this, this is one pound of fat!
Remind yourself of this!

To you!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Check out this link to this website that will tell you how many calories are in your favorite foods!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Exercises To Work Your Lower Body

Everybody wants a nice butt.  Who doesn't?

If you are doing the 30 day lower body workout challenge, here are some exerices that are very effective:

Squats are great and can be done at home.  Always push your rearend back as if you have a chair behind you and you want to scoot it away from you.

In this photo you can do exactly that, get a chair and squat just letting your glutes touch the chair, come up and thene squeeze your glutes

Deadlifts are VERY effective.  As the picture shows you can do this without a weighted bar as well.  Make sure when coming down you reach just below the knee and push those glutes back, your back nice and straight, come up and squeeze hard

The Lunge.  Here you can do this is place or do a walking lunge! You will definately feel this in your legs. 

One Leg Bridge.  As shown in the picture you are going to feel these in your hamstring and glute.  You can do these with both feet on the floor and then do a full set on each leg.  These are great and you will feel the burn!

Now you can do the same thing with a ball.  If you do have a ball also try, laying both heels on top of the ball, keep your rearend off of the floor and with your heels roll the ball slowly toward your readend and then out to a full leg extension out in front of you, still keeping the rearend off of the floor.  The burn is intense and pretty awesome!

This picture speaks for itself.  When doing a laying side leg raise, make sure the foot of the lifting leg is always flexed!

Step ups are great and you can do this at home on a chair (be careful)

There are so many exerices for you rearend and running and the stair climber are two great cardio workouts for the rear!  Above, are just a few ideas to share!


New Week - Jump Start With The Right Thought Process

It's true that we live in a world where you can have many things at a click of "enter."  Instant gratification is what kind of world we live in.

The same thing can be said about weight loss.  Many start with the best intentions and then when some do not see results within a few weeks or even just a couple of months, if the desired results aren't met, then many give up.  Of course, usually the expectations aren't realistic most of the time.

Weight loss needs to come off at a safe pace.  We all know this.  Two pounds a week is a safe and realistic goal.   One of our greatest freedoms is to discpline ourselves.

But there's something that I think many seem to forget, nor take into consideration.  The journey.  The climb to get to top of that mountain.  There's a song that comes to mind.  I would like to share some of the lyrics with you. 

So many of you doubt yourself.  You give up on yourself.  Be patient LET yourself get there.  But, most importantly BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and you WILL reach your goals.

Keep these lyrics in mind when you are working toward your weight loss goal.  Remember the climb! 

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

That's right it IS about the climb.  Listen to your thoughts throughout this journey, you are going to learn so many things about yourself.  How strong are you?   Do you really want this? Do you believe you can reach your goal?

The Struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And I gotta be strong
But, just keep pushing on

There are many reason why some cannot get motivated to stand up and MOVE....I challenge you to stand up and take one day at a time and each day you will move that mountain and each day it will be become easier and easier....CREATE A HABIT,  Make eating right, sleeping well and exercise a daily habit and that mountain will be no more!

Keep on moving
Keep on climbing
Keep the faith
It's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep YOUR faith

To you!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Many of you were inspired by Brad's weight loss story.  It was truly touching and inspiring.  If you didn't have a chance to read it.  Cursor over to the right side of this page and under Archives click on the month of March and there you can read his featured story.

After reading his story I couldn't help but ask the following questions.   I decided to interview Brad and ask some questions. Now, I'm no Barbara Walters, so bare with.   Here is the interview that I did with Brad:

Me: Brad, looking back, do you wish that it didn't take an almost death sentence to get you to lose weight?

Brad:  Of course. Dialysis is a painful process. I was living an unhealthy lifestyle. But I was in the mind set that "it'll never happen to me." But it did & it completely opened my eyes. It brought me closer to my family & made me realize who my real friends were.

Me:   When you were at your heaviest, what was your self-esteem like and when going out in public how did you feel, did you feel people looked at you due to your weight?

Brad: My self-esteem was at rock bottom. I was bitter & suffered from road rage. I worked 40 hrs a week & work with the public.
I have some very inconsiderate and mean co-workers. HATERS!! I was harassed, the butt of jokes and snide comments. So I always assumed people were making comments about my weight behind my back.

Me:  When you joined the gym tell me what some of your thoughts were that ran through your head when you would enter those doors while you were still new?

Brad:  I was scared! It was intimidating to walk into the gym not knowing anyone else there. Thinking people would be watching me, laughing at my lack of knowledge of the equipment.
But to my surprise I saw myself everywhere in the gym. People just trying to make a change to be healthier. People encouraging others. People more focused on their own workouts than worrying about what others are doing.
Also, at the time I joined the gym, I had been doing a lot of running & walking. My knees and ankles were banged up, so some of the first classes I took were the aqua classes. They are low impact and a good cardio workout. But, as always, communicate with your trainer/instructor any pain or pre existing injuries, and they will show you a different workout or modification.
Me: When you would try on clothes to go to work, out with friends or out for some form of entertainment, did you ever get frustrated and feel like no matter what you put on to go out, you just didn't feel good about yourself?

Brad:  I wear a uniform at work, which at the time was issued by an outside company. One of the most embarrassing things was to have to ask for a larger pant size on 3 different occasions. 40, 42, 44. Same with the shirt 2XL to a 3XL.
I wore jeans and t-shirts everywhere else I went.
When going out, I couldn't sit in a booth at a restaurant, had to sit at a table or the bar. Always sat in the aisle seat at the movie theater. At sporting events, if my seat was in the middle of the row I didn't enjoy myself as I felt very self-conscious about taking up to much room.
Me: Do you remember about when it was that your self-esteem changed? And when it did how did you feel?

Brad: When I started dropping weight to the point where my clothes didn't fit, because they were to big!!
I was still doing dialysis, but I was seeing results and feeling good about it. I was getting compliments on my weight loss and my dedication to my workouts.
I even went camping for the first time in years, and spent a weekend in Tahoe with friends.
The real change came when I received my transplant and realized I had the opportunity to completely transform my life.
Me:  If you could say something that could really inspire those that think yo yo dieting, pills, no carb diets, etc etc are going to work, what could you say to them to inspire them on the weight loss journey?

Brad: I tried those all protein, no carb diets. I even tried diet pills. No Long Term Results!!! Ok, so you lose 10-15 pounds, but then you gain back 20. It's not worth it and is hard on your body in the long run.
Eating right, burning more calories then you consume is the HEALTHY way to lose weight.
After my transplant, I was told I could go back to living however and eating whatever I wanted. I had already lost 50 pounds. I had discovered a new lifestyle. I felt great after my workouts, I had more energy the next day. My self-confidence went through the roof. If I could make this transformation, I could do anything I put my mind too!!

Me: Did you date as much then as you do now? And PEOPLE Brad is out there dating, he's always got a story for me on Monday's right before he takes my kickboxing class.

Brad: HA!! Not at all.

Brad's story is amazing and I know that there are many out there, that can relate to his story. If Brad can do it, I KNOW YOU CAN TOO!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Alright who is ready for the next challenge?

IT'S THE TIGHT END CHALLENGE!  Can you guess where that tight end might be? Yep, you guessed we are gonna work that booty!


Show me your best assets DIRECTIONS- (get it) BEFORE in a pair of jeans, short or bathing suit bottom from the SIDE (1 pic) and from the back (2 pic)...After the 30 day challenge is up you will send me again TWO PICS in the same outfit you took the first two, in the same two positions. Send pics ASAP to enter at

The work -You will perform EVERY OTHER DAY any type of glute/thigh  workout for a minimum of 20 minutes...Remember you work to the burn and then maximize that burn.  Once it starts, let your tight end BURN!  Don't give up, you can do this.  You can do this in your own home.  So, if you don't have a gym membership, that's ok!

Now remember this challenge is for YOU and once you commit - stick to it, you will feel great that you accomplished this!

Challenge ends on May 17, 2012 - send your to



Your Tight End!



I wanted to take a moment and thank you for even clicking onto my fitness blog. 

I have a passion for helping others with their fitness goals and there are many different topics to read.  If you notice the right side bar where it says: "Archives" there are many different articles that you can read.

I am not the best writer out there, but I love to write and love to try my best to inspire.

I hope you enjoy and STAY TUNED because there are always new topics posted!


AB Challenge Results

We had some great participants in the AB challenge from last week.  Unfortunately some were a bit shy to submit their photos.   That's ok, the most important thing is that you did the challenge and you COMPLETED it!

So here are some of the photos and hopefully I'll be adding more pictures later!





Sunday, April 8, 2012


Where is your bar?  How high have you set it?

I ask a lot of my clients to really look at their life and their goals.  Do you expect much from yourself, do you expect anything out of your life?

Living is NOT about getting up and going to work and coming home and sitting on the couch and then doing it all over again the next day.  That's NOT living my friends.

Anything is possible in YOUR life.  But, what is important is YOU MUST raise the bar.  Personally, I set my goals pretty high for myself.  Each time I reach one goal, I set another that is just a bit harder to achieve than the last.  This allows me to grow as a person.  I expect a lot out of myself.  This doesn't allow me to get 'content' in life.   Not that I'm saying being content is wrong, but for me, I don't want to stop, if I get too content, then I could get lazy. 

Life, your life, can be anything that you make of it.  But you have to make it.  You have to make your life what you truly want it to be. But, there is something that some may not realize is standing in front of you.  Something that you could be allowing to stand in your way. 

Excuses stand in our way. What is your excuse?  Excuses are that  LOUD voice on the left shoulder that tell us, "you can't do this."  Excuses tell us, "you'll never make it."  But see here's the thing, when you are not MAKING your life then the excuses do for you  YOU become your excuses.  Your name should be changed to EXCUSE.  These excuses are or could be shaping your day to day life.  You may not realize that but it is true.  Think about it?  I'm right aren't I?  

Today if you are your excuses, then let's pick up that bar and set a standard to jolt yourself out of this lifestyle.  What is going to take?

Nobody can give you drive.   Only YOU can.  Only YOU can take the keys and DRIVE YOUR LIFE. 

Follow through.  What is important to prove to yourself is that you CAN DO THIS,  When you follow through and succeed there's no greater feeling.  But the FOLLOW THROUGH is the key. 

When you pick up that bar, maybe for that first setting you can keep it simple, "I'm going to go take a 20 minute quick walk around the block.  Then tomorrow maybe you can raise it a little higher, you will walk 2 blocks, and so on so forth.  But, the follow through is the tomorrow.  

Show up for yourself.  SHOW UP.  Now that might sound odd.  Because you are you, but that doesn't mean you have shown up. Once you have set that goal, showing up is your follow through.  No matter how difficult it may be, once you complete it, you are going to feel so good about yourself. Can you do that? I know you can!  That feeling is almost eurphoric! It's a feeling YOU CAN have over and over again.

Fear, let's talk about that. It shows up in our life because we are born with it. Unless you are afraid then you have no courage. Courage is a muscles that you can develop. Are you working that muscles or are you succumbing to fear? Feel your fear and then DO IT. Fear stands in the way of those who want to lose weight. It really does. But the only one can stand up to fear is YOU.  When you can pinpoint your fears, you then need to make a plan, create a strategy to conquor your fear.  This is where you pick up that bar and lift it just a little bit a day.  And again, once you succeed, your fears diminish little by little and pretty soon poof that fear is GONE.  You beat it!

Being healthy, mind body and soul is one of the keys to really LIVING.  If you are overweight, with health problems that come with being overweight then your mind is NOT healthy.  Those go hand in hand in working together.  Once your body becomes healthy your mind does too.  After all, it's your mind that is telling you which direction to go into.  But, are you going to listen to the little guy on your left shoulder - EXCUSE  voice?  Or, are you going to listen to the little  voice, that one on your right shoulder, that very faint  voice that you can barely hear - YOU CAN DO IT.   The reason why I say that  very faint  voice is because that is the voice that is unheard.  That is the  voice that has been drowned out by the EXCUSES.  STOP - STOP LISTENING TO IT!
You can make your life.  And first, you've got to get it together and gear up and get strong to do so.  And with your body being healthy and your mind on board, you can accomplish anything.  But, it's up to you.  So this is why I am challenging you today TO PICK UP THE BAR that sitting on the ground beside you and LIFT IT, and set one goal for today.  The day is not over.  Just one.  SHOW UP and FINISH IT! Then tomorrow set it a little higher.  Make YOURSELF proud.  But whatever you do, DO NOT SET THAT BAR BACK DOWN ON THE GROUND!  SHOW UP every day to lift it a little higher! 

The sky is the limit -- REACH!

To You !
Never give up on yourself

Never give up on yourself

Never give up on yourself


Easter Sunday

Happy Easter to all of you! 

I wanted to check in to see if you are still doing your 2 week AB challenge! We are at one week! HOW ARE YOU DOING?

Some of the feedback I received was that by Tuesday, the abs were so sore! Were yours?  I know mine were, my ribs hated me.  Breathing was a bit painful!  I know today is a holiday BUT, that doesn't let you off the hook! Now, I know you can find a 15 minute window in your holiday today, to get in your ab workout!

I hope that you read the piece below about how important it is to eat right.  If you want a six pack, and you are doing this challenge, that doesn't mean you can continue to eat McDonalds everyday. Well then again if you have a speed demon of a metabolism of a 20 somethin' year old, then you might be able to get away with it.  But if you are like me, in your 40s then that CAN'T happen, now can it? :)

I hope you succeed in this challenge.  Everybody succeeds if they stick to it for 14 days.  Sure, it's based on an honesty policy.  But lying to yourself, well you are the only one that knows.  And YOU are the most important person in your life.  So, why lie to yourself and say you completed it everyday? Deep down succeeding is such a great feeling.  So SUCCEED, you can do it!

Succeeding in one thing, sets you up to succeed yet again!

I am really looking forward to your photos!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Did You Start The Ab Challenge?

I'm excited to see that there are more people taking this challenge!  I've been sent some great pictures and can't wait to see the results.

I was accountable and did mine last night.  Funny, my last class of the day R.I.P.P.E.D. I had the entire class all 63 do 500 crunches with me.  I got mine done!

Email it to:

Everyone has a six-pack; it is just lodged underneath varying degrees of fat accumulation in the midsection.

The key to a lean body is nutrition.  THIS WILL DEFINITELY SHOW ON YOUR TUMMY!  Here is my daily LOLLI-POP!

Proper Nutrition The first place to look for improved body composition is in your kitchen . Proper nutrition is paramount in effecting your waistline, not only in terms of certain foods being fattier than others, but how certain foods affect hormones negatively to increase fat storing. Some of the common culprits include sweets, sodas, refined grains. These are no-brainers for fat loss—get rid of mid-afternoon vending machine trips, regular sodas, desserts, breakfast foods like sugary cereals, pop-tarts, muffins (even the low-fat ones!), pastries, high-sugar granola, pre-packaged oatmeal and every other cookie, cake, doughnut and potato chip. These foods are processed to a painful degree and will spike insulin mercilessly, forcing the body to store excess sugar as fat. Also, just as guilty are alcohol, artificial sweeteners, refined vegetable oils (such as used in fried foods) and carbonated sodas. Dairy can be tricky because though it is considered lower on the glycemic index, it is very insulinigenic, meaning that it raises insulin and has a greater potential for fat storing. If you are going to eat dairy, try low-fat versions and maintain the appropriate serving size.

On the other hand, some foods help maintain constant blood sugar levels; others can help with cravings; and still others help burn fat by affecting hunger hormones. These include lean protein, leafy green vegetables, and low glycemic index fruits. The following is a list of clean foods that if eaten from exclusively can not only increase fat burning, but help with cravings, balance energy and improve overall health and immune system function. Do your best to eat from this list only.

Your Ab Attack Grocery List:
Chicken breasts
Ground bison
Egg whites
Whey protein powder
Turkey breasts/lean ground turkey
White fish
Wild Alaskan salmon
Bell peppers
Green beans
Kale/collard greens/chard
Old-fashioned oatmeal (this means PLAIN lol none of the flavored one's) :)  I put a dab of peanut butter in mine!
Sweet potatoes
Brown rice
Low-fat yogurt (NOT fat-free)
Raw almonds
Natural peanut butter or almond butter (limit to 2 tbsp per serving)
Salsa (look for <100mg sodium/serving)
Green tea
Unsweetened cocoa

GAME ON! I am so very proud of all of you that are doing this challenge, just you wait for the next one!


Monday, April 2, 2012


Well, I don't know what happened, I thought I had people taking the challenge below and I only had one person turn in their photo!

I have a new challenge .... ARE YOU UP TO IT?


1.  Take a picture of your abs TODAY send it to me with your name to match the abs at


3. At the very last day of this challenge take a picture of your abs and send that second picture to me with your name to match that new 6 pack and I will post it!

4. For some of you that are shy about showing your abs.  You can take a picture of yourself holding a handwritten sign that says, "I DID THE 500 CRUNCH-A-DAY CHALLENGE!"


Sunday, April 1, 2012


Ok everyone well, your pictures are due? Where are you? Did you take the 7 day challenge? 

Email me your pics at:

Stay tuned new challenge will be posted tomorrow!  BUT, here is our first person that took the 7 day challange - CHERYL!