If I told you right now, step by step how you could get rich with just a little bit of work and it's proven over and over, would you take my advise and try my advise? I sure bet you would.
Ladies I'm going to keep saying this and I'm blue in the face because a lot of you want to keep going around and around of reality when it comes to your weight loss , yes that weight loss you voice you are frustrated about. That so called last "10 lbs" you can't get off. So, I'm going to say it again, You want success at losing weight? HERE IS THE KEY TO LOSING STORED FAT (not what you ate for the day) AND KEEPING IT OFF!
Gimmick ideas of diets DO NOT WORK FOR THE LONG HAUL. Sure you lose a little weight but guess what? You know what's next. You can't sustain your life on that and then you gain the weight back...You become caught up in the YO YO. STOP! Eating NO carbs BIG NO NO! Cutting too many calories, BIG NO NO! Drinking nothing but shakes, BIG NO NO. You keep that yo yo up, your metabolism will be so screwed up. The older we get, the harder is to get STORED FAT OFF.
Do you want lose weight? Do you REALLY? Some say yes, but some aren't there yet. If you focus on how hard this is, and that's all you focus on, you will not succeed! If you think there's a shortcut and a pill to give you a quick fix you are sadly misleading yourself.
If you want to lose weight that STAYS off...I repeat STAYS off, you MUST, weight train! I have wrote about this many times and I still see my friends, people that I know reading this blog still fighting reality!
When you weight train at least 3 times a week which doesn't take long at all, you get what is called THE AFTER BURN. The after burn is something CARDIO WILL NOT GIVE YOU. When you finish your weight training session, you will continue to BURN FAT. The more LEAN muscle you have the LESS FAT YOUR BODY WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE. The more lean muscle you have the faster your metabolism. No cardio can't do that part for you.
I am going to say this for the millionth time, YOU WILL NOT GET BULKY AND BUFF!
Cardio makes your heart stronger and burns calories..WEIGHT LIFTING YOU WILL CONTINUE TO BURN STORED FAT! Fat that you complain you can't take off. By doing this, you can honestly say that when you plop down on that couch after you've completed a good QUALITY weight training session, you will still be burning fat while sitting there. Yes that DOES happen and IS true. If you take my advise.
You don't need a gym for this. You can go down to your local sporting good store and buy hand weights and I'm not talking 3 pounders either. I took a set of those away from a woman that has been doing my R.,I.P.P.E.D. class for a year now. Gave her 8 lbs and she couldn't believe she could lift them! I have in my home gym 5 lbs, 8 lbs, and 10 lbs and then I also have a resistance tube, a ball and a mat. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED FOLKS to transform your body!
You can work 2 muscles per day for 15 minutes and that's it and you would see A HUGE DIFFERENCE. So again, cardio is wonderful but 90% of women leave out weight training. I'm gonna tell you this. There are guys in the gym that lift weights and they never do any cardio and they have hardly any body fat. Why? They are constantly burning any fat due to their weight lifting program.
Now what is going to be effective and give you the after burn is the QUALITY of your workout. Here's the key when weight training, YOU MUST WORK THE MUSCLE TO FATIGUE. That means by your last repetition - it should NOT be easy, your muscle should be struggling to complete that very last one. That is why when I train, I don't use heavy weights. Depending on the muscle group it can vary from 8lbs to 25lbs for my upper body. I do each repetition very slow, a 4 up a 4 down slow move or a 2 up 2 down slow move so I can really make the muscle work and you want to FEEL that burn. Don't stop as soon as you feel the burn.
On your core here's a way to get a quick six back...Let those muslces burn. A very very slow 8 up and 8 down for 15 seconds. By the last 8 up and 8 down your abs are shaking. Do that every other day for 30 days and watch and see the difference!
CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY....Don't do this for a week or two and say I DON'T SEE RESULTS and give up...IT IS DUMMY PROOF IT WORKS! The only way this will not work is if YOU stop or don't even start and try. And, weight training can take less time than cardio. But they should go hand in hand. If you are trying to lose weight you can't just do cardio you have to do both of these workouts.
Here's a picture of a woman that finally got it. She began to weight train and look at her results. This is taken from a fitness professional that I admire's challenge:
You want to burn fat while you relax after a workout and make your workouts MORE EFFECTIVE FOR YOUR GOALS - WEIGHT TRAIN. 2 muscle group a day for a 15 minute to 20 minute workout is all you need!
Ladies I'm going to keep saying this and I'm blue in the face because a lot of you want to keep going around and around of reality when it comes to your weight loss , yes that weight loss you voice you are frustrated about. That so called last "10 lbs" you can't get off. So, I'm going to say it again, You want success at losing weight? HERE IS THE KEY TO LOSING STORED FAT (not what you ate for the day) AND KEEPING IT OFF!
Gimmick ideas of diets DO NOT WORK FOR THE LONG HAUL. Sure you lose a little weight but guess what? You know what's next. You can't sustain your life on that and then you gain the weight back...You become caught up in the YO YO. STOP! Eating NO carbs BIG NO NO! Cutting too many calories, BIG NO NO! Drinking nothing but shakes, BIG NO NO. You keep that yo yo up, your metabolism will be so screwed up. The older we get, the harder is to get STORED FAT OFF.
Do you want lose weight? Do you REALLY? Some say yes, but some aren't there yet. If you focus on how hard this is, and that's all you focus on, you will not succeed! If you think there's a shortcut and a pill to give you a quick fix you are sadly misleading yourself.
If you want to lose weight that STAYS off...I repeat STAYS off, you MUST, weight train! I have wrote about this many times and I still see my friends, people that I know reading this blog still fighting reality!
When you weight train at least 3 times a week which doesn't take long at all, you get what is called THE AFTER BURN. The after burn is something CARDIO WILL NOT GIVE YOU. When you finish your weight training session, you will continue to BURN FAT. The more LEAN muscle you have the LESS FAT YOUR BODY WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE. The more lean muscle you have the faster your metabolism. No cardio can't do that part for you.
I am going to say this for the millionth time, YOU WILL NOT GET BULKY AND BUFF!
Cardio makes your heart stronger and burns calories..WEIGHT LIFTING YOU WILL CONTINUE TO BURN STORED FAT! Fat that you complain you can't take off. By doing this, you can honestly say that when you plop down on that couch after you've completed a good QUALITY weight training session, you will still be burning fat while sitting there. Yes that DOES happen and IS true. If you take my advise.
You don't need a gym for this. You can go down to your local sporting good store and buy hand weights and I'm not talking 3 pounders either. I took a set of those away from a woman that has been doing my R.,I.P.P.E.D. class for a year now. Gave her 8 lbs and she couldn't believe she could lift them! I have in my home gym 5 lbs, 8 lbs, and 10 lbs and then I also have a resistance tube, a ball and a mat. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED FOLKS to transform your body!
You can work 2 muscles per day for 15 minutes and that's it and you would see A HUGE DIFFERENCE. So again, cardio is wonderful but 90% of women leave out weight training. I'm gonna tell you this. There are guys in the gym that lift weights and they never do any cardio and they have hardly any body fat. Why? They are constantly burning any fat due to their weight lifting program.
Now what is going to be effective and give you the after burn is the QUALITY of your workout. Here's the key when weight training, YOU MUST WORK THE MUSCLE TO FATIGUE. That means by your last repetition - it should NOT be easy, your muscle should be struggling to complete that very last one. That is why when I train, I don't use heavy weights. Depending on the muscle group it can vary from 8lbs to 25lbs for my upper body. I do each repetition very slow, a 4 up a 4 down slow move or a 2 up 2 down slow move so I can really make the muscle work and you want to FEEL that burn. Don't stop as soon as you feel the burn.
On your core here's a way to get a quick six back...Let those muslces burn. A very very slow 8 up and 8 down for 15 seconds. By the last 8 up and 8 down your abs are shaking. Do that every other day for 30 days and watch and see the difference!
CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY....Don't do this for a week or two and say I DON'T SEE RESULTS and give up...IT IS DUMMY PROOF IT WORKS! The only way this will not work is if YOU stop or don't even start and try. And, weight training can take less time than cardio. But they should go hand in hand. If you are trying to lose weight you can't just do cardio you have to do both of these workouts.
Here's a picture of a woman that finally got it. She began to weight train and look at her results. This is taken from a fitness professional that I admire's challenge:
You want to burn fat while you relax after a workout and make your workouts MORE EFFECTIVE FOR YOUR GOALS - WEIGHT TRAIN. 2 muscle group a day for a 15 minute to 20 minute workout is all you need!
I am clearly very passionate about this. It sucks to sit back and watch and listen to your friends, family, students and clients complain about losing weight, but won't take one lick of my advise. That shows me that YOU, THEY are NOT ready for reality. So when you are finally ready to stop the Yo Yo diets, the pills, the gimmicks and what YOU think works for weigth loss (which in the back of your mind doesn't work) then I will be here to help you. I'm glad you read my articles, but are you REALLY taking action? TAKE ACTION NOW...You are NOT destined to be overweight!\