Monday, April 15, 2013

My First Ride OUTSIDE!

 I needed to conquer a fear yesterday.   I enjoy teaching  spin class!  I wanted to experience what some of the cyclist experience and talk about after they've had a great ride on the road. 

PROBLEM  (records scratch sound) I was super afraid of riding on busy roads next to cars, and the climbing part/hills didn't scare me, it was the descending going DOWN HILL at a very high rate of speed NEXT TO TRAFFIC.  Now  that REALLY scared me!!!! 

So I took the bull by the horns and did it! With close to 31 miles of a ride and over 2,500 calories burned (we rode a little extra so I could experience one of the toughest climbs Indian Hill. I thought it wasn't too bad actually, while I rode ahead of everyone LOL) I had the time of my life and now I MUST BUY A ROAD bike so I can experience the climbs in Napa! I shocked myself big time! 2,300 feet of climbing was elating! DO SOMETHING IN FITNESS YOU'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE -- and MAKE IT ENJOYABLE! I saw beautiful views, nature and rode with great people! What a great sport Here's the map of what I did for my very first ride yesterday....CONQUER YOUR FEARS! CHANGE YOUR MIND - MAKE YOUR GOALS HAPPEN!

Here is my first ride, as well as a couple friends that took me (the others were ahead preparing for a long climb.  Climb over 2,300 feet)

Me in the middle
TAKE SPIN CLASSES if you are thinking about becoming an avid road rider!  My spin classes are what got me through this 31 mile ride!

Update: Monday - Everything below the knees are screaming today!