Thursday, December 26, 2013


Today I taught a special class at the gym.  It was a post holiday class.  "R.I.P.P.E.D."    One 55 year old man approached me after my class and said, while wiping the sweat off his head, "this was the hardest thing I have ever done, but dammit I was determined to push myself to a place that I want to be, AND I DID!"    I knew what he meant, because today I did something very different.  I wanted to challenge them with this workout.  I knew they could do it.  But when I told them the layout of the workout before we started, I could see the looks in their eyes and on their faces.  THEY THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY!

Well, 124 push-ups later and 172 squats/lunges later, I knew how they felt:

The beauty of it all was every participant in that room was either a beginner level or intermediate level.  When they were done, they were cheering and cheering like they were at a King's game and Demarcus Cousin's had just made the winning shot!

Every single athlete started as a beginner

It's an amazing thing to be able to witness and push people past their comfort zones, especially beginners.

Most people overlook the fundamentals of being a beginner.  These people today, although pushing themselves out of the beginner zone, understood that to be proficient at anything you must practice the basic fundamentals FIRST to build to success.  They come to the gym each week, trying to get stronger and stronger.  Yet, they had NO idea with all that practice how strong they've become.  I was about to show them.

Many people get scared off from working out.  The kind of working out the ends in RESULTS.  They are afraid to DO THE WORK - but yet want to lose weight. I'm afraid to be the bearer of bad news, but if you want to lose weight, YOU MUST DO THE WORK.  But, here is something I want you, those, that might be reading this paragraph, you that might say, 'this is me," to remember something very important - and maybe this will help you to get started.   When you see a class at your gym, or a workout DVD that MIGHT SEEM TOO HARD, remember this.  You can still do that workout. It's OKAY to do it at a beginner level.  You see, every workout has a modification.  But YOU mustn't be TOO PROUD to be a beginner or to modify.  We ALL started as a beginner! Every single one - even the instructors teaching the workout.   I have people with so many illnesses and physical limitations that come to my classes faithfully, and never make an excuse or complain one bit. 

Maybe you worked out a time or too, and thought, "this is too hard!" Sure it is.  It's going to be hard in the beginning.  The only way it's going to be more bearable is when you decide to be consistent and STOP working out once in a blue moon, or performing exercise that doesn't even begin to get your heart rate up.  How long do you want to be a beginner?  How long do you want to be a sideliner cheering others on that reach their weight loss goals?  Do you want to get past that stage so you can just get the weight off?  I'm sure you are saying YES, I want to get past the hard part in the beginning!!!!  DO IT!


Then in each workout, go a little longer than the one before.  Each workout, make it a little more intense than the one before.  Change up your workouts periodically so it will help to strengthen your body and its performance.

It's up to you.  The weight will not come off by itself.  It's okay to be a beginner...I promise, if you stay consistent you won't be a beginner for very long, and you might just be surprised that you fall in love with exercise!

Remember, NEVER BELIEVE YOU'RE TOO GOOD or TOO WEAK TO PRACTICE! There will always be another level of growth waiting for you.  It's time to get started.

Well, here's me a couple hours after that workout - NAP TIME!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

My Wish To You..

My Christmas wish for you -- 
I hope you experience peace with your family (or whoever you are with) and have it in you to give forgiveness freely where you see unrest. I hope you are able to seek and experience all the love you deserve, even if you have to bravely give it to yourself. If you are grieving this season, I hope you feel connection. I hope that anywhere you see joy, you allow yourself... to roll around in it, lather yourself up in it. And if you aren't into Christmas, I hope you at least have a day off, and suck all the glorious life out of it. Blessings and permission to stop stressing.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL OF YOU LOCAL AND ACROSS THE WORLD! I thank you so very much for having an interest in this page.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I can attempt to inspire you to get up and change your life until I'm blue in the face.  But, it will only work when YOU decide to take charge of your life.  Nobody can make you. 
Let me ask you a question.  Have you ever set a goal and the reached it?  So, when you achieved that goal,  did you look back at the journey that IT took you on to reach it? Yes?  Me too.  It's amazing what you can learn.  Many times we will shake our heads at ourselves. We begin to realize what we were like in the beginning. We made excuses, might have been lazy at first and even doubted  ourselves.  But now, we wish what we  know NOW, we knew then, you know when we were we trying to reach  that goal.  You ever do that? I sure have.
Well that's how I feel about weight loss and getting started.  If I would've known then, at the heaviest weight I'd ever been in my life, 210 pounds-- what I knew now, I would've never allowed myself to get like that.  Why?  Because I can't even imagine allowing myself to become that unhealthy. I can't imagine a life without with out exercise and clean foods.  I just can't.  I could have never imagined then the energy, the drive and the desire to continue to push myself in ways that I never knew I could. I never knew my body could do what it does when it comes to working out.  When you get to THIS place, and you see your friends, your client's and your students that make up so many excuses, talk the talk but not walk the walk, you just want to shake them and tell them, "trust me, I know it's hard in the beginning but you MUST get started! You must never stop and you must never look back and allow yourself to live like that again! Because on THIS side, life is so different and so much better! "
But I can't shake you.  My words won't shake you.  Only YOU can stand up for yourself and for once and for all get started and never stop!  I promise you this, you will love yourself so much more.  IF you PAY ATTENTION along the way, and I mean REALLY pay attention, you will learn what your TRUE weaknesses are about yourself along the journey.  You will get to experience smashing your own doubt and conquering your own fears, which will in fact make you stronger, more driven and much more determined.  PAIN IS YOUR TEACHER!
When you start to see results in your body, you will push yourself even harder.  It will become fun to do so, even though you know you will have to work hard.  You will become a brand new person.  A better parent, a better partner, a better co-worker - A BETTER YOU!
So, when? When will you STOP talking about it and starting DOING something about it?  Some didn't make it in 2013.  Their weight became their life's crutch and four people I know died due to their weight issues.  PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU to get started!  Because every single end to the year, if you can look at yourself and say wow I'm heavier this year than last year, then I'm talking to you and this is your life and you CAN do this and you can TAKE OVER and not let your weight ruin your health and your way of life! 
NOW I know many make resolutions. Many don't keep them.  Many resolutions fizzle within the first 60 days.   I challenge you today that if you make one that involves weight loss....PLEASE SEE IT THROUGH.  Let the learning be your gift and the pain will be your teacher.  The pain will teach you TO NEVER put yourself through THIS over weight life again.  I'm here to answer any questions and advise you as much as possible!


Saturday, December 21, 2013


If you need something or someone to motivate you....Watch THE VICTORIA SECRET FASHION SHOW...And ladies let me tell you, that oughta motivate you!  WOWZA!

I think I was chewing on a snack when it came on.  Soon as the ladies hit the runway, I suddenly wasn't hungry any longer.

I look forward every year to the music choreographed to their themes and of course the girls...Taylor Swift's dress was AWESOME...YES I WOULD WEAR IT!

Watching this fashion show sure did motivate me.  It made me sort've chuckle to myself as I thought, "damn, can I have that body!?"

Well, it is POSSIBLE! HOW?  It's all in the way you look at weight loss. How do you view having to lose weight?
First start with your mind and your thoughts.  If you view exercise as a chore and/or you hate it, as well as you don't like to eat healthy. You can't stand it.  This means you are not ready to lose the weight and change your life.  You can be though.  Depends if you are WILLING to change your mindset.  When you do, you will know you are ready.  You will find types of exercises that are challenging enough, yet you enjoy it.  You will select foods that you love, yet are clean and healthy. You will view this as YOU LOVING YOURSELF to the fullest.   GET MOTIVATED = find what works to motivate you!  Everybody has their own way.

Mine, it's the SECRET!  So, ...Enjoy this SECRET!


Thursday, December 19, 2013

I have something VERY brief to state today.

If you watched Courtney Kerr last week on Bravo, NO, NO & NO! Hemorrhoid cream a cellophane wrap  does NOT promote long-term weight loss!

One Viewer took it so literal, she must have been trying to give herself an overnight facial?


Stop making it so hard.  It's back to basics.  Eat a balanced meal, 2 small snack a day, exercise regularly and get plenty of rest...YOU CAN DO THIS

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Flashback Thursday!

I find this picture of myself hilarious!  This was me getting ready to teach a step aerobics group class around 1994 or 1995.  

I had a lot of hair and perms were my deal!  Sadly, I wasn't as passionate about educating people about health and wellness as I am today.

I was around before the lovely JILLIAN MICHAELS (as I'm actually help promote one her home DVD workouts on the top RIGHT of my blog page ha ha ha ! Click on the picture and then click on the picture again to get more info on how you can buy her DVD, the one below it you can do the same thing, that one is 90 days worth of workouts and a nutrition plan) And funny thing is as I got older,  I REALLY wanted to be fitness household name.  I just didn't have a clue as to go about it.  I really, still don't ha ha ha! Well, now that I'm 45 years old.  My time for that might be up.  


Happy Thursday!
That Gym Girl!
Spring's seasonal change begins on March 20th. It's coming quickly! Not ready? 1 HOUR a day of being uncomfortable is better than being uncomfortable for the rest of your life!


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Today Can Be IT...Today Can Be YOURS!

Are at a crossroad in your life?

Maybe you've sat there and asked yourself, "Is this it? Is this all there is?" And your just at a dead-end. You want change, but maybe you're just not sure how to change. Where in the world does one start?  You know what you want to change, but the real truth is you've lost your COURAGE to take a step forward into the light of change.  Does that sound familiar to any of you? 

I want to challenge you.  A weight loss journey can be and is an amazing journey.   Along the way, you learn your weaknesses. They really begin to stand out.  I mean, REALLY stand out.  For example, one that many have seen in themselves are the promises they cannot keep with themselves.  "I'm going to lose this weight!" It doesn't happen.  The opposite happens.  "I'm going to start eating healthy!"  The same foods you love some how magically end up in your kitchen again! I think you get what I'm saying.  In these moments, life is showing you that you are displaying fear, therefore the lack of courage.  Dishonesty.  Yes, you are being dishonest with yourself.  You display that when the above statement happens and it's not fulfilled.  Pretty soon the lies to ourselves are so easy.  We can talk about it, but, being about it, well, that's another story.  THIS is where you are being taught.  Pay attention.  Because those attributes CAN be changed.  Lying to yourself, it can change. They really can.  But, also in this journey, you get to see your strengths, maybe not so much physically, but mentally and emotionally. If you really pay attention while on this journey you begin to walk beside yourself and it's in that walk, that YOU have the opportunity to give yourself a gift. COURAGE. Courage to keep putting one foot in front of the other and in that walk you become more aware of who you really are. It is a journey that can transform you from the inside out.  This is one of the reasons why I am so passionate about helping those enter into a healthy LIFESTYLE.  I am passionate because once you begin this NO LOOKING back journey, I get excited for you because it's going to be a RIDE!  And when you get off that ride, you become a different human being.  And THAT is EXCITING!

So nothing is missed, no lesson has gone unlearned, I encourage all of my clients to keep a journal -- just for this journey.  A journal where they keep account of their steps as courage begins to bloom into their lives. A journal that you can record your weak moments and your strong moments. It's all to teach you something. 

If you are wanting change in your life, I ask you to take your right foot and your left foot and place them on the ground firmly. Then stand up and stengthen your courage muscle each and every day and PAY ATTENTION closely, because the YOU that's in there is going to blossom.  It's almost like being re-born.  Re-born into a light that you will never want to leave again. It's a light that you are meant to live in.  You had that light once, but unknowingly you turned the switch to off.

A healthy lifestyle isn't just about weight loss, exercise and eating right, it so much more! This is your opportunity to explore you even more. GO FOR IT! Please get out of your way just for one day at a time and put one foot in front of the other.  Work your courage muscle one day at a time! Remember you CANNOT get to COURAGE without being VULNERABLE first. 

A key to begin is to let go of what you think you know, letting go of your fear of changing your life makes you vulnerable and yes, even humble.  Don't fear what others may think of you.  Let them think what they want to think.  It doesn't matter anymore. YOU are DOING THIS with or without anyone's permission! No matter how many times you have failed before today, don't let that STOP you.  Don't fear yourself and your past failures. Show yourself something different everyday.  Something that you weren't able to do the day before.  That will build your courage muscle.  Maybe it's stepping through the double doors - inside the gym.  Maybe it's letting go of your favorite foods.  Maybe it's changing your schedule so you can allow time for YOU to exercise.  Whatever it may be, do something in a positive direction each day that is going to lead you into that life that you have only dreamed about.  Maybe it's not weight loss. Maybe it's an idea or maybe it's a fear you have had to do something for others that you are passionate about - it scares you, so you hold back.    GET UP - take it!

Putting yourself in that state, will help you on this journey to change your life.  Go get it. It's YOURS!  Watch and see your growth. 

Don't look back.  You are not going that way anymore.  So, what are you waiting for?  Turn the light switch back on my friend.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

STOP - if you keep telling yourself you want to lose weight STOP & think about something. Do you break promises to those in your life (make plans, forget about them, blow them off)? Do you break promises you make to yourself? Or do you keep your promises to those in your life BUT not yourself? Either answer --- WHEN YOU BEGIN TO KEEP A PROMISE TO YOURSELF (such as wanting to lose that weight),... you will want to make another promise and another KEEP YOUR PROMISES TO YOURSELF (as well as those in YOUR life!)
When you begin to do this - watch how you become a DETERMINED PERSON to get this show on the road once and for all! Suddenly YOU are being TRUE TO YOU!!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!
If Bob can lose 126 pounds in THREE months with both knees blown and I can lose 95 lbs in 5.5 months (what was our secret to success? No secret! We KEPT PROMISES TO OURSELVES!) YOU CAN DO THIS TOO! It's up to you! Start by making a weekly goal - promise yourself NOTHING will stand in your way of YOUR goal for YOUR LIFE (only to make your life even better). Succeed - then make another promise and do NOT break it nor BLOW IT OFF and make ridiculous excuses!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

To reach your weight loss goal...Keep GOING....A little more every day will get you there faster. WHO HAS WORKED OUT THIS WEEK AT LEAST 2 TIMES?

 Tell me what your workouts were? START today and NEVER STOP! If I can lose 95lbs in 5 1/2 months ..I KNOW you CAN reach your goal! You just have to MAKE it happen. G.G.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Featuring July's FITSPIRATION STORY -- Meet Brynn!

We inspire each other!  Here is my next feature of your FITSPIRATION spot light on Brynn!  Read her story and BE INPSIRED!

In Brynn's Own Words:

After a life of eating unhealthy and trying every possible diet I could get myself to attempt I knew a lifestyle change was in order. I’ve known that for years. On the 10 year anniversary of my fathers passing from heart failure I decided meat and dairy would be my death. My bp was 140/105. I was 217 pounds. I became vegan on February 22 2012.

When I began the transition to Henry eating I felt the euphoria or "pink cloud" of making a great decision. The hard part was sticking it out to the end result I wanted. I only wanted to lose 30-50 pounds... then again that's all I thought I had extra. After 3 months of veganism and moderate hiking I lost the pink cloud I needed other motivation.

I truly do not know what kept me going other than knowing I wanted big results. Someday I wanted to run a marathon or do a big hike.... so those goals I set out helped me make smaller goals in order to reach my biggest goals.

After 6 or 7 months and a half marathon, I got burned out on working out after going so hard.. I had also lost 65 pounds and was looking great. After I realized how much I had physically beaten myself up I took a month off got my diet back on point with raw organic foods and started small with workouts again. At this point I realized my baseline fitness level was way better than 7 months prior and I was not actually starting over from scratch but instead picking up where I left off.. this was encouraging. Mental strength is derived from progress for me. And as long as there is some progress I will continue making efforts..

The weight didn't impact my mental strength. However the dropping of inches empowered me beyond comprehension.. I shopped at second hand stores a lot because I was shedding inches like crazy. From a size 40 to a size 28 (mens sizes) that's 12 inches! I looked forward to monthly wardrobe shopping because I knew I deserved it. Buying small clothes is rewarding in and of itself. I HAVE LOST 92 POUNDS!!!!!

I have run a half marathon, hiked Humphrey’s peak (the highest peak in Arizona):

Hiking Humphrey's was intense. In the beginning it felt like one of my easy hikes. But I realized only about 45 yards in that a year ago I would already be done and heading home because of how difficult the trail was... So I trekked on. The altitude began to get to me once I got close to the top of the mountain. But I knew my lungs were strong. I had trained too hard for this and I didn't feel weak. Once I reached the top I met men who had hiked Mt. Whitney and many other high peaks and summits in the united states. I told them each my story of how I had overcome a life of obesity and was no longer restricted from seeing the views atop the best peaks in the world's. These men were shocked. Especially because they headed down before me and I ran past them as I sprinted down the mountain 45 minutes later.

On that mountain I also met a 78 year old man. He was hiking the peak for his 6th time this year. I was again in awe by the things humans can do when they set their mind to it. Slowing down and becoming unhealthy is a battle to be fought in the mind first. You are only as young as you decide you are. Age is just a number.

When I got back into my car after an all day hike to the highest peak in Arizona I was in shock. I really did it. Something I had only heard and read about, I did it. I did it with  ease! I ran, I jumped  and I skipped. I made it out alive!! That motivated me to train for the Zion narrows hike which is 16 miles. I am doing it this weekend with a group. And then again in 2 weeks. There are no words to describe the amount of pride I have for myself in getting back and maintaining my freedom in the form of health.

I hope to empower others through my progress and encouraging people to treat their body as if it were the best car in the world. Because, lets face it, its the only vehicle keeping us out of our grave. That's why I eat only a mostly raw, organic, vegan diet. :)

My Father passed in 2002 his death was hard. Had he changed his eating habits he would be 63 this year. I'm just glad I could change my life using his example. I miss him. I like helping people decide to make the change before someone like me becomes inspired by their death.

Thank you Brynn! You HAVE touched hearts!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Do you make promises and commitments to your friends and family & keep them? Do you sometimes go out of your way for your friends? Sometimes REALLY out of your way and you don't even question it -- you just do it? Are you a "GIVER" to your friends? When is the last time as a GIVER to your friends/ family you threw your hands in the air and said, "forget it this is too hard, I can't do it!" No ...follow through. You break your word constantly to them? When you keep your word, and they see that you do, does it make you feel proud? Make you feel like a better person a better friend or family member/partner? Sure it does. WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU MADE A COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF? MADE A PROMISE, REALLLLLLLLLY STUCK WITH IT AND SAW IT THROUGH TO THE END? I mean, sure it's great to please others and help them out and be there for them.....BUT WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE ACTUALLY THERE FOR YOU? When is the last time you even thought about YOU. That YOU JUST MIGHT NEED TO THERE FOR YOUR before your health/weight get out of hand? 
Sometimes when those that are "givers" don't realize is they usually do NOT get the same in return back from their friends and family. And for some, resentment starts to build. They become internally unhappy. But, they don't stop GIVING. There is no balance.  
I asked the above question to a brand new client that hired me to be his personal trainer. I could tell right off the bat he was a very loving, giving man to those he cares about. And guess what his reply was? He sat there a second and thought about what I asked. Then, he got up, went and stood in front of the mirror. I didn't want to ask him what he was doing. I could tell he was digging deep in thought. He took of his shirt and stood there in silence for a second or two. He replied, "I haven't." He paused and went on, "I put EVERYBODY before my needs. I have great friends, great family. I'd DO ANYTHING FOR THEM! But, now that you make me think about this in that way, I have NOT done the same for myself." I asked him, "how do you know this?" He still had his shirt off and he said, "I've told myself so many times new years would hit, that I was going to lose this weight! I would start and give up within a few weeks. I didn't realize that I put the needs of others before me so much! Look at my weight. Look at me! I didn't even realize I let myself get to this point. I have been so consumed with my kids' needs and my friends/family I forgot about me!"  
He got it! There are deeper reasons that I do not want to share that we got to the bottom of --why he forgot about himself, why he stopped committing to himself. But those reason are why he used the GIVER card if you will, to camouflage the real deeper issues. There are always DEEPER reasons why people allow their weight to get out of hand. Dig deep to find out why. Honestly I believe and I know YOU DESERVE TO KNOW! Then, once you do, you are on the RIGHT track to a healthier life. I wanted to share this because it is really something to think about. It was an "AH HAAAA" moment for this man. You have to EMOTIONALLY and MENTALLY really be one with your body to change your lifestyle to a lasting healthy one.  
That Gym Girl

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Carb Cycling

CARBS are NOT YOUR ENEMY! Period. Most people have the misconception that consuming low carbs on a day to day basis for long periods of time is good for them. The main problem with low-carb diets is that they are meant as temporary diets; they deplete your energy and strength and are not the best method when attempting to lose body fat and retain muscle. You cannot eat that way forever. Your body needs carbs for daily functions.  Your body NEEDS FUEL a.k.a. GOOD CARBS.  If you are looking to get out of a plateau or get your body fat to melt...Carb cycling is a GREAT method.  I personally love it because, this way I can keep the lean muscle I've worked so hard to build and I can shed the stored fat - leaving my muscles alone.  Carb cycling helps to give your body the fuel and better tools (via the food) to shed layers of fat, thus increasing your metabolism.

There are the High Carb Days (this is usually meant for a high intensity workout day (HIT), then there is Medium and Low.  For me I go a 4th day of NO carbs.  Really tricking my body to spike my metabolism back into full speed.

Sunday is my day to grocery shop. I first ALWAYS write out my seven day meal plan.  Some weeks it's close to being the same.  And other's it is completely different.  My workout teaching schedule is the same.  I have to make Tuesday's my HIGH carb day due to the intensity of that particular HIT class.  So, my days might seem a little whackie, but I have to taylor it to me.

Monday - low carb
Tuesday - High carb
Wednesday - Medium carb
Thursday - High carb
Friday- Low
Saturday  - Medium

My Seven day meal sample of what I will eat (AGAIN THIS BASED ON ME)

Low Day - Monday
Breakfast : 1 full egg, 3 egg whites, 1tbsp in 1/2 cup of oatmeal
Mid Morn Snack - Greet plain yogurt 1/2 cup berries, 1000 mg fish oil tablets
Lunch - 6oz chicken, 2 tspns of plain hummus, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 cup quinoa 1/2 cup spinach, 1000 mg fish oil tablets
Mid Afternoon Snack - 1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder in 8oz cold water
16 raw almonds
Dinner  - 6oz turkey, 1/2 cup berries  2 tspns of hummus on chicken
Before Bedtime - 1/2 scoop of Casean Protein Powder w/ 4oz ice cold water

High Carb Day - Tuesday
Breakfast - 3 egg whites & 1 full egg, 1 cup spinach, just under a cup of oatmeal, 1 tbspn of peanut butter
Mid Morning Snack - 3 oz plain greek yogurt, 1 cup of broccoli, 1 tbspn of peanut butter 1000 mg fish oil tablets
Lunch - 6oz  chicken, 1/2cup of black beans, 1 cup of spinach
Mid Afternoon Snack - 1/2 Yam, Whey Protein Shake
Dinner -  Turkey, 1 cup spinach, 1/2 cup berries

Medium Carb Day  Wednesday
Breakfast - 1 full egg, 3 egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 tbspn peanut butter 1/2 grapefruit
Mid Morning Snack - Greek yogurt, 1000 mg fish oil tablets
Lunch - Chicken, 12/ avocado, 1 cup spinach 1000 mg fish oil tablets
Mid Afternoon Snack - 1 small green apple, 4oz Whey Protein
Dinner - chicken, 1 cup spinach, 1 tbspn peanut butter
Before Bedtime - 1/2 scoop of Casean Protein Powder in ice cold water

Thursday is a high carb day so I will repeat my Tuesday Menu
NO carb day Friday
Breakfast - 1 light cheese stick, 6 eggs (5 whites, 1 full), 1 can tuna in water
Mid Morning Snack -  8oz 1 scoop Whey Protein
Lunch - 8oz of Turkey, 1 light cheese stick, 1000 mg fish oil tablets
Mid Morning Snack
Dinner 1 fully cooked egg (fried) over 8oz of turkey, 1 light cheese stick
On the NO carb day, if I decide I don't like that I can always switch it and repeat the "low carb" day.
The only fluids throughout the week besides Protein in water, will be water, green tea and oolong tea.

This will boost my metabolism.  Each meal you'll notice has a protein, good fat and good carb, except my no carb day.  Eating a low carb diet is NOT ideal when you become active....Your body needs FUEL...Carbs give you that fuel.  And you DO NOT want your body feeding off the MUSCLE you have built.  I don't know about you but losing muscle definition is not in my cards.  Good fat helps fight the fat in your body and the Protein is to help your muscles repair at the recovery time (meaning when you are resting not working the muscles.  You tear them in the gym and repair them at rest time).

I hope this helps!


Friday, July 5, 2013

Today's INSANE Workout...

At 2:00 I could've just went home and relaxed by the pool, stayed inside with the air on. Instead I went to the gym and worked my ass off. I posted my workout earlier...However, when I got started, FIRE came over me and I kicked my ass and changed it up and added on. Here is the workout I did and you can do this at home/or in the gym (notice my post sweat photo, key word SWEAT!)

1. Did jump rope drills. Double jumping eight times both feet. Then single footed 8 times w/ only one hop, then the other leg 8 times, then as fast as I could with a single hop 8 times, then again 8 times with heels tucked. Did this 4 rounds. OUT OF BREATH, sweat dripping in my eyes -- YES!
2. Jump back into burpie, held it and did 8 plank jacks/8 leg raises while in the plank

3. 8 pushups

4. 8 bent over rows (heavy as I could lift)

5. 8 Tricep kick backs (heavy as I could lift)

6. 8 Bicep curls (heavy as I could lift)

7. 8 Shoulder presses (heavy as I could lift

8. Walking alt leg lunges around entire perimeter of group x room

START ALL OVER FROM THE TOP (2-7 each round lessoned the reps by 1. And started back at 8 ;til 30 minutes was up) DID THIS ENTIRE THING FOR 30 MINUTES

THEN ENDED ON A CARDIO MACHINE FOR 20 MINUTES DOING INTERVALS AND BURNED AN EXTRA 277 CALORIES. By the time I got to this machine the sweat was crazy...!



Monday, April 15, 2013

My First Ride OUTSIDE!

 I needed to conquer a fear yesterday.   I enjoy teaching  spin class!  I wanted to experience what some of the cyclist experience and talk about after they've had a great ride on the road. 

PROBLEM  (records scratch sound) I was super afraid of riding on busy roads next to cars, and the climbing part/hills didn't scare me, it was the descending going DOWN HILL at a very high rate of speed NEXT TO TRAFFIC.  Now  that REALLY scared me!!!! 

So I took the bull by the horns and did it! With close to 31 miles of a ride and over 2,500 calories burned (we rode a little extra so I could experience one of the toughest climbs Indian Hill. I thought it wasn't too bad actually, while I rode ahead of everyone LOL) I had the time of my life and now I MUST BUY A ROAD bike so I can experience the climbs in Napa! I shocked myself big time! 2,300 feet of climbing was elating! DO SOMETHING IN FITNESS YOU'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE -- and MAKE IT ENJOYABLE! I saw beautiful views, nature and rode with great people! What a great sport Here's the map of what I did for my very first ride yesterday....CONQUER YOUR FEARS! CHANGE YOUR MIND - MAKE YOUR GOALS HAPPEN!

Here is my first ride, as well as a couple friends that took me (the others were ahead preparing for a long climb.  Climb over 2,300 feet)

Me in the middle
TAKE SPIN CLASSES if you are thinking about becoming an avid road rider!  My spin classes are what got me through this 31 mile ride!

Update: Monday - Everything below the knees are screaming today!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

One Day At A Time

Weight loss, can sometimes feel like you're running on a hamster wheel doesn't it?  You lose, you gain.  You lose, you gain.  But it just doesn't seem like you can get yourself 'there.'

Am I right?

When I speak with new clients, people that take my classes, or my struggling clients, I ask them.  Are you INTERESTED in losing weight, or are you COMMITTED to losing weight?  Ask yourself that same question.  Maybe you aren't sure.  You may say with conviction, "why yes, of course I am committed to losing weight."  But are you?  You see, there is a BIG difference between these two words.  When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when it is convenient. When you are COMMITTED to something, YOU ACCEPT NO EXCUSES; ONLY RESULTS...Make sense? So ask yourself, are you interested or are you committed in weight loss? The way you approach this & your attitude is EVERYTHING! Maybe it's time to COMMIT

Don't be so hard on yourself because you haven't lost ALL of the weight.  Try something different.  Give yourself 24 hours at a time.  Be successful one day at a time.  Focus on just that ONE day.  Each day that you succeed, I promise you will become more and more confident.  But first I want you to stop beating yourself up.  Stop it.  Because everytime you are beating yourself up, you are causing yourself stress.  Stress loves fat.  Stress can cause us to hold onto that weight.  Take some time today, it's a beautiful Easter Sunday.  Be thankful today and re-evaluate your goals and your thinking.  Make tomorrow a new day.  But today LIFT YOURSELF UP and be COMMITTED!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Plug Nose -- Down The Apple Cider Vinegar Goes

Yes, this stuff in a bottle doesn't taste so good...AT ALL! I have to plug my nose just to get it down.
However, besides the multiple benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, it helps with WEIGHT LOSS!

It reduces your appetite due to the fiber  compound it contains. It's called pectin, something found in apples.  So if you have problems with overeating, this is the stuff for you!

You have those days where you retain a lot of water? Well when this happens, your weight goes up. The wonderful thing about Apple Cider Vinegar is that, it contains potassium and potassium helps to flush out the sodium content in your body.  When you eat foods high in sodium, you retain and gain weight.  This will help to flush that and lower your weight.

When it comes to your metabolism, we will do anything to make it work faster and harder right?  Well Apple Cider Vinegar helps with making your metabolism speed up and burn more calories.  See, now I can get all technical here, but I want to keep this simple.   Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid. When acetic acid comes in contact with foods, it helps promote the absorption of iron. A high iron absorption leads to a high oxygen utilization, which ends up raising the rate of which your metabolism works. When the metabolic rate is high, a lot of calories are burned, which causes weight loss. Also, of the three macro nutrients, fats are the most calorie dense, weighing in at 9 calories per gram. Apple cider vinegar helps reduce the transit time of fats in the stomach because it improves digestion. This in turn leads to weight loss as less fat can be absorbed by the body and YES IMPROVES DIGESTION!

You can drink this daily and add 1 to 2 tablespoons to your water.  Again, the taste is pretty rough.  It's STRONG I'm not gonna kid ya.  So, a suggestion is to add a little honey to it.  Honey also helps with weight loss. Honey helps to breakdown cells in your stored fat areas of your body and also helps with your digestive tract!

So what are you waiting for ...DOWN THAT PUPPY!


Where Did All The Resolutionists Go?

It's that time of the year.  Yes, I know! We are already on the eighth week into the new year.  Did you make a resolution to lose weight and eat better?

As I look around the gym, I see that those that started out strong the first week of January are no where to be found.  Some have given up.  Some got burned out.  Some never really gave themselves a chance.  Most didn't start with a plan and were unrealistic.  

I have always tried to help those that make such resolutions to remember to be REALISTIC about their weight loss goals.  But, I get it, you're "On a mission. You got this"  That mission was supposed to be BALLS TO THE WALL!  But the balls never made it to the wall.
LOOK FAMILIAR - just add 2013 to it right?  It doesn't have to be this way - never again!

If you are one that has fallen off the fit train, I wanted to make a few suggestions to help you get back on board.  Some are still chasing it to jump back up....Take my hand, get on up here and maybe take some of the following to heart.

You know yourself better than anyone else.  Maybe you hate the gym.  January 1st, you were so excited to get in there and now the thought going to the gym and working out makes the EXCUSES spew out of your mouth or fill your brain. Ultimately, excuses can ruin your journey to weight loss!
Me at the gym

Making a goal to hit the gym everyday or just exercise everyday may not be realistic for you.  That is FOR NOW.  If you have noticed that you keep chasing this same goal, maybe it's time to be honest with yourself. 

     A. If you don't belong to a gym and you are doing your own thing at home, maybe it's time to either ONE get a gym membership and USE it or two invest in a personal trainer.  For those locally I've offered express prices that are VERY reasonable You don't have to be a celebrity to afford a personal trainer these days.  We can work with your budget. Obviously doing your own thing isn't working.  So maybe it's time to try something different.

    B.  If you do have a gym membership, set a goal to go to the gym two times a week.  Do this consistently for a 2 to 4 weeks.  Once you can stay consistent for the 2 to 4 weeks, add another day in there.  So now, you are going 3 times a week.  Do this for 3 to 5 weeks CONSISTENTLY.  Once you have got that down and you have been consistent, add another day in there, and so on, so forth.  You get the idea right?  Just a side note, before you add that extra day of exercise in your week, maybe 2 to 4 weeks needs to be a little longer like 3 to 4 weeks.  Set SMALL goals for 2 weeks at a time.  This way you are not so overwhelmed!  When you can accomplish your goals, I promise you will be proud of yourself.  Achieving these goals are important.  Why?  As I told one client, how can you expect to lose over 100 pounds if you can't reach a 2 week goal of going to the gym 4 times.  Right?  He didn't realize it like that or looked at it that way.  He just saw this, "THIS IS HARD!'  Change the way you think.  Change the way you look at this.  It's clear the weight has to come off.  You don't want it there anymore.  So now you have got to find a way to achieve small goals.  Those small goals will become larger, more challenging goals - in time.  Just focus on achieving those small goals and I promise you stick with it, the weight WILL COME OFF! Soon you won't look at it as, "this is hard!" You will be, "I'm doing this!"  There's nothing like seeing results, getting exciting and then you just want to keep going!

        Also, I would suggest to keep your visits to the gym interesting and enjoyable, and again you know yourself better than anyone.  Maybe you get board super easy on the cardio machines at the gym.  Find two different group exercise (to start) classes that you really enjoy.  You would not believe how group exercise makes the time go by SUPER FAST!  Where as when on the cardio machines at the gym, is it me, or does the time seem to drag?  It does, doesn't it?!!!!!  By doing this, this will help you to stay motivated.  Because consistency is key here, you will actually meet new people that have the same goals that you have.  You will find that there are people just like you, so nope you are NOT alone!

       Once you begin to be consistent at the gym and you have been able to do this for at least 3 months, well even two and a half, you will be on the right track to making this a HABIT.  Making gym life a part of your weekly routine.  PAY ATTENTION to your progress.  PAY ATTENTION to your energy level!

     D. If you do NOT belong to a gym and are doing the home thing, again, you know what you are doing for your workouts.   Clearly they are not working.  Doing the same thing over and over is only going to sabotage your goals.  Be honest with yourself when I ask.  Are you really working out to your full potential?  How intense are your home workouts?  Are you changing up your workouts to add intensity or strength training? 

        If you are not sure what to do at this point, let me please suggest this, at the top RIGHT SIDE of this page, you will see my advertisement for the MET-RX 180 workout.  This workout, if done consistently for 90 days - and you follow the nutrition plan that comes with it, YOUR BODY WILL TRANSFORM!  This home workout plan is everything you WILL NEED to hit your goals.

        If you are really serious and you can be super honest with yourself and realize that what you are doing is not working and you don't want to join a gym nor hire a personal trainer, PLEASE ORDER THIS WORKOUT 90 PLAN!  Click on that photo up above, then it may go to a screen, then you will have to click on the photo again to get the information on how to order this workout plan.  IT PAYS FOR ITSELF BECAUSE IT WORKS as long as you follow it!

     E.   Now, this one I talk about A LOT! No matter where you are working out, this is the ONE thing that will help you to burn calories FASTER.  STRENGTH TRAINING.  I'll say it again, LADIES YOU WILL NOT LOOK LIKE A BODY BUILDER! If all you are doing is cardio, then you may want to pay attention to this because that is WHY you are NOT hitting your goals.  You see, the more lean muscle you build, the MORE CALORIES YOU BURN on a daily basis.  If you can strength train 4 non consecutive days of the week, you are going to see something amazing happen to your body!  If you leave this out, your journey will be a much longer road.   Cardio doesn't make you lean, strong and firm. Cardio makes you soft.   So this is KEY and should NOT be left out of your weekly schedule.

I realize that it is so frustrating when you aren't losing the weight you want to lose.  I know, I've been there, it really sucks.  But YOU are the only one that can do this!  If you REALLY want this and you are really on that mission and serious, TRY TO TAKE SOME OF MY SUGGESTIONS ABOVE!  You are not destined to be overweight!  And, if you are always hungry while dieting, THEN YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! 

Don't give up! Summer isn't here yet!  Transform yourself mind and they way you feel, think and set your goals.  Be realistic with weight loss! You can't go balls to the wall, when you really aren't even motivated and hate working out, nor really that serious.  Also, what you eat in the kitchen is what you wear on your body.  So you can't keep fooling yourself anymore.   Be real and honest with yourself....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!  I'm here, ask questions!

LOVE YOURSELF!  If you can maintain your car CONSISTENTLY, then by golly I sure hope you would take care of you!


Friday, February 8, 2013

MODERN Wheat = A Perfect Chronic Poison

I HAD to share this article with you.  It blew me away.  I rarely eat wheat but now I'm thinking of NEVER AGAIN.

If you have switched to wheat bread, I ask you to PLEASE read this article!
(CBS News) Modern wheat is a "perfect, chronic poison," according to Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist who has published a book all about the world's most popular grain.

Davis said that the wheat we eat these days isn't the wheat your grandma had: "It's an 18-inch tall plant created by genetic research in the '60s and '70s," he said on "CBS This Morning." "This thing has many new features nobody told you about, such as there's a new protein in this thing called gliadin. It's not gluten. I'm not addressing people with gluten sensitivities and celiac disease. I'm talking about everybody else because everybody else is susceptible to the gliadin protein that is an opiate. This thing binds into the opiate receptors in your brain and in most people stimulates appetite, such that we consume 440 more calories per day, 365 days per year."
Asked if the farming industry could change back to the grain it formerly produced, Davis said it could, but it would not be economically feasible because it yields less per acre. However, Davis said a movement has begun with people turning away from wheat - and dropping substantial weight.

"If three people lost eight pounds, big deal," he said. "But we're seeing hundreds of thousands of people losing 30, 80, 150 pounds. Diabetics become no longer diabetic; people with arthritis having dramatic relief. People losing leg swelling, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and on and on every day."
To avoid these wheat-oriented products, Davis suggests eating "real food," such as avocados, olives, olive oil, meats, and vegetables. "(It's) the stuff that is least likely to have been changed by agribusiness," he said. "Certainly not grains. When I say grains, of course, over 90 percent of all grains we eat will be wheat, it's not barley... or flax. It's going to be wheat.
"It's really a wheat issue."

Some health resources, such as the Mayo Clinic, advocate a more balanced diet that does include wheat. But Davis said on "CTM" they're just offering a poor alternative.
"All that literature says is to replace something bad, white enriched products with something less bad, whole grains, and there's an apparent health benefit - 'Let's eat a whole bunch of less bad things.' So I take...unfiltered cigarettes and replace with Salem filtered cigarettes, you should smoke the Salems. That's the logic of nutrition, it's a deeply flawed logic. What if I take it to the next level, and we say, 'Let's eliminate all grains,' what happens then?
"That's when you see, not improvements in health, that's when you see transformations in health."


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Just a positive message for those that are emotional eaters.  PLEASE remember to just LOVE YOURSELF.  Stop beating yourself up.  Take a moment when the time comes that you are about to sabotage your healthy eating due to something upsetting.  Take a breath, and just STOP and be still for a moment.  Remember that every time you choose something healthy, you are giving yourself love. 

So in that moment when you are about to sabotage your hard work, ask yourself, "Am I loving myself by beating myself up and then sabotaging ME by eating this ?" You will find your answer within you.   When you stop in THAT MOMENT and make yourself aware of what you are doing to yourself , that is then one step closer to learning how to beat emotional eating.  LOVE YOURSELF constantly it truly is ONE OF THEY KEYS to a successful journey in in weight loss!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Just A Thought

Hi All! I know many of you are busy today with the Game. I decided to not participate in the watching the SB today. I needed to SLOW down, find some solice today. This is going to be a trying month for me. And there were some notes I was taking today and thought I would share a thought. So many times in life we allow fear to stop us in our tracks; the sad thing is we don't always recognize that we are afraid. We find excuses, we create responsibilities, we create challenges. How many times do we talk ourselves out of what we say we really want? What we really want to say? Why are we afraid? Some of my clients had did things such as gained weight to keep other's away. They didn't want anyone to like them, or even fall in love with them. This was simply due to fear. We stand in our way. Whether we are talking diet or your spiritual walk, staying on track takes constant work. Since life constantly pulls us off course, LIFE CAN SIDELINE US - losing a job, a divorce, loss of a loved one, or even illness. Sticking to the right path requires making constant readjustments and purposeful purpose-filled steps. TAKE SOME TIME to readjust. Get your goals down on paper. Maybe just one goal for each week. Or one goal for one month. But keep readjusting so you can continue to flow in life and kick FEAR in the butt so you can reach your goals! Pay attention to the things you can't see, but to the things you feel. Have a gorgeous day! GG

Friday, January 25, 2013


I have to admit it! As much as they annoy me, especially Kourtney Kardashian's lazy worn out Valley Girl voice, I am so hooked on the Kardashian's.  The new Miami serious just came out and I'm addicted.  I need serious help! Who else is addicted and can't seem to stop watching these people? 

I dare you to count how many times Kourtney Kardashian smiles in the next episode! She comes across as so uptight, she is the one that is hard for me to watch and NOT ENJOY!

Anyway, enough about the Kardashians.  I have to share my Bikrahm yoga experiences with you!

A while back, I attempted Bikrahm Yoga.  I lasted 10 minutes in the room and I had to get the hell out of there.  It was over 90 degrees in the room and I couldn't breathe.  But this time, I told myself I was going to stay the entire class, even if that meant laying on my mat and just meditating while feeling as though I was going to have a heart attack! LOL..YES!  I mean I am fit but this is whole different ball game folks!  Have you tried it?

One of the things I didn't like was that the instructor basically barked the poses instead of actually doing them with the class (that by the way was wall to wall people, the woman to my left, guy to my right was so close that if I extend my arms, I'd knock them upside the head on accident).  She didn't have a soft soothing voice the cue, something I'm use to.  It was very militant since she has the poses memorized.  They are always the same and never different. 

When we began the warm up, there was a breathing warm up.  I have to tell you something, this part REALLY freaked me out.  As soon as she commanded everyone to tilt their heads back and breath their air out, it was if I was in a horror movie.  It scared the crap out of me.  It sounded so scary and WEIRD!  I didn't like it!

I was trying to enjoy myself.  I tried to focus on what I was doing, my breathing, holding poses what have you.  It was a bit difficult when I had men that had no shirts on and hairy backs facing me.  To make matters worse hairy backs, with sweat just rolling down their backs making the hair look more like a wet dog.  Men that take yoga and that's it, Bikrahm develop an odd stomach.  It sticks way out and is a solid odd look.  This is why you can't just do ONE THING when it comes to fitness, you must mix it up!

 The smell in the room was gross, someone kept farting to my right.  I just don't know about this! It was one guy's first time, he wore SWEATS! He was so hot in those things, he needed to get out of the room.  The instructor literally wouldn't let him leave and talked him into staying in her militant voice. 

There was nothing Zen like about this experience for me.  I think there would've been had the instructor use more SOOTH / SOFTNESS in her voice.  So next I will try HOT yoga.  Temperature is a little lower than Bikrahm and I'm hoping the instructor will actually do the class and have a ZEN LIKE voice.

And there you have it! (hope you got a slight chuckle).

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Why did today, Tuesday, feel like Monday? Boy, it was a long day.  Although my weigh in is next Sunday, I thought I'd take a picture, my obliques are really coming in and my body fat is down which is pretty good for being in the 22nd day of January.
Please excuse all the female products on the counter, typical self-bathroom portrait (DISCLAIMER - That is BIKINI TOP not a bra):
I know that no matter what I won't have a flat lower abdominal wall due to two kids and losing over 100 pounds.  That's just life.

I was really looking forward to the gym today.  I LOVE teaching R.I.P.P.E.D.!  We did some new stuff today that was pretty intense.  Our microphone was broken at the gym, so I had to yell to the entire class.  Thank GOD I was a cheerleader in my earlier life! HA HA HA.

I loved my lunch.  I bought two rotisserie chickens and shredded them up.  I had 4oz of chicken, quinoa, mushrooms, bell peppers, green onions and tomatoes.  Clean and YUMMY, wanna see?
Boy did that fill me up!

After teaching a strong class, I was so mad at myself today.  I forgot my gym jacket. Lord was it cold outside and I was drenched.  I had to put my dress from work on over my gym clothes.  I looked ridiculous! HA HA HA. So glad it was dark out. 

So famished tonight, yet pooped working 12 hours.  Rotisserie chicken is absolutely convenient! I made a salad with spinach and arugula, sliced almonds, raspberries and 4 oz of chicken. Look how gorgeous my salad looks (before I dig in!):
One of the things that I wanted to remind my students tonight and remind you is this powerful statement: EXCUSES ARE LIKE PUTTING NAILS INTO YOUR COFFIN.  I know that is rough, but it's true.  Each time we get away from working out and we make excuses, the next excuse becomes even easier to fall into. 
View working out/eating healthy a privilege and something you are gifting to yourself.  Our souls and our actual bodies are two different things.  Without our soul/thoughts our body wouldn't move.  Are you going to make your body move?  Are you going to tell it to, or, are you going to keep talking yourself out of it?
Love you, love the gift that was given to you - your body. 
I hope you had a wonderful day and smiled a lot today.
That Gym Girl