Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Have you ever said, "I just can't lose these last ten pounds?"  Or, "these last few pounds just won't come off?"  Then you get all flustered huh!?! 

I wanted to share something that may help you change your perspective and maybe just save you a little frustration.

Sometimes, if we can just change we look at something  and think differently about it, it can change our entire attitude.  And also, I'll say this, if you can follow below, this is going to take a lot of pressure off of you.   It really will, I promise.

I've written these three words in many of my articles.  "LIFE STYLE CHANGE."  Why? When you lose those last ten pounds or even all the pounds, you just can't stop and go back to the way you were eating, drinking and perhaps NOT working out.  If you do, which many have, you will gain the weight back - if not more.  So unnecessarily put themselves through the losing weight roller coaster or "yo yo," and many get  so frustrated and resolve they aren't meant to be fit and give up.    NOT TRUE.

If you can stop focusing on those "last pounds," and make this a LIFE STYLE CHANGE there are no LAST pounds to lose.  EVERYBODY who loses weight, including myself, WILL gain some back. Now that can range.  For instance I'll make me as an example.  My weight can go up 5 to 8 pounds. Everybody will fluctuate.  So that means you REALLY want to just keep your life active and eating healthy because those few pounds that you fluctuate with WILL come back off.   But staying active and eating healthy for life keeps that fluctuating number low, rather than you lose 50 lbs and gain 25 back, you lose 20 of it gain 45 of it back.  Those numbers won't happen like that if you make a serious change  for your entire life. And it's best to get started because the older we get the metabolism gets slower. BUT, no matter what age you are, it's NEVER too late to start.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON hits a plateau.  I have written about this very subject before.  This is  where your body will STOP losing weight no matter what you do.  This is just for a period of time, sometimes short, somtimes long, it truly depends on YOU. And I know what you are thinking, "WHAT!"   Oh yes, trust me it can be frustrating.  But there is light at the end of the tunnel, you CAN get out if it.  There are ways to get out of it  quickly.   There are ways to trick your body to get out of that plateau quickly (shocking your body as we trainers call it) .  I've written about that too.  (See archives on right side of this page, each month is a list of articles previously written).

So the point of all of this IS  this, your journey IS your life, your- whole life.  I don't know one single person, that  after working their butts off and learning how to eat healthy would want to gain all of it back or even some of it.  Don't focus on NUMBERS on the scale.  Focus on becoming a better VERSION OF YOU and just staying healthy and fit.  Change your life, make THIS a LIFE STYLE change and there won't be a focus on the scale.  Just stay on your path.  And what's super important is this, if you keep losing and gaining, losing and gaining, soon you will develop loose skin that you CANNOT get rid of in the gym or by eating healthy.  It will only come off by surgery.  And by losing/gaining constantly  can totally mess up your metabolism and make losing those added pounds much harder to lose. (Also see my blog in August about focusing on the journey and how you get there WOW an eye opener for your life!)

So many have thrown their hands in the air and it doesn't have to be this way!  Make this simple for you.  Resolve to make your life a new one.  A life that is healthy and fit.  Trust me because when you are in your 60's and on up, your body and your brain will thank you for this. 

Do this for your future YOU!  And here's another thought, do this not only for you, but for your children.  By you setting an example for your children (if you have them) you will inspire them!  As you learn and start eating healthy you need to include them.  They need  to learn what eating healthy is.  THEY NEED TO KNOW HOW so when they are adults they can follow in your HEALTHY FOOTSTEPS.  You might be one that didn't learn how to eat healthy from your parents.  So this carried into your lifestyle as you became an adult and now you are scratching your head in your 20s, 30s, 40s. because you really don't know how to eat healthy and when to eat, how much to eat, etc.  Eating truly is 75% of weight loss.  But see, that carries onto your kids.  See what I'm saying here?   It is up to us to INSPIRE our children.  Let that be a motivating factor in your life.

I can help you and want to help you.  Any questions comment below.  But know one last thing, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, YOU HAVE SUPPORT RIGHT HERE and you can join my facebook page where all support each other at -


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