Sunday, March 16, 2014


It's amazing the things that we tell ourselves. What's even MORE amazing is that WE BELIEVE IT!

There are so many people that struggle with their weight.  Not only do some struggle with it, but it's now caused many health problems. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, knee problems, back problems, you name it, weight can cause it.

There is no secret to losing weight and eating right. You can download, tips, books, workouts within seconds on the internet. All the information you need on how to do it, is at your finger tips.

But you don't utilize it do you?  See, the reason why many don't lose weight is because many, maybe even you, have been STUCK IN YOUR STORY.  What you tell yourself, is your story.  What you believe in what you have told yourself is YOUR story about YOU.

Have you ever said or thought,  "I've tried every diet and everything and I can't lose weight. Nothing works."

Have you ever said that? Then you just sort've threw your hands up in the air and just succumbed to what you just told yourself.  You believe it.  So you gave up, and the weight is still there. Many people just accept the fact they are overweight and come to the belief they are meant to be 'fat.'  NO NO NO NO NO!  NO you are NOT!  I don't even like the word 'fat.'  My last client said that to me while she cried her eyes out.  It broke my heart because I know it's not true, but convincing her was going to take some work.  Once we could begin changing her story, her weight would begin to fall off.  

Say these words to yourself, "I am not my story. I CAN lose weight."  

I promise you, YOU CAN.

Thoughts thus create emotions.  This is why it is important we pay attention as to what we tell ourselves and what we allow ourselves to believe.  BUT,  not noticing all the negative stuff we clog our brain with is like poisoning ourselves.  I mean think about it, would you take a spoonful of poison and eat it?  NO.  You could die from it.  GUESS WHAT IT'S THE SAME AS THE POISON WE FEED OUR MIND, that comes with emotion.  WE MUST BE AWARE.  But you see, it's that story, the one you tell yourself over and over - IT is why you can't lose weight. That story you so believe is the cause. Then you justify it by more stories, "I don't have time. " "I'm too tired."  It's not that the diet didn't work or that you think you don't have time.  It's because you have fooled yourself.  Then the shame comes.

The key to being successful in losing weight, is to first STOP TELLING YOURSELF NEGATIVE STORIES and STOP LISTENING TO THEM - STOP BELIEVING THEM.  Because really you haven't tried EVERYTHING.  Your story keeps you stuck and WILL keep you stuck.  

Anybody can lose weight. You've seen friends, family and maybe co-workers lose weight and keep it off.  They are not doing anything that you can't do. It isn't that they are lucky or have some secret you don't know about. The difference between you and them is their story and your story.  

The key?  How? What do I do now?   CHANGE YOUR STORY.  It is crucial that you do this and you do this quickly.  In fact, make your story have a happy ending, make it positive. Feed yourself a spoonful of positive when it comes to your body every day!  I CAN LOSE WEIGHT and I CAN KEEP IT OFF.  I AM GOING TO GET STARTED, and this time, I AM NOT GIVING UP.  I AM WORTH IT!   Your story should be a positive story and it should be YOUR TRUTH.  Believing in yourself is SO IMPORTANT. You must believe that if Harry at work can lose 40 pounds so can you!  Harry doesn't have some magic secret to how he did it.  Harry's story changed.  Many people wake up one day and they are over it.  They are ready for a new story.  Are you?

Have you REALLY tried everything?  You can drive into town and there are gyms everywhere. You can go on to Youtube and there are a ton of FREE workouts on line.  There are personal trainers just waiting to whip you into shape.  Invest in you!!! TAKE ACTION.

Every client that I sit down with, I ask them to create a VISION for themselves.  I tell them to close their eyes and see their body they way they would like it to look at the end of their weight loss journey.  I tell them to take a good look at themselves (keeping eyes closed no peeking!), adore that person they see, believe they can be their vision.  BELIEVE IN YOUR VISION.  Once you have a vision (and that's just and example), MAKE A PLAN. YOU MUST MAKE A PLAN.   How are you going to carry this out?  Have you ever hired a personal trainer?  Have you ever signed up for a workout challenge at the gym? Have you ever started an exercise program and never quit? Well it's a new day and you get a new start to NEVER STOP!  Have you ever asked for help on losing the weight, taking that advise and inculcating it into your plan on to succeed at this.  It's important to make a plan and how you plan on achieving this vision.  THIS IS SOMETHING MANY, MANY PEOPLE DO NOT DO, let alone stop being the star of their negative story.  

My wish for you is that you, LOVE YOURSELF and know YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT and that you ARE NOT YOUR STORY.  Let your mind open and your heart open to the possibilities to a brand new you.   So, go get some paper and a pen.  Find a quiet place.  At the top of your page...The title to your NEW STORY -- and begin to write out your plan.....YOU CAN DO THIS!


#weightloss  #diet  #exercise  #fitness  #loveyourself  #workout