Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Many of you have questions about health and fitness, diets, workouts, food, you name it!


Go to and send me a question.  I will post your question (anonymously if you would prefer) and answer it here on my blog. In the reference line make sure you put "BLOG QUESTION."

Or, come on over to my Facebook Fitness Public Page.  Go to Facebook and you can also ask it there.



Here's a question I recv'd from my email on my fitness blog: From "M"  :
 "I have over 100 pounds to lose I am very fearful that I will have loose skin. Does weight loss get rid of loose skin?"
Unfortunately I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it DOES NOT. One way of alleviating SOME just a little bit of loose skin is to build some muscle. For the ladies, NO I'm not talking about bulking up like a body builder, I'm simply talking about building some lean muscle. If and after you do this and you still have loose skin, the only other way to get rid of it completely is to have surgery. I think one of the things people REALLY need to keep in mind is this. 1. When you gain weight, the more and more you gain, then lose, then gain, then lose, then gain you will create that loose skin and once you have it, as I stated before, surgery is your alternative. YO YO dieting and up/down weight gain can ruin the elasticity in your skin cells. RESOLVE to change your LIFESTYLE - get the weight off and keep it off. The only way to keep it off is to make healthy eating/working out a LIFESTYLE...FOR LIFE BABY A SEXY YOU...Is that so bad? Thanks for writing M. To your Health!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

You Should Be Spinning! TURN AND BURN!

I was inspired to write a little bit about spinning or "cycle" class.

One of the women that take my class has been taking it for six weeks. She had already lost 120 lbs taking my R.I.P.P.E.D. and kickboxing (She started with me last May.) class and hit a plateau.  I had explained that mixing up her workouts during the week will help her to break it.

She decided to try my spin class! I advised that she take a few classes to really get use to up/down transitions, the peddle strokes, the difference in the cardio than taking a kickboxing class.  As well as,  the  great thing about spinning, it requires ZERO coordination.  Oh, I CAN"T FORGET!  I also warned her of one thing that can happen to us females after taking our very first  spin class  - Some get a  little soreness 'down there' due to not being use to the saddle (seat) and not being use to keeping enough gear on your bike to keep you from slapping your whoohaaaaaw on the saddle (or as we say bouncing in the saddle).
Love those pictures above, they just crack me up! \

So last night I had asked her if she had noticed a difference in her cardio strength since she had hit the six week mark in my class.  She had shared with me how she couldn't believe how much harder she was now able to work in R.I.P.P.E.D. and she didn't want to give up like before.  She was stronger and could now push herself into another zone and push herself even harder in kickboxing class.  One year, and 3 months ago, Jen could NOT run, jump, do push-ups and walked with a limp due to being overweight.  Since she had began to take spin, she said she noticed that her cardio sessions were longer on the treadmill and  she is actually able to run now.  She was pretty excited about that! YAY JEN!

I was SO, SO excited to hear this!  She is such a fighter and I am so glad she takes a Pro's advise and follows through.  She is in love with her new lifestyle change, the friends she has made at the gym and the confidence she now has in herself.

Spin class is so much fun! You've got great music, lights are very dim and as a beginner, you can work at your own level.  Sure it's tough in the beginning - I'm not gonna lie, but the potential of burning a high calorie number gets you to your weight loss goal much quicker than walks on a treadmill or an elyptical workout.  IT CAN REALLY BOOST YOUR METABOLISM! IF you stick with spinning, THE POUNDS WILL MELT OFF! I had one guy that lost 100 pounds just doing spin class.  He loves it so much, he bought a road bike and rides with others in our 6:00 a.m. class.  They do 100 mile rides! I am so proud of him!

When taking a spin class, it's like the instructor is your own personal trainer! Pushing you, motivating you and encouraging you.

If you are an avid outdoor cyclist, the great thing about a spin class is this, you can come in during the cold season, clip in and ride!

There are SO many benefits to spin/cycle class! I want to pose a challenge to you! - TAKE A SPIN/CYCLE CLASS 2 times a week for the next 30 days! CAN YOU DO THAT? YOU SURE CAN! You will be so proud of yourself once you complete a class - the feeling is elating!  I am hooked and that is why I studied and got two certifications in it as well as bought a spin bike to have at home!  I PROMISE YOU - YOU TAKE THIS CHALLENGE, YOU STICK WITH IT AND EAT HEALTHY,  YOU WILL SEE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR BODY AND YOUR CARDIO STRENGTH.  YOU WILL WORK UP TO A GREAT LEVEL OF FITNESS!

CLICK ON THIS YOUTUBE LINK == Jimmy Fallon Doing A Spin workout with LMFAO! LOL - This completely made me laugh!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012


It's Tricep Tuesday!  Here are two fantastic strength moves that will sculpt those arms and get rid of those bingo wings!

First - Scull Crunches - no you really don't crunch the bar on your scull.  As you see in this demonstration, you will slowly drop the weighted bar toward your forehead, just barely above is where you will stop and then slowly (not fast) use your triceps to push the bar back up.  This is a great PUSH exercise.

I usually do 3 sets of 12.  Now, if you have never done this before, get the hang of the momentum and movement by using an unloaded weight bar first.  Once comfy, go ahead and put on your plates or, just use the bar itself.

2. Tricep Dips - I love using my body as my weight to lift and drop.  You can do these with a chair/bench or simply get on the floor as demonstrated.

You'll notice in the demonstration photo where his hands are placed.  Very important you place your hands in this position.  If you have any write or shoulder issues/injuries I suggest not doing this strength move. You can easily just do a tricep kickback - see pic below


Give these a try and create some sexy arms!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, August 20, 2012


It's MONDAY! New week and perhaps it is time to change up your workout!

Today I wanted to just reiterate a few things I've covered in past articles and some new fitness - weight loss tips.

Weight loss, is NOT as hard as most make it out to be.  Weight loss does NOT have to be a year long process to reach a goal (for most depends on start weight).

If you have set a goal and it's been almost a year and you have not reached your final goal -- KEEP READING! 

Keys to hitting your weight loss goal and getting there, and I'm not talking at a snail's pace.  I'm talking about GETTING THERE!

1. Decide WHY you want to lose weight.  If you are not emotionally invested in this process and really understand why you want this - THE DONUT will win every time!

2. It's not a matter of how LONG you workout.  Again please believe me when I say this with 24 years under my belt in being a fitness professional, it's HOW STRONG you workout.

Doing just 15 minutes of high intensity cardio interval training (HIT stands for High Intensity Training) is BETTER than 1 hour of cardio.  The best way to do this is a new method called cardio acceleration. This means adding one or two minutes of aerobic exercise between intervals of resistance training and switching back and forth -  you're actually burning more calories than you would if you were jogging on a treadmill or even walking through the park.

3. Do NOT limit your exercise.  Do NOT do the same type of exercise each time you decide to get moving! You need your body to respond and act! I mean, that's why you are working out, you want to lose weight! If you are going to workout to lose weight, then you MUST mix it up. 

4. Get regular 8 hours sleep.  YOU BURN CALORIES sleeping.  If you are sleep deprived, you WILL gain weight and become obese. Sleep is SUPER important!

5. Do NOT DIET to lose weight.  Diet is a 4 letter word. Bad BAD word!  Eat clean = no processed foods.  Stop binge drinking on the weekends by yourself or with your friends.  (I am going to cover an article about what alcohol can do to your weight loss plan) Eat smaller portions throughout the day to raise your metabolism. You can turn your body into a FAT BURNING MACHINE just buy eating 5/6 meals day (small portions)  and when eating your last meal in the evening, don't eat carbs.  Remember you need carbs for fuel. Now unless your about to have marathon sex, I suggest not eating carbs at night. 

Eat right - eat clean and make this a LIFESTYLE change not a temporary DIET.  Remember, when you finally LOSE THE WEIGHT you have to keep it off and maintain.  Diets don't work for this.  Then again, were you planning on losing all that weight then just letting go and eating what you want when you get there? Did you plan on gaining some if not more back?  I didn't think so silly!  Then this must be a lifestyle change where your mind and your body have committed to being healthy!

6. Stay away from processed foods!



7.  Strength train.  I've wrote many articles on this and will say it again the quicker you start strength training with hand weights, resistance bands, etc.  the quicker you are going to lose weight.

8. Stay away from the white stuff. (which again is a processed food) Guess what the white stuff is? You know.

9. The Banana Debate - if you are trying to lose weight (not maintain) then I would cut bananas out of your food plan or if you MUST eat them cut it in half.  Only eat half a banana a day.  Why? If your goal is to lose BODY FAT than your goal should be to keep your insulin levels super low and give your body inefficient sources of fuel (NOT SUGAR) so that it has to work to break those foods down and use body fat for fuel.  

Let me explain something about eating fruit.   There is a HUGE difference between foods that are healthy and foods that are conducive to weight loss. The two aren’t always necessarily the same. For instances, grapes, pineapples, berries, melon etc. are all healthy and contain terrific nutrients, but they also have sugar (also known as fructose). Yes fruit sugar is better than table sugar or corn syrup, but at the end of the day it’s still sugar. Although it is slightly controversial, and this is the way I lost my weight in 6 months, I did not eat ANY fruit.  I had cut out ALL sugar from my eating plan. When I lost the weight, hit my goal.  I added one serving of fruit back into my eating plan a day, and I eat this either in the morning or in the afternoon.  I ate strictly veggies and lean meats and other proteins like egg whites. My carbs were from broccoli and green leafy foods.

You see, sugar raises blood sugar and causes the hormone insulin to be released. When your blood sugar rises, insulin blunts or stops the use of fat for fuel, so basically you can’t continue to use fat for fuel when you eat sugars – natural or not. I want to make this 100% clear – bananas and fruit are great foods, but I think we overeat them and when we do consume them it’s at the wrong time.

Not one person that I train, wants to hit their weight loss goal in 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, etc.  Every single one desires to get there as fast and as safe as possible.  You CAN lose 10 pounds in a week.  It's a matter of how strong you train and if you follow the above! 

If you are going to do this - DO IT RIGHT and if you have questions, I'm here to help you! If I can do it in 6 months so can you!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Happy Sunday!

I hope you all had a great weekend!  Did you workout at all?  If so, what did you do?  I want to ask you something, from Friday to today, was there a workout in where you actually pushed yourself OUT of your comfort zone? Or, did you take it easy on yourself?  Did you finish strong?

This morning, I was inspired.  A young gal in her 20's , that was quite overweight approached me and had told me it was her first time in class and has asked what she needed for the set up.  The class this morning was group strength training.

As were really working our muscle groups today, I began to notice that something was going on with her, something was wrong.

She paced back and forth as we were doing squats, and she began to put her equipment away and approached me while I was teaching the class.  She wanted to have a conversation but unfortunately I couldn't stop and have one due to teaching the class.

She whispered to me that her knee and foot were hurting and she had to leave.  I had hated that she had to stop but I was glad she listened to her body and did so  My heart went out to her because she limped away and I knew that she was embarrassed and upset.

After class, I ran downstairs to see if she was still around. I wanted to talk with her and see how she was feeling.  To my surprise she was sitting on the couch resting her foot.   I sat down next to her and she apologized to me over and over for having to leave class early.  I put my hand on her shoulder and told her that she absolutely nothing to apologize for.    She explained to me that she had to force everything she had, to get herself up out of bed and get to the gym.  She wanted to take my class than the zumba class after. But, due to the screw in her ankle it was causing her a lot of pain and also created pain her leg.   Due to her weight issue it also caused her issues in her legs. She shared with me she had surgery in her foot, had a screw and plate put in and lived in constant pain.  She started to cry a little and she said to me, "I'm too young to have these kinds of issues! I really wanted to finish class so I could be proud of myself!"

I thought to myself, WOW, what is OUR excuse for not even getting to the gym? Here was this young woman who experienced a great deal of pain, has a weight issue that she clearly acknowledged over and over and was so determined to get to the gym and yet was so mad at herself because she couldn't finish.   Yes, mad that she couldn't finish.  Yet I hear people complain constantly and complain that they HAVE to finish.

WOW -- what's your excuse?  Be happy when YOU finish that workout, be proud and then do it again the next day! STICK WITH IT and have gratitude if you can walk with ease and don't have injuries to your body! BE THANKFUL!

Friday, August 17, 2012


I'm a sucker for french fries! But when I tried this I was so excited and wanted to share!

If you like sweet potato baked fries you will love these butternut squash fries!

They have ~half the carbs of sweet potato and are easy to make. I peeled a butternut squash & sliced it into strips. Toss the strips with a bit of olive oil and then I sprinkled them with salt, pepper & garlic powder.
  • Bake for about 12 minutes at 375°
  •  Then turn the oven to Broil for about 5-8 minutes to crisp them a bit.

If you like them crispier, I'd recommend slicing them thinner than I did. For 200g of these it's about 22g of carbohydrate so you eat a huge pile!


Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Let's be honest, when you get to the gym and realize you forgot your Ipod, suddenly your motivation for getting that workout in, doesn't seem so appealing anymore.  You can't even watch the t.v. on one of the cardio machines! You can't get that EYE OF THE TIGER look!   It's a DRY workout! UGH!

Do you ever notice that when you do bring your music with you, depending on your choice of your playlist,  it can really make or break your workout can't it?!!! It can mole your attitude for your workout can't it?!!!  Oh yes it sure can!   

What's on your Ipod when you workout? What motivates you to pump and move in the gym? If you don't listen to music when you workout and you notice that you just can't motivate yourself, I suggest you get yourself an Ipod or a Zen player, it will make a HUGE difference.

Certain playlists can you assist you in running faster, perfecting your form when lifting and even lifting with more drive and determination! A great playlist can really assist you in that last ounce of energy you need to complete that superset workout!  For instance ladies, if you aren't feeling sexy, make a playlist of the upbeat music that makes you feel sexy. 

Music can elevate positive effects in your workout and it can alleviate negative feelings that you might have had throughout the day.  Music with high tempo beats increases energy in the part of the brain that makes you more excited. 

As a suggestion, here are some of the songs I have on my Zen player that I pump iron too:

  • Sandman - Metallica
  • Lights - Kanye West
  • Push It Remix- Salt n Peppa & Timberland
  • Back In Black - AC/DC
  • Paris - Jay Z / Kanye West
  • Hey Baby - Pitbull
  • Moment For Life - Nicki Minaj
  • Body Movin' - Beasty Boys
  • So What Cha Want - Beasty Boys
  • Somethin' In Your Mouth - Nickleback
  • Pyromania (Rock Of Ages) - Def Leopard
  • Show Me How To Live - Audioslave
  • Sex Type Thing - Stone Temple Pilots
  • Crazy Bitch - Buckcherry
  • Cinema - Skrillex
  • 'Til I Collapse - Eminem
  • Move Yourself - Eminem
  • Revolver - Madonna
  • Pour Some Sugar - Def Leopard
  • Bleed It Out - Lincoln Park
  • Let's Have A Kiki - Remix
  • Indestructible - Disturbed

I could go on and on as I have a ton of music of different types.  When I'm pumping iron I have to say that I hit it hard and when running I seem to run faster and for a longer period of time.  Let music be a motivating tool to assist you in your workouts - IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE!


CAN YOU ADD TO THE LIST? List some of your workout songs below!

Monday, August 13, 2012

I will post my story later as I am working on it! But in the meantime here is my before picture at 210 pounds wearing a size 1X

I lost the weight in 6 months and got back down to at that time 115 pounds size 2 to 4.  I now weigh 118 pounds at a size 2 to 4 jeans!


I know what the struggles are, where the excuses come from.  Sometimes you think you are ALONE in this journey, YOU ARE NOT.  I am here 24/7!  You MUST develop a strong support team around you!  If you are new to your weight loss journey this is CRUCIAL!  You will start out with the best intentions, and usually anywhere from week 2 to 4 you are paying for a gym membership you aren't even using! Why? I know why.  

Your support team can be a friend who is on the same weight loss journey, a co-worker who is already going to the gym and succeeding in his/her fitness goals, a mentor (LIKE ME) that has been there and has the answers you are looking for.

If you are going to invest in YOURSELF, do it right and don't be afraid to ask questions and seek out support! Again - I'm right here to hold your hand if you need me!


Friday, August 10, 2012


Are you on the go in the morning and seem to have no time to eat something but figure coffee will do? 

You're never too busy to eat breakfast.  Breakfast can be prepped the night before so all you have to do is grab it and go!

When you skip breakfast, it slows down your metabolism. It thus causes -headaches,fatigue, & lack of concentration. Worse, it can cause you to over eat on your first meal of the day.

I'm always asked what I eat for breakfast well here's what I had this morning - and remember TRY YOUR BEST TO EAT BREAKFAST WITHIN THE HOUR YOU HAVE WOKE UP!

White Peaches, a little Kashi sprinkled on top and some light Greek Yogurt, Cinnamon sprinkled on top:

Other clean breakfasts can include - 3 egg white, I had left over lean ground turkey meat, threw in some tomato and onions - YUM!

I make protein or oat pancakes ALL the time they are so easy, fast and yummy -

- 50g/1.75oz rolled oats
- 100g/3.5oz low fat cottage cheese
- 1 whole egg, 1 egg using only WHITES
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 50g/1.75oz blueberries

  1. Blend all the ingredients except the blueberries in a small food processor until smooth
  2. Pour a ladleful into a heated non-stick pan, and cook for two minures each side (I just poured it in straight from the food processor bowl, then pressed in the blueberries, cooked for two minutes, then flipped over)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The METRX180

I'm a huge fan of Met-Rx as they have been a leader in fitness for many years and have a fantastic list of elite athletes that are on their team.

Their products by far are better than GNC's! I love love love their products. Did I say I love them yet?

Well I'm proud to announce a brand new program that YOU can be a part of when it comes to weight loss!

This brand new IN HOME fitness program is designed to transform EVERY body type in 90 days - that's IF you follow the program.  Not only do they provide an excellent workout program for you but they also provide the NUTRITION plan that you will need to make this a success!

The MET-Rx 180 program includes everything needed to get started: 16 workouts on 12 DVDs (in a super-handy DVD sleeve so there aren’t a zillion discs floating around), a workout ball and pump, resistance band, tape measure, skin calibrator kit, fitness guide, nutrition guide, product catalog, poster of exercises, 90-day workout tracker, online community membership and electronic subscription to Met-Rx magazine. For those more advanced worker-outers, I would recommend adding a set of light dumbbells (for the women) or heavy dumbbells (for the guys).

This company IS amazing and very reputable! They know fitness and they know nutrition.  Click here to watch the introduction!

Go to:

These days, there is just NO excuse! There are so many programs that are out there to help you achieve your weight loss goals.  Get out of your way and start your journey TODAY - at home!

If they ask how you heard about "us" let them know that the website KISS MY GUNS WEIGHT LOSS from GOOGLE search sent you there!

This is an ISSA approved program




Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hey everyone! If there is a topic you would like me to cover or questions you need answered when it comes to fitness/eating/lifestyle change, etc....Post a comment below and I will write about it!

I hope you all have started your WORKOUT TIP JAR and have already started earning money! If you don't know what that is, read a couple of articles down.

Also - those visiting my page for the FIRST TIME.  WELCOME! On the right side you will notice "Archives" those are all of the articles written that you can scroll through and hopefully find one that you like!

I hope you are making this a GREAT DAY!


Men v Group Fitness Classes

Majority of the men in the gym, do that special 'gym waddle' walk right past the group fitness room to slurp down a bunch of water, not realizing what is even going on in that room.

Most don't care for they have this notion that the group fitness classes are for women or as some have told me sissy's and other have straight out stated, "that's NOT a workout," even though they've never taken a class in their life.

Sidenote: I was joking around with a family member telling him he needed to come to my aunt's house this Sunday.  I was going to be conducting a mini aqua class for them in their pool.  He laughed and said that those classes are for people that are old and have gray hair.  STOP - HUGE MISCONSEPTION.  I bet you probably thought that too, didn't you?  Well guess what.  It's not true.  Have you tried an aqua class?  Before I got my certification in aqua fitness, I thought let me try this; I sorta thought the same thing.  BOY WAS I WRONG! I had to take a long nap after, I was pooped! I used every muscle in my body in ways I never had before.  The strength training portion was crazy and I was sore for days -  I LOVED IT! Boy was I wrong! TRY IT!

It's funny, on Monday's I usually go down to the weight workout floor where the free weights are to work my upper body.  I'm surrounded by men grunting, groaning, form all off, sweating and some lifting in ways that are so dangerous, out-of-date, way too fast (i.e., dangerous) and I got to say a lot lift in a way that is NOT effective to the muscle group they working. 

Being buff is NOT being FIT.  Sorry guys, I know, I know you are probably going HUH? Or, 'this chick doesn't know what she's talking about.'    Well, it's just not.  Being fit is a healthy cardio respiratory system as well as lean muscle mass and eating clean.  They all go hand in hand. 

It's pretty tough for me as I sit there  in between sets and watch these guys practically injure themselves. I just want to go over there and tell them to STOP. Slow is better.  If it's way to heavy and your form is compromised, use lighter weights and do more repetitions. FORM IN EVERYTHING.  But most don't know what true form is.  Now, if they took a group strength training class or body pump class,  they would learn proper form and technique to get better and have those quicker results that they are after.

 I was witnessing one small man doing bench presses.  Granted he didn't have a spotter and had  50's on each side.  As he would lift and press the bar upward, his entire back would come off the bench. His lower back completely arched and he was pushing with his legs to get the bar upward.  I couldn't help but stare and of course he was  making the most unnecessary noises.   I cringed and I knew that what I was thinking, was written all over my face! OOPS! But, was he using he chest muscles? Not completely no.  He was using his legs and  back to push off...WRONG form!  I see this a lot with men who work their chest.  They lift that bar and push off with their legs. WRONG!  This man will have a lower back injury VERY SOON.  This is exactly what he was doing:

When it comes to group fitness instructors.  We spend more money in our education than we make on a paycheck.  The gym I work for you MUST be nationally certified to teach a class  and then you must have a separate certification for the format you are teaching.  This should  assure you  that when you step into a class, we know what we are doing and a lot of us have multiple certifications and have many years under our belt of education.  One of things folks may not realize is that, in the Institute of Exercise and Science, they are constantly researching and doing studies to make sure that we are doing things safely and effectively.  So every few years, things change, particular exercises are realized to be ineffective and can cause short term to long term injury and we are updated on this information. 

When it comes to group fitness, it is a joy to see more and more men taking the classes.  Now guys again, I know you think it's sissy.  IT'S NOT.  There ARE men that even take Zumba, let alone teach it and it is A great workout and it's FUN.  You forget you are even doing cardio!

Stop depending on just weight lifting and get your cardio in. It's true having more lean muscle means less fat on the body and raises your metabolic rate.   But, that doesn't mean you are strong in you cardio area, and that is VERY important for your body.  Balance out your workouts.  Change up your workouts, especially when you hit the pesky plateaus!

 Here is an example of a higher population of men  in the following group exercise classes:

- Spin/Cycle type classes (requires NO coordination)
- Bootcamp (requires NO coordination)
- Body Pump (requires NO coordination)
- R.I.P.P.E.D. (requires NO coordination)
- Group Strength Training  (requires NO coordination)
- Kickboxing (requires NO coordination)

Don't be scared! Nobody and I promise you NOBODY is going to look at you, point and laugh.  People are way too focused on their performance in the class.  Best part, it's a positive environment, high energy and FUN!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

NEW CHALLENGE! What Is It Going To Take?

Sometimes we all need a push to get that workout completed! I admit even for myself, when not teaching or training, sometimes I need a little motivation too!

Disclaimer: Remember HONESTY policy.  If you are dishonest then you really can't win now can you? Be honest with YOURSELF!


Start a WORKOUT TIP JAR.  After you have completed a THOROUGH workout.  Listen up -  I DO NOT mean  that the workout is a walk the dog in the park(or the kids)  or a leisure bike ride - N.O.!.  I'm talking A WORKOUT that makes you want to fall on the floor flat on your back out of breath and clothes soaked! Got it?  Like Laura right here:

After you have completed a good solid workout PUT $1.00 in your workout tip jar!

Some of you aren't use to working out past your comfort zone.  THIS IS YOUR CHALLENGE TO DO SO!

After your 100th yes I said ONE HUNDRED workout here's what you do - YES! You earned $100 WHOOHOO:

1. I want you take a picture of you holding that full jar and email me at:   

2.  You go and buy something that you couldn't fit into before! 

3. After you buy that cool item, send a brief note with the pic of that outfit letting us know if you went down a pant/dress/skirt/short size or two! If you are shy to have your pic taken - take a pic of what you bought and why!

HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE TO THIS CHALLENGE BY COMMENTING BELOW THIS ARTICLE THAT YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE IT...First name and last initial if you don't want to list your full name! Otherwise I won't know who is in!

I promise you this,  if you eat clean and you do these 100 WORKOUTS -not brisk walks I want a WORKOUT, you will look different from today - because today is the day you are going to start aren't you?!!!

For your own record, it's a good idea to  log your start weight so by the completion of the 100th workout you can weigh yourself again and see how much you have lost!  I hope you will join the fun!

If you want a solid good workout idea here's one you can try out!