Tuesday, August 21, 2012


It's Tricep Tuesday!  Here are two fantastic strength moves that will sculpt those arms and get rid of those bingo wings!

First - Scull Crunches - no you really don't crunch the bar on your scull.  As you see in this demonstration, you will slowly drop the weighted bar toward your forehead, just barely above is where you will stop and then slowly (not fast) use your triceps to push the bar back up.  This is a great PUSH exercise.

I usually do 3 sets of 12.  Now, if you have never done this before, get the hang of the momentum and movement by using an unloaded weight bar first.  Once comfy, go ahead and put on your plates or, just use the bar itself.

2. Tricep Dips - I love using my body as my weight to lift and drop.  You can do these with a chair/bench or simply get on the floor as demonstrated.

You'll notice in the demonstration photo where his hands are placed.  Very important you place your hands in this position.  If you have any write or shoulder issues/injuries I suggest not doing this strength move. You can easily just do a tricep kickback - see pic below


Give these a try and create some sexy arms!

Happy Tuesday!

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