Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I have been absent in my blogging.  I will be back with a new article very, very soon!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Strength vs. Cardio Only

For those that have been following my blog then you read the article under the "archives" about women and strength training.  This seems to be a subject that frustrates me.  I can say this until I'm purple in the face that if you have weight to lose and all you do is cardio you are gonna be walking for a long long time LONG TIME until you get that stored fat off of your body.  Cardio alone does NOT burn stored fat. Not to mention do you even know how many calories you are burning when you do your cardio?  Here's a secret 200/400 calories you burn or maybe 500/600 in that cardio session all you have burned off is what you ate for the day.  You haven't even TOUCHED the stored fat.  There's a reason why it's called STORED, it won't LEAVE right?!

Do you know how intense your workout really should be?  When doing home workouts, it's VERY COMMON and VERY EASY to minimize your workouts.  You could be doing that and not even realize it. Do your body a favor - GET A PERSONAL TRAINER!

As we women get older our metabolism can seem like our enemy.  It slows WAY down.  Weight then seems harder to lose and the fact is, it is.   If you have never had a personal trainer or been in a setting with a fitness professional and you are doing your own thing you may not even realize that what you are doing is not very effective and is going to take you what seems like FOREVER to reach your goal.  This is why so many throw in the towel, their cheat days turn into 2 cheat days a week or 3 cheat days a week and soon they fall off to the side of the road of their journey.  I've seen it happen 100's of times.  Sadly it's a fact some just don't listen.

It doesn't have to be that way.  If you follow my simple tips and have a talk with yourself and then commit to YOU  that you MUST increase the level of intensity of your workouts, you will have some pretty amazing results and, you WILL DO IT and NOT give up.

Let me ask you this, when you watch the Biggest Loser, do you see these people doing CARDIO ONLY?  Absolutely not.  They are doing a lot of strength work. Some may think their workouts are extreme, I beg to differ.  They have FAT stored in their bodies that has been there for years, their metabolism is asleep.  Therefore by SHOCKING the body and doing what is called MUSCLE CONFUSION type workouts they are able to lose weight a faster rate. 

Summer is around the corner.  My client list is always at its peak due to everybody wanting to look good for summer and not have to cover up their bodies. However realistically if you have over 50 lbs to lose and you think it's gonna happen by summer and all you do is cardio,leisure bike rides, brisk walks, or cardio workout videos and you are over the age of 35 hang it up.  It probably won't happen.  UNLESS YOU DO THE FOLLOWING:

STRENGTH TRAIN, STRENGTH TRAIN STRENGTH TRAIN and I would do it either as often as you do cardio or do it more than you do cardio!  Your metabolism needs to speed up in order to burn fat.  You also want your metabolism to work for you - in burning fat, when you are not working out. Would you like to burn fat while you aren't even working out? I would hope so.   Yes you can be relaxing on your couch after a great strength workout and still be burning fat.  I love that part!  Why on earth would you NOT take this advise and chase your own tale.

2 of my female clients started with me first day in April.  They each (they are friends) have a goal of 25 pounds to  lose by July 31st.  So I got to work and put them on some fantastic supplements that WORK and a gave them their first week strength workout.  This is one that I have done in the past.  My body that week let me lose 6 lbs in 1 week by strength training.  Last week I lost 4 and gained lean muscle. 

Before I move on.  Have you ever had your body fat tested?  Let me tell you something...GET YOUR BODY FAT TESTED! I'm a very visual person.  I worked for a health club that does static body fat testing.  Static body fat testing is the MOST ACCURATE test.  And when you see the chart print out of how much lean muscle you have vs. stored fat and you see it on paper it's an REAL EYE OPENER and can be VERY MOTIVATING and can really help you to see you must CHANGE YOUR WORKOUT IMMEDIATELY! 

If you are in the Sacramento area it's only $40.00 to have this test conducted which takes about 5 minutes and is amazing.  Call Incentive Fitness at 916-481-5004. Ask about how you can come in for a body fat static test.  TRUST ME YOU WILL THANK ME FOR DOING THIS!

So here is just one workout I have done myself and it's very effective.  I put on my music and I get in my garage if I'm not at one of the gym I work at and I pound away! Hand weights are not expensive nor are the resistance tubes!  GET THEM if you don't have them!

I put the girls in a higher level of weights at 10 reps each.  So instead of a 10 pounder on shoulders I'll put them at either 15 or 20 (I tested their strength first to see what they could and couldn't lift). YOU MUST FATIGUE YOUR MUSCLE.. Meaning last rep is almost impossible to complete! That's what is going to give you that after burn.  Doing 3 lbs at an easy set IS NOT GOING to give you the after burn.

Leg Extensions
Leg Curls (seated and laying on stomach)
Straight Leg Deadlifts
Walking Lunges
Standing Calf Raises
 Step ups

Upper Body Chest/Back
Bench Press
Dumbbell Flies
Seated Row
 One arm rows
Military Press
Lateral Raises
Bent over Rows

Shoulder presses
Shoulder Fly machine
Upright rows
Arm extensions (straight out in front of you lifting up to the shoulder  & down)
Tricep dips
Tricep pushups
Tricep 1 arm kick backs
Cable pulldowns

Standing Calve Raises
Seated Calve Raises
One arm bicep curls
Preacher curls
Cable curls
Roman Chair knee lifts
Roman Chair straight leg lifts

I work my larger muscle groups two times a week. I do this because working the larger muscle groups burns more calories/fat and it works for my body.  If you are starting out, you can do that once a week instead of twice and work up to twice a week like I have it listed.  (Google images is great if you type each exercise it'll show you what it is).

This is just one workout that I'll do for a couple weeks, then I completely switch it up to confuse my body. 

Supplements are important.  A multi vitamin is super important.  Protein A MUST for your muscles.  I use the following supplements that are amazing!  Lipo 6 fat burner AMAZING and works!

To your body!