Friday, December 16, 2011

Muscle Mix For The Day - 12/16/11

You never want your body to adapt to your weight lifting routine that you may do on a weekly basis. First thing is to remember that we NEVER work our same muscles on back to back days.  Muscles have memory.  But so important, your muscles need rest and need to recharge.  Feed those bady boys some PROTEIN!

One thing that I love to do on my biceps to mix it up a little. So I like to do - what we call in the gym - 21's. You can do 21's with a dumbbell or barbell. The choice is yours. Let’s take the bicep curl and put the 21's method to work:

  • You will bring the weight from your legs to your waist for 7 reps.
  • Then you will do a very quick pause to change position (do not stop the 21 count) after 7 of those and bring the weight from your waist up to your chest for 7 reps. 
  • Then for the last 7 reps you will do complete reps so it’s a full bicep curl, closing and opening the muscle in completion.
  • So - 7 half way up,  7-up (from waist) and 7 - full. Do 3 sets of these and your arms will show new development in no time.
I LOVE doing these. Now remember when lifting. Work your muscle to fatigue. If you can easily perform your last repetition, bump up your weight a little bit.

And I will tell you this, on a seated leg press, 21's are enough to make you grunt in the gym.

Here's a great standard Bicep Workout:
  • * Warm-up set
  • Standing barbell curls — 4 Sets 10 Reps
  • Incline dumbbell curls — 4 Sets 8 reps
  • Preacher-bench — 4 Sets 8-10 Reps
  • Concentration curls — 2 Sets 8-10 Reps
  • Barbell-curl 21s —- 2 Sets 21 Reps

Enjoy your workout!

To Your Health!

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