Thursday, March 29, 2012


If I told you right now, step by step how you could get rich with just a little bit of work and it's proven over and over, would you take my advise and try my advise?  I sure bet you would.

Ladies I'm going to keep saying this and I'm blue in the face because a lot of you want to keep going  around and around of reality when it comes to your weight loss , yes that weight loss you voice you are frustrated about. That so called last "10 lbs" you can't get off.     So, I'm going to say it again, You want success at losing weight?   HERE IS THE KEY TO LOSING STORED FAT (not what you ate for the day) AND KEEPING IT OFF!


Gimmick ideas of diets DO NOT WORK FOR THE LONG HAUL.  Sure you lose a little weight but guess what? You know what's next.  You can't sustain your life on that and then you gain the weight back...You become caught up in the YO YO.  STOP!  Eating NO carbs BIG NO NO! Cutting too many calories, BIG NO NO!  Drinking nothing but shakes, BIG NO NO.  You keep that yo yo up, your metabolism will be so screwed up.  The older we get, the harder is to get STORED FAT OFF. 

Do you want lose weight? Do you REALLY? Some say yes, but some aren't there yet.  If you focus on how hard this is, and that's all you focus on, you will not succeed!  If you think there's a shortcut and a pill to give you a quick fix you are sadly misleading yourself. 

If you want to lose weight that STAYS off...I repeat STAYS off, you MUST, weight train!  I have wrote about this many times and I still see my friends, people that I know reading this blog still fighting reality!

When you weight train at least 3 times a week which doesn't take long at all, you get what is called THE AFTER BURN.  The after burn is something CARDIO WILL NOT GIVE YOU. When you finish your weight training session, you will continue to BURN FAT.  The more LEAN muscle you have the LESS FAT YOUR BODY WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE.  The more lean muscle you have the faster your metabolism.  No cardio can't do that part for you. 

I am going to say this for the millionth time, YOU WILL NOT GET BULKY AND BUFF! 

Cardio makes your heart stronger and burns calories..WEIGHT LIFTING YOU WILL CONTINUE TO BURN STORED FAT!  Fat that you complain you can't take off.  By doing this, you can honestly say that when you plop down on that couch after you've completed a good QUALITY weight training session, you will still be burning fat while sitting there.  Yes that DOES happen and IS true.  If you take my advise. 
You don't need a gym for this.  You can go down to your local sporting good store and buy hand weights and I'm not talking 3 pounders either.  I took a set of those away from a woman that has been doing my R.,I.P.P.E.D. class for a year now.  Gave her 8 lbs and she couldn't believe she could lift them!   I have in my home gym 5 lbs, 8 lbs, and 10 lbs and then I also have a resistance tube, a ball and a mat.   THAT IS ALL YOU NEED FOLKS to transform your body!

You can work 2 muscles per day for 15 minutes and that's it and you would see A HUGE DIFFERENCE.  So again, cardio is wonderful but 90% of women leave out weight training.   I'm gonna tell you this.  There are guys in the gym that lift weights and they never do any cardio and they have hardly any body fat.  Why?  They are constantly burning any fat due to their weight lifting program. 

Now what is going to be effective and give you the after burn is the QUALITY  of your workout.  Here's the key when weight training, YOU MUST WORK THE MUSCLE TO FATIGUE.  That means by your last repetition - it should NOT be easy, your muscle should be struggling to complete that very last one.  That is why when I train, I don't use heavy weights.  Depending on the muscle group it can vary from 8lbs to 25lbs for my upper body.  I do each repetition very slow, a 4 up a 4 down slow move or a 2 up 2 down slow move so I can really make the muscle work and you want to FEEL that burn.  Don't stop as soon as you feel the burn.

On your core here's a way to get a quick six back...Let those muslces burn.  A very very slow 8 up and 8 down for 15 seconds.  By the last 8 up and 8 down your abs are shaking.  Do that every other day for 30 days and watch and see the difference!

CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY....Don't do this for a week or two and say I DON'T SEE RESULTS and give up...IT IS DUMMY PROOF IT WORKS!  The only way this will not work is if YOU stop or don't even start and try.  And, weight training can take less time than cardio.  But they should go hand in hand.  If you are trying to lose weight you can't just do cardio you have to do both of these workouts. 

Here's a picture of a woman that finally got it.  She began to weight train and look at her results.  This is taken from a fitness professional that I admire's challenge:

You want to burn fat while you relax after a workout and make your workouts MORE EFFECTIVE FOR YOUR GOALS - WEIGHT TRAIN.  2 muscle group a day for a 15 minute to 20 minute workout is all you need!

I am clearly very passionate about this.  It sucks to sit back and watch and listen to your friends, family, students and clients complain about losing weight, but won't take one lick of my advise.  That shows me that YOU, THEY are NOT ready for reality.  So when you are finally ready to stop the Yo Yo diets, the pills, the gimmicks and what YOU think works for weigth loss (which in the back of your mind doesn't work) then I will be here to help you.  I'm glad you read my articles, but are you REALLY taking action?  TAKE ACTION NOW...You are NOT destined to be overweight!\

Monday, March 26, 2012


New week challenge.   I WANT TO SEE IF YOU ARE REALLY READING THIS and if you are, I WANT TO CHALLENGE YOU TO SOMETHING and I want to see WHO WILL ACTUALLY DO THIS?  After all, each participant will  benefit from this.

Ok, here is the challenge -  I'm going to participate as well!  Every day I want you to do a MINIMUM of 30 minutes of ANY KIND OF EXERCISE! 


Now, before you start the exercise, for some of you, your mind will probably attempt to screw with you.  THIS IS WHERE WILL POWER COMES in and the desire to CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF is going to be strongly needed to overcome those thoughts that talk you out of this.  This can and probably will  everyday.    IGNORE THOSE THOUGHTS AND PUSH FOR THOSE 30 MINUTES.  Every day for seven days! For some of you, this is a piece of cake, but I still want you to participate at day 7 - Sunday.

Sunday is cut off day!

I want you to email me a  picture of yourself at the END of your last workout with a big handwritten note. 

The question for your sign is:     WHY DID YOU ACCEPT THIS EXERCISE CHALLENGE? 


 Here is a sample picture of her answer to the last challenge she did:

Now this is based on an honesty policy with yourself.  Be honest, complete seven 30 minute workouts, be accountable to yourself. 

30 minutes every single day is not going to kill you! If you Snookie can do it , so can you..I HOPE YOU PARTICIPATE.



reference box: Weight Loss Pic

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I will be featuring success stories to THINSPIRE those that are on this journey to a lifestyle change. 

Today I would like to introduce you to Brad.  Brad's story is truly inspiring and I'm proud to have him in the front row right next to me in my kickboxing class.  I hope Brad's story inspires you.

     On December 31st 2002 I suffered kidney failure & was admitted to the ER with my 
blood pressure 290 over 180 & was blind. I spent 48hrs in the ICU until my blood 
pressure was under control. I didnt get my vision back completly until February 
2003 & started daily kidney dialysis in March.
  During the first 2 years of dialysis I gained weight steadily. In 2006 I 
weighed 275lbs. I was informed I would be taken off the transplant list if I 
gained any more weight.  I was told to be eligible for a transplant I needed to 
weigh 220lbs. At this point in my life I was depressed, had low self esteem, was 
angry & bitter. 
     Due to the type of dialysis, I could only do cardio. No weights or core body 
     I stopped cheating on my diet,no more fast food or sweets at all. I used smaller 
plates & bowls. Flossed, brushed & mouthwash right after dinner to help fight 
the urge to eat more. 
     I started on the treadmill. I was only able to walk about 30-45 min at first at 
about 3mph. As I built up my endurance & stamina, I increased the speed, added 
incline & was able to extend my walks/jogs to 60-75 mins. The first 20lbs came 
right off, & then I hit my first plateau. I became frustrated, discouraged and 
actually quit working out. 
     I realized that if I wanted to LIVE I needed to change my mindset. It was like 
starting over from the beginning. 
     I walked every chance I had, in the mornings, evenings, twice a day. I soon 
realized I needed a tougher workout. I began walking the stairs where I worked & 
soon after started running the stairs. I hit several plateaus. It took well over 
a year to lose the weight and I had several set backs. I hit my target weight & 
had a very successful kidney transplant in February 2008. 
     In the four months of recovery I gained back 20lbs. Once I was cleared to start 
working out again & not just cardio only, I started right back to walking twice 
a day & running the stairs when I returned to work. I incorporated weight 
lifting & core work into my workout. At my peak I was running the stairs for 3 
hours each session. In January 2009 I join California Family Fitness & weighed 
220lbs. I was a little intimidated at first, but it's was fun to try something 
new. I did my own thing for the first couple months & then started taking 
classes. My new weight goal was 190lbs. I dropped 20 more lbs & hit another 
plateau, this one lasted the longest. I was stuck in a rut, doing the same 
classes & eating the same foods. I then shocked my body with a dramatic change 
of diet & different classes. I added cardio kickboxing & Pilates to my workouts. 
I researched the foods I was eating & realized I was consuming a lot more sugar 
then I should've been. I added more raw veggies & protien to my diet. With more 
determination & motivation from all the new friends I made at the gym I finally 
dropped that last 10lbs which turned into 15lbs. I now weigh 185lbs. I feel 
great, am very healthy & love the way I look!! 
     I have a sweet tooth & enjoy wine, in moderation. I haven't eaten FAST FOOD in 
over 6 years!!! 
Here is Brad's Before Pictures:


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What Do You Think About Exercise?

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of having to lose weight?  It's amazing that most tell me that think of the following:

- Hard work                                                           L - Lost time
- Too busy
- Too tired                                                              O- Obstacles
I hate the gym
- I can't afford it                                                    S-  Starve                                         
- I don't know how
- I can't motivate myself to exercise                E - EXCUSES!
- I hate exercising
- I don't want to always eat like a rabbit

I could go on and on from the negative things I have heard.   Sadly, being healthy and feeling great is a positive thing and it saddens me to know that the first thing people think of is the negativity of getting healthy.  When in itself is so positive that   Oneof the first thing folks are concerened about is "how much do I have to exercise?"  I think to myself, really?

You are right, it is hard work.  It took a while for the weight to be put on, so now it's going to take some time to get the weight off.   Every single workout plan works.  It is NOT fail proof.  The only way it fails is if YOU don't perform and do it. 

Exercise is 4% of your day and 25% of the journey.  That's really not a lot of time out of your day.  You will watch more t.v. , playing on Facebook, games, etc, then you do exercising.  So the too busy, and I have no time is an excuse.  Trust me, if I can find time, you can find time.

So you hate the gym, it's too intimidating.  I've touched on this before, but let me tell you, you don't need a gym to exercise.  You can walk out your front door and brisk walk, go to a local park and do step ups on a park bench.  There are a plethora of exercise dvd's out there. There's exercise T.V.  so common now! Give yourself 20 minutes to get started and I bet once you start seeing results and you become stronger you will want to do more than 20 minutes.  It happens to all of us.  We get stronger so we are able to perform at a more intense rate and for longer periods and IT'S ENJOYABLE! Why? RESULTS! You do the work, YOU WILL SEE RESULTS ---HURRAY!

TIP 1 FOR MOTIVATION:  If you can't motivate yourself, get down to your skivvies and stand in front of a mirror for a few minutes in your birthday suit.  Really take a look at your body.  Do you like what you see?  Now, this is not about flaws, this is about where you stand right now and being honest about it, "yes I could use a zumba class right now."  I like this approach because it's better to check in with yourself then getting on that dreaded scale.   But also while doing this, say to yourself the things you see that you love, "I love my thighs.  I  love my arms."  This is not punishment.  It's just being honest.

TIP 2 FOR MOTIVATION:  You now have made the most important step, THE FIRST ONE you are exercising and learning to eat right and the right proportions.  Most set a goal weight.  I encourage  my clients to set a goal weight, but lets not focus on a time frame. Setting a goal is so important, it gives you something to strive for.    For motivation, go out and buy something that you know you can't fit into right now.  Something you like.  Buy something say, 2 sizes too small.  Once you do this, hang it up somewhere, where you can see it every single day that you wake up.  So don't shove it in that closet.  Everyday look at that cool outfit you bought, knowing in your mind you want to wear it and you WILL.  Let that be a visual motivational tool for you.  Some of my clients will buy something expensive rather than inexpensive. Why? This way it's not something you would throw your hands up and say GOODWILL! NO- I AM GOING TO GET INTO THAT OUTFIT AND ROCK IT! I love doing this! It really does work!

TIP 3 FOR MOTIVATION:  YOUR FITNESS BANK!  Some people have a curse jar.  They put $1 in, every time they curse.  Well why not put in $1 for every time you do a complete workout?   I deposited $1 in my Fitness Bank today! Those fab stilettos are $1 closer to being on my feet!
Why: Every time I REALLY don’t want to work out, but do anyway (even if it’s just a Daily 100), or every time I SO BADLY want a brownie but make a cup of tea instead, I put $1 in my No-More Piggy, also called a “Fit Bank.” Once it adds up a bit, I get to spend it anyway I want! Then when I’m strutting around with my new sexy stilettos, I’ll be able to think “my workouts and fit mindset bought this for me…”

How Getting a Massage Regulates Weight: Massage improves circulation, helping in the interchange of oxygen and nutrients between the blood and tissue cells which increases muscle recovery and strengthening. More than muscle, massage is believed to be able to move toxins and water weight from the body as well as burst fat cells, forcing them to be absorbed away instead of bunching up on your thighs. More than releasing water weight and breaking down fat cells, according to reflexology there are certain pressure points on the feet that can stimulate the metabolism and encourage weight loss.

Once you begin to transition, and make this a healthy lifestyle, you will love eating healthy.  I promise you that you will NOT have to eat like a rabbit. There are so many foods to enjoy. And, you will NOT have to starve yourself. Now that, is the furthest thing from success in weight loss. Your eating is 75% of the journey.  So eating is important and plays a huge role. 

You can do this.  Each day try a little more and a little more.  We all know how time does fly! But, what I would like you to do is stop saying tomorrow and do it today.  Because the last thing you want to have happen is wake up and it's one year later and you never had your "today" and you weigh even more.  I  know that would make you even less motivated to exercise and eat right.  TAKE A STAND FOR YOUR LIFE! Right now.    Try those tips above!

I'll be back!

To Your Health

Sunday, March 18, 2012


When I write something like I did below, earlier today, I truly get choked up.   I believe so strongly that there are so many that suffer pain unnecessarily.  Why? Because they can't let go of what ever pain they might have inside of them, but also because a lot people do not believe in themselves.  They have conditioned themselves to believe that this is it.

It is easy to say, "let go."  But doing the actual letting go is easier said then done.  But I can tell you this, if you wonder what you are meant to be while you are here, or what is your purpose, or, is this it and you just cannot find the answer then try this, PAY ATTENTION TO THE LIFE YOU ARE LIVING."    For example, pay attention.  If you are in a bad relationship, then that relationship is teaching you how to be in a better relationship.  Each bad experience WILL teach you something.  That's if you are paying attention.  But your heart has already told you this is NOT right for you.  Do you pay attention to it and follow you heart? Or, do you ignore your inner voice? If you ignore it, then you are allowing yourself to live a life that you are not supposed to be living, but FEAR and not believing in yourself keep you there. 

YOU ARE WORTHY OF HAPPINESS, HEALTH,  LOVE AND PEACE.   Do you believe it?  Well, why don't you believe? Your inner self has already told you?  I know, fear and doubt those are your first thoughts.  Excuses, "well I can't afford to leave."   In life, somebody has to stand up for YOU, and that person should be YOU.     When I sit with some of my clients , some don't believe  they cannot lose 50, 100 or even more pounds.  They don't believe it mainly because they are afraid.  Afraid of failing.  I know it's because they believe they have tried everything to lose the weight and each time they started out really good, but,  they failed.  And each failure put them a step back.  A step back from what they want so badly.   CONQUER YOUR FEAR!  Be BIGGER and GO FOR IT and don't let ANYTHING STAND IN YOUR WAY of your goals!  Whatever they may be!

One of the things that I feel is key to get yourself to where you want to  be in life is find out what is REALLY driving your fear, other than YOU...But sometimes, it can be deeper.  It can go way back that has caused you to not believe in yourself.  For instance, was there anyone in your earlier years that may have told you, "you will never be good enough!"  Or, "you will not amount to anything!"  Or, how about, "you can't do that!"  Or, "YOU ARE FAT!"  You get the picture right?  Maybe you have become conditioned to those statements and have believed it.  Is this you? 

It is really important to know what you believe about yourself, not just the surface, but your shadow too.  Because what you believe about yourself is what you are, what you become. Is your subconscious tape player, you know, that one that is inside you, that plays over and over, what is it playing?  "You are not good enough.  You can't do that you don't have enough money.  Other people are meant to be happy and get what they want in life, not you."  Are those some of the messages?  Pay attention to your inner tape player and if it's playing those negative messages over and over, then what do you think you need to do?  MAKE A CHANGE and it now! Don't let fear stand in your way. Please don't.  I don't care if you tried before, try harder this time!  Make progress as you do this .. that is key PROGRESS, keep moving forward as you change! 

Harnessing your fear is something you've got to do now.  Because if you do not, you will continue to sabotage your life, what your dreams are and your happiness.  LET GO and stop believing false statements.   What others say about you is not your reality.

I am going to stop here.  This could be a very long article.  But let me let you marinate what I just wrote, and what I wrote below.  I will touch on some more later.

To You!


When we are unfulfilled that is when we become the most predictable. 

Know that we are NOT meant to be perfect, we are meant to be whole.

Are you whole? Do you know what that means? It means being the REAL you everyday, every moment = authentic you!  Here's an example of not being whole, staying in a relationship that you are unhappy in.  Staying at a job that you hate.  Allowing people in your life that you don't really like, or maybe you like them but you have underlying jealousy toward them.  These are just a few examples of not being whole.

It takes a lot of courage to live in the world we live in and being truly whole. 

Are you fulfilled?  Is your life rich? Are you doing what you love?  Are you resistant to your dreams and your goals?  Do you even have dreams and goals?    I'm asking you a lot of questions.  Can you take a moment, REALLY ask yourself these questions, and then honestly answer each one.  It's just you reading this.  It's ok, nobody is going to hear your truth.  But YOU the listener of the answer really LISTEN to your answer.

I personally believe in evolving throughout my life.  My motto is: RESOLVE TO EVOLVE!  I believe that I am a new person every single day that I wake up and it is up to me to make my life.  I don't really believe in destiny.  I believe that what you think of yourself, you become.  So I believe that WE are in control of our own destiny a.k.a. life.  Do you believe when we are born our life is already planned out for us? If you are over weight, do you believe you are destined to be overweight?  Every second that you are living and breathing is that moment you have the opportunity to make changes.  Those changes that you only think of.

Most people are terrified of change.  Sometimes, some struggle with their inner divine.  Meaning that some of us want to know why we are here and what is our purpose.  And when those thoughts come up that's where they struggle begins with one's self.

I believe most of us are not really LIVING.  Sure we have to make a living...And that's where it stops.  Some loath their jobs on a daily basis and have those thoughts, those same thoughts that many do "IS THIS IT? IS THIS MY LIFE?"  Have you thought that?

I believe that each one of us, if we were given the opportunity, we would be doing what we absolutely love.  But here's the thing, if you can think it, if you can visualize it, then it can become real and you can do it.  But, fear holds most back.    CALL FEAR OUT.  Confront fear and then open your mind because there are so many possibilities that are all around you\

Getting physically healthy is important, but what is even more important is getting your mind and and soul right first.  That needs to be healthy  You may not think about that.  But once you can do this, and you stay focused, you can be and have that body you visualize.

We are the driver of our life.  YOU CAN DO ANYTHING....DON"T BE YOUR OWN ROAD BLOCK!

To You!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012


Good morning everyone! TGIF!

It's raining here in Sacramento, boo.  That hindered my training  this morning with my client since it was pouring at 7:30 a.m. and we planned a 5 mile run, so he opted to run on my treadmill and I was on my spin bike right beside him.  I love training Andrew he never complains!

Today was my client's monthly weigh in.   We do a monthly weigh in, instead of weekly.   I usually do not let him see the number, so I have him face to opposite direction.  But today, I wanted him to see his result since his starting weight last year was 425.  As of today he has lost 176 pounds which brings him to 249 pounds.    His goal is 175.   I get choked up every time I weigh him because he always loses the weight and it's because of his hard work and dedication.

On day one, he could barely walk to the end of his street.  When he tried, he was out of breath, dizzy and wanted to give up.  At 425 pound that will do that to you.  Now - he has signed up to run a full marathon.  I couldn't be prouder!   He wouldn't let me post his pic because he wants to his goal then told me I could . Ha ha ha I totally understand, but let me just tell you, he cannot keep the girls off of him!  Uh I'm just so proud of him.  I'm honored to be a part of his weight loss journey.

It just enforces that hard work and dedication DO  pay off.  I just want you to focus on one pound at a time and one day at a time!  I know you can do this. If my client can do this, you can do this!

What is amazing about starting your new life and making this a lifestyle change is that, along the way you learn so much about yourself.  You really do.  Not only do you learn how strong you really are, you also learn why you got yourself to where you are at. 

No it's more than just "oh I ate bad."  No, it goes deeper than that. There are reasons why you may be in THAT place and you can't seem to motivate yourself to get out of that place. 

Personal trainers are everywhere and at your access if you need that help.  You may think only the movie stars can afford them, but that's not true.  We are willing to work with your budget!  Your health is so very important and I'm sure you would like to add some years onto your life right?

What are you waiting for? Don't say, "tomorrow."  Say  - "ENOUGH - I'm doing this NOW."

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I always promote eating clean - as little processed foods as possible.

But sometimes ya just crave something crunchy - right?

When I get that once in a while craving I love eating Pop Chips.  The chips are popped, hence the name Pop Chips.  So they are much better for you than regular chips.   They have half the fat and fewer calories then other chips. 

Give them a try when you get a hankerin' for something crunchy!


I have been asked a lot about plateaus and how to break them.

If you have been losing weight and your weight loss has suddenly stopped and you can't seem to lose weight no matter what you do then you have definately hit a plateau.  It happens to all of us.  Your body gets use to the exercise and the amount of food you might be eating.

Here are some tips and some things to think about when it comes to breaking it.

First, how hard do you usually workout?  Be honest with yourself.  One way to break the plateau is to increase the intensity of your workout.  INCREASE! You may be in that plateau because you are afraid to get out of your comfort zone.  You must increase the intensity of your workout, yes that means you have to work harder for a little while.

For example say you are a walker on a treadmill or even a walker that enjoys being outside, increase your pace so you are walking faster, incline your treadmill and walk up hill for a longer period of time. Also, if you are a walker, and your knees are merciful, try to perform a run then walk type interval workout!

Strength training should ALWAYS be a part of any workout routine.  By now you may need to increase the weight pounds and go up one more.  Or if you are not weight training at all, you should be.

Increase the intensity of your workout by doing intervals.  Straight cardio isn't cutting it for you right now, that's why you are in a plateau.  You should always make changes to your workout routine every 2 to about 4 weeks to keep you out of hitting a plateau.  This is what we call "tricking the body." Because as I mentioned, your body gets use to the workout, your muscle has memory.

Other things you can do is double up on your cardio. Do your cardio in the morning and then do another session later that same day. This will increase your metabolism!

Cardio in the morning - Another trick - You can workout when your body is low on glycogen (or when your body is glycogen depleted) and if you don't know glycogen is the carbs that are stored in your muscles and liver for energy and usually when you workout your body burns both carbs (muscle glycogen) & fat for energy so when your body is low on glycogen then your body will have no choice but to burn more fat for energy and this is the main reason why you burn more fat when you workout first thing in the morning before eating breakfast because your body is low on glycogen at that time.

Sometimes, when I hit a plateau, I challenge myself to do better than I did from the last workout.  Make it more intense each time. 

Anytime that you workout, you have to push yourself. I realize that, that can be difficult, but you have to got to pull that tiger that I know is in there - OUT!

Now, let's talk about food.  There are several things that you can do to break the plataeu just by the way you are eating.  You can decrease your daily caloric intake by 100 to 300 calories.  See, your body will need less and less calories to sustain your NEW WEIGHT.  Remember each time your lose weight your caloric intake decreases.  BUT don't go less than 1,000 to 1,200 otherwise you could work against yourself and your body could think it's starving and you turn around and begin to store fat.  I know you definitely don't want that to happen.   Decrease that caloric anywhere from 3 to 5 days then go back to your previous caloric intake for a couple weeks and do it again.

Also, the plateau could be that you are eating way too less of foods than you may realize and may need to up your caloric intake.Have you checked your portions that you are consuming? Some people think that they are eating healthy, which they might be, but how much are you eating? And, are you eating until you are completely full? Try eating smaller portions and eat until you start to feel full.

All of the above is so important to help you get through this.  But something I really want you to be is PATIENT.  The closer you are to your weight loss goal the harder it becomes to lose those last 10-15 pounds and all of the above will help you get there.  But your mind, yes again, will mess with you and may give up first.  DON'T GIVE UP! Please, try the above suggestions and you will see yourself breakout of that plateau, and I'm always here for questions!

To Your Health

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Journey

When it comes to weight loss, sometimes it is really difficult to stick to the plan when you may not be getting the needed support. 

You ever go out to dinner with friends and everybody is ordering high fat foods, high calories foods and suddenly that salad or that salmon you were going to order turns into a fat steak and garlic mashed potatoes?  Oh yes, I've been there, I know all about it.  Yep, then guilt is what you serve up for dessert!

Don't give up.  You are not doomed to be overweight.  Many people I have talked with have told me that they have tried "everything" nothing seems to work so they give up.  What happens to them? They gain more weight, and what follows are health problems, some reversible and some not reversible.   Have you said those same words?  Here's the thing.  YoYo diets DO NOT work.  Have you really tried everything?  Changing your lifestyle, working out HARD, eating healthy clean foods and sticking to it?  See maybe you haven't really done everything.  Diets are temporary.  Changing your lifestyle is long lasting.  A leisure stroll through the park is a great start to get your body moving.  But if you have a lot of stored fat on your body and would like to see those results a little faster you have to put in that work. Working out HARD.  Getting out of your comfort zone is key. 

You ever go on a road trip?  It's a long drive to get that much anticipated destination. But you keep going.  You don't turn around do you? No, you drive forward until you get there!  THAT'S THE SAME WITH THIS WEIGHT LOSS journey!  Don't turn around and give up! If you keep that drive, YOU WILL GET THERE.  You can do this!

I always suggest that you surround yourself with people that will support you, inspire you, motivate you, empower you, have some of those same goals, are into a healthy lifestyle and even having a workout partner that will keep you accountable will really help you through this.

Feeling alone in this journey, certainly can make you feel discouraged.  But, you are not alone! Keep pressing forward, stay on your path, and you WILL reach your destination!

To Your Health!


Everybody loves the fuffi drinks at Starbucks.  But do you really know how many calories your drinking?  Not to mention how much sugar is in your drink?

I thought that I would list the calories and sugar content of what you are putting into your body.  You could be sabotaging your workouts and weight loss journey!

Chocolate Beverages

CaloriesFat (g)Carb. (g)Fiber (g)Protein
Hot Chocolate290947214
Peppermint Hot Chocolate360965213
Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate360966213
White Hot Chocolate4201262016

Espresso Beverages

CaloriesFat (g)Carb. (g)Fiber (g)Protein
Caffè Americano-----
Caffè Latte190718012
Caffè Mocha260842213
Caramel Macchiato240734010
Cinnamon Dolce Latte260640011
Espresso Con Panna-----
Espresso Macchiato -----
Flavored Latte250637012
Iced Caffè Americano-----
Iced Caffè Latte1304.51308
Iced Caffè Mocha20063629
Iced Caramel Macchiato230634010
Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte20043407
Iced Flavored Latte19043007
Iced Peppermint Mocha26055428
Iced Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha38086809
Iced Skinny Flavored Latte11041207
Iced Skinny Mocha-----
Iced Vanilla Latte1904307
Iced White Chocolate Mocha340955011
Peppermint Mocha 330860212
Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha 4401075013

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yay My Monday Got Better

I wasn't sure how my Monday was going to turn out.  First thing I did when I got to the office, somehow manage to slide my cell phone across my desk and it fell in between the wall and my massive and VERY heavy desk.  It was pure chaos trying to get it out.  I got it, even though I cut my hand while trying to get it out of there.  I left a lot of details out of that ordeal, but I don't want to bore you.

I taught my two Monday night classes - kickboxing and R.I.P.P.E.D. a

Sorry I had a little drip going on with my honey and it's on a paper towel, but hey, you get the picture.  I usually eat that as a pre-workout meal, since it's so quick and easy to put together while at the office.

Well, I didn't have a lot to say today.  I sure hope you were able to get your workout in today.  I definitely got mine and served it up to my students.

Sleep sleep sleep, super important and yes YOU BURN CALORIES while you sleep! So get your rest, your body needs it and  GOOD NIGHT!

To your health!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Brain - Work It Like A Strong Muscle!

When it comes to the journey of weight loss, the most important muscle to work is the brain.    It's amazing how much our head can mess with us. I touch on this subject time and time again in my pieces.  You might notice that.  Well that's because, it's really a huge issues for a lot of people.    I have sat down with countless people that just can't figure out why they cannot motivate themselves to workout. 

Have you felt that way? Get frustrated with yourself because you can't motivate yourself to REALLY workout...I mean the kind where you are out of breath, you are NOT in your comfort zone kind of workout?  Those workouts are the workouts that are actually going to not only make you more physically strong, physically fit, but is great discipline for your thoughts-for you.  I mean naturally nobody wants to do something that makes you experience pain, fatigue and that out of breath feeling.

As a conditioned athlete, I was there.  I know how you feel.  But in order to get your body conditioned so you can make it through a thorough GOOD STRONG workout that is truly effective in so many ways, there are only three words that I can tell you and you've heard them before - JUST DO IT! And when you are done?  You feel GOOD, you feel accomplished, some tell me they feel like a ROCKSTAR like they can do more, right there in that moment, even though they just finished a grueling workout.  When I finish a workout I feel like I could go and run 10 miles or so, I feel so alive, I feel on top of the world!

The stronger you become the more motivated YOU WILL become to motivate yourself to workout and workout strong.  Your body will tell you it wants it. Your brain will need it ! Because as we all know that at some point while working out strong, your endorphins kick it.  And we all know that when that happens, you feel GREAT...You are HAPPY!

It took a while for you to become overweight.  So you have to really try to be realistic and understand that it takes a while for the weight to come off. That is something you have to come to terms with.  Because we live in a world full of instant gratification. Everybody wants results NOW. That's why there is plastic surgery, that's why there all of these diet pills to help you to lose weight.  YOU DON"T NEED PILLS to help you try to lose weight. You have YOU!  And I so understand that right now you may not think you can depend on you to get the work done and that is why you might be taking pills. But I only ask that you give yourself a fair true chance at the effort of doing this.  And then at some point stop taking the pills.  It's much healthier to eat the right foods and the right portions (like right when you start to feel a bit full, not eating until you are full) so you can train yourself on how to do this the right way without depending on a pill that makes you feel full, then you sabotage all of your efforts. You have to take in a certain amount of calories in order to burn the fat .  When you skip meals then you will store fat.  Unfortunately it's just how it goes. So those pills can actually at some point WILL make you reach a weight loss plateau wherein you may not be able to lose weight any longer.  And now you throw your hands in the air, you become frustrated because you now believe you can't lose weight, when truly you can but the pills can hinder you from the true outcome.  So think about that, because it truly has happened to countless people while the company that makes those pills continue to get rich off of you, while you now have driven your self-esteem, the faith you had in weight loss into the ground.  All of this is your mind completely messing with you.  When truly doing this the right way, the natural way, the clean way will teach you and help you to a true weight loss journey that keeps the weight off.  But, again, it's all in the way we approach weight loss and how we think, how we trick ourselves into getting there. There is NO quick fix!

 I want to go through my archives and make sure I haven't touched on foods that make you feel full so you don't overeat.  I think that will be a great topic that will be helpful for you.

Stay tuned!