Wednesday, December 28, 2011




Stay Tuned!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011


They are so convenient aren't they!  Throw your powder in your water, shake & go!  Protein shakes have become widely favored as nutritional supplements, thanks in part to the high-protein diet craze. Many people think of protein shakes as a convenient diet food, and perhaps a meal substitute when you're on the go. Others view them as the key to successful muscle-building; you've probably seen protein supplements at the nutrition store touted as helpful for bulking up.

However, you have got to be careful of drinking too many protein shakes and not enough REAL protein, such as the quality protein foods include lean meat, eggs, poultry, fish, beans, legumes, nuts and dairy products.

Here's why.  Protein protein shakes tend to digest pretty quickly so you're not getting a lot out of them in terms of the sustained value out of it.  Your body needs real food.  You can easily just swap one of your shakes out for real protein.

The healthy adult should eat 0.8 grams per kilogram (a kilogram being about 2.2 pounds) of body weight, excluding pregnant women who need an extra 10 grams than what is recommended. Nursing mothers need an extra 15 grams for the first 6 months while nursing. After that, they need only an extra 12 grams. Males with a strenuous exercise routine should eat from 1 to 1 1/2 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Excessive protein in your diet also increases the risk of osteoporosis because of limited calcium intake. Too much protein and not enough carbohydrates can cause ketones to collect in the blood (ketosis).    Too much protein in a day is also hard on your kidneys!

The other risk you must be very careful with when consuming protein shake(s) throughout your day is that, many brands - and you may not even know this, contain metals in them.  15 different brands that I know of have been tested 12 out of the 15 came up with arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury in them.  Now hold onto your seats because I know a lot of you love Muscle Milk BUT -- keep reading. of some of those brands tested they were:
  • EAS Myoplex Original Rich Dark Chocolate (ready to drink liquid): 16.9 arsenic, 5.1 cadmium
  • Muscle Milk chocolate powder: 12.2 arsenic, 5.6 cadmium, 13.5 lead, 0.7 mercury
  • Muscle Milk Vanilla Cream: 12.2 lead
Keep in mind that these products which tested high were tested based on very large doses. Therefore, this might be a red flag only for very heavy users (three shakes a day or up to 8 scoops) of specific products.

This is SUPER important to know, especially for women that are in their child bearing years and plan on getting pregnant in the future.  

So whether you're a bodybuilder looking to buff up with minimal effort, or a someone looking for a magic food substance that doesn't make you any fatter, protein shakes aren't really the answer.

Ever wondered exactly what scurvy was? Try complete meal replacement and you just might find out.  Be careful...KNOW WHAT'S IN YOUR PROTEIN SHAKE!

To Your Health!

The Skinny On Fast Food Salads

In the recent crusade against unhealthy foods, fast food chains like McDonald's have been the first against the wall. Their clever (and mildly diabolical) two-pronged defense aims at targeting communities where the healthy eating trend hasn't spread yet and where the residents are currently the highest-risk demographic for heart disease and other diet-related issues (witness this official McDonald's-sponsored website, Meanwhile, they aim to hold onto the health nuts by promoting "healthy" items to the menu, like yogurts and salads.

The reason that "healthy" is in quotes is that fast food restaurants' salads are often even worse for you than their burgers. The Wendy's Mandarin Chicken Salad, for example, beats the quarter pound Wendy's Double Stack cheeseburger in fat, sugar, carbs and total calories.

Fortunately, most fast food restaurants have nutrition information brochures stuffed somewhere out of view that you can use to research menu items before diving in. The new health care bill actually requires them to put the info somewhere visible but that takes all the challenge out of it. So let's just say if the salad has lots of dressing, meat, cheese or bits of fried food on it, the addition of lettuce does not negate the damage.

To Your Health!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Many of you have requested many different topics on fitness AND food!  So this will require actual video of ME demonstrating and cooking clean healthy meals!

Stay tuned, production is working to get this started so I can get videos up of myself demonstrating proper lifting, stretching and hey I might even be your fitness guru of the day & get you off that couch and you can workout with me or get you in your kitchen and teach you some easy quick clean meals! 

Stay tuned!

To Your Health!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011




To Your Health!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Natural Athlete

The problem with being a natural athlete is that your grueling workouts, unwavering dedication and ceaseless work ethic often get overlooked.  Sure you've got your great genes, but it took a lot of heard work to look in good them.

That's why you only put the best into your workouts and your body.  I have a great suggestion, use MET-Rx instantized 100% NATURAL Whey. You will love it!  It's loaded with the high quality protein you need to support muscle without all of the junk and fillers that protein powders carry.  A LOT of men and women that use protein powders don't even know that a lot brands are JUNK!

Treat your nutrition the same as your workouts -- you put the best in and you take best the out of it.

Some people shape their bodies with use hard work!

To your health!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Today's Healthy Recipe

Look, when you are eating clean you run out of ideas.

I admire Jamie Eason and have for years.  Her story of breast cancer in her 20's and surviving is so incredible.  Here's her recipe:

* 2 lbs ground turkey (or chicken)
* 3 egg whites
* 1 cup quick cooking oats
* 1/2 tsp ground cumin
* 1/2 tsp dried thyme
* 2 tsp dry yellow mustard
* 2 tsp black pepper
* 2 tsp chipotle pepper spice
* 1 tsp salt
* 2 tbsp garlic powder (2 cloves minced)
* 1 small onion (finely chopped)
* 2 celery stalks (finely chopped)

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Spray muffin pan with canola or olive oil.
3. Mix all your ingredients together in one large bowl.
4. Roll the mixture into balls and place in muffin pan. Muffins should be about the size of a racquetball.
5. Bake for 40 minutes.
Makes 12 muffins.
Serving Size:
Women: 2 muffins
Men: 4 muffins

Thanks Jamie, they were yummy so I wanted to share!

To Your Health!

Ways To Overcome Your Fear Of Stepping Into A Gym

Many people resolve to stay overweight and unhealthy because they are intimidated by the gym.  I've even been told by friends,  that they want nothing to do with the gym. Before they can even get a membership, they've got to lose weight.  Even though I have tried so hard to convince friends that, NOT everyone in the gym has this lean, toned, muscular perfect body, that.the truth is, the majority do not.  That's why they are there.

I've been working in gyms since I was 24 years old.  Nobody even cares if someone walks in that's overweight. People are not staring at you.  But I get it.  No matter what I can tell them and try to reassure them, they've got to take the first step themselves.

This is why I try to suggest getting a free pass for a day or so.  This way you can get the feel of the environment. Do a walk through with a sales person.  Trust me, you more than likely will realize you had a preconceived notion about the gym that is not true. 

But, there are some other ways to over come this fear:
  • Remind yourself why you are there: You signed up to lose 20 pounds before your wedding, look better naked, lose that stubborn baby weight, or help lower your cholesterol.
  • I strongly believe in power in numbers: Workout with a friend. Meet your buddy at the gym so you have someone to talk to. It is always nice to have a familiar face in an uncomfortable place. Plus, you will be less likely to skip a session when someone is meeting you there.
  • Everyone is there for the same reason: Even the fittest people at the gym were beginners at one point. Your target weight may be months away, but the important thing is that you are taking the first step to achieving your goal. YOU ARE THERE! BE PROUD OF THAT!
  • Less staring eyes: If you are convinced that everyone is staring at your while you workout then avoid going when the gym is crowded. Ask a gym employee when are the busiest times of the day. When is your gym least crowded?
  • FILL YOUR MP3 player with GOOD MUSIC!  Make a playlist with your favorite songs and listen to your mp3 player while you workout. Get lost in the music and forget about your embarrassment. Just try not to sing out loud when you are on the treadmill. It usually draws more attention. Occasional air guitar is fine. And you know what, before you know it, your workout is finished!
  • DON’T compare yourself to others: Be realistic. If you are a 43 year old mother of two, don’t compare your thighs to the 19 year old college track and field star’s legs. However, if you are intrigued by a person’s rock-hard calves, don’t be afraid to ask what exercises they do. How else would you know that they go hiking three days a week outside the gym?
  • DO compare yourself to yourself: Ask a trainer at your gym to help you track your progress with measurements and regular body fat assessments. Better yet, how do your jeans fit? Are you less winded when you walk up a flight of stairs? Notice small improvements and write them down. I suggest for the first 60 days STAY AWAY FROM THE SCALE (if you are doing this on your own).
  • Stay Classy: Check out a group class designed for beginners. You will probably see other people just like you. If the pace is right, jump in and sign up.  Consider a yoga class.  Read Alicia Parks article “Getting Back To The Yoga Mat”.
  • Workout attire. Stay classy.  You'll notice that most people sort of dress the same.  Tank tops, spandex, shorts, t-shirts, sweatshirts.  It's not a fashion show and workout clothes in general do not cost too much.


IT'S NOT TRUE!  In fact, for me, the gym is one of the most positive places I can be during the week.  You will start to get to know people.  Develop new friendships and you WILL start to enjoy yourself!

To Your Health!


Plateau Proof Fitness Formula

I have hundreds of people a week that I teach group fitness too.  I have to say that there a lot of men that take my classes.  I have asked many of them what they enjoy about group fitness.  The feedback - "it's tough, I'm challenged, you push me and your workout keeps me out of a plateau."

Now most you guys that don't do any cardio at all!  No, no  your 10/15 warm up/cool down on the treadmill doesn't count.  

But on a serious note. If you want to increase your stamina and your endurance, I truly suggest you mix up your workouts.  We ALL hit plateau's and they can be quite frustrating.  Plateau's are recipes for folks to quit working out. It happens to ALL of us.  Your body adapts to your workouts, it becomes more efficient at it and, therefore, doesn't expend as many calories doing it. You may find that after your initial weight loss, your progress will slow down and eventually stop. If your body doesn't have enough fuel to sustain your level of activity, you can actually stop losing weight. 

There is a brand new format out there that I teach. It is making it's way through the United States at a very rapid pace.  It's called R.I.P.P.E.D.   Once you get a taste of it, you get hooked.  

What is R.I.P.P.E.D.?      

R.I.P.P.E.D. –  Is a "Plateau Proof Fitness Formula" that helps you to create continuity, consistency and challenge in each and every R.I.P.P.E.D. class. It is Plateau Proof, because each component of the workout provides a uniquely different emphasis or system response, so your body never gets accustomed to the constantly changing format. Thus, regular R.I.P.P.E.D. participants achieve undeniable, ultimate results in minimal time, boasting 750-1000 calories burned in just 50 minutes.

This total body, high intensity style program, utilizing free weights, resistance and body weight, masterfully combines the components of R.I.P.P.E.D.--- Resistance, Intervals, Power, Plyometrics and Endurance as the workout portion along with Diet suggestions to help you attain and maintain your physique in ways that are fun, safe, doable and extremely effective. The deliberate combination of the R.I.P.P.E.D. elements and how they are precisely organized in the R.I.P.P.E.D. class format provide the basis for the One Stop Body Shock System, by stimulating both, different energy systems and muscles in each workout segment, changing the focus and activities every 6 to 9 minutes. Along with driving, motivating music, participants jam through R.I.P.P.E.D. with smiles, determination and strength. No boredom here, for all levels, R.I.P.P.E.D. is effective, it’s tough yet doable; R.I.P.P.E.D. will absolutely challenge your levels of fitness and endurance!

Since I have been teaching the class the SUCCESS stories have been amazing.  I have people that have lost over 100 1bs., people now able to run marathons and 5ks.  These are things that they never thought they could accomplish.  But, because they stepped into a R.I.P.P.E.D. class they have become true athletes in just the 27 weeks I have been teaching this format.  They can't reach a plateau because we change up the workout and shuffle it.

So, next time you reach a plateau, don't be so afraid to step into a group fitness class. Or you know, sign up for a bootcamp in the park.  You are in good hands -  We are skilled, educated, well trained professional athletes that want to help you succeed in all of your fitness goals!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Does Exercising Regularly Help My Sex Drive?

Yes it does!  How is your sex life? Are you tired all of the time? No energy because you are so busy with work?  Having sexual energy is important in relationships.  As woman and men both age, the sex drive can drop where there isn't even a DRIVE...YIKES!

Women who had finished 20 minutes of cardio exercise were more subjectively and objectively aroused from seeing an erotic film than a similar group of women who had not exercised. This means that even after one workout session, your body gets aroused faster and more intensely.  Men who exercised for 1 hour at least 3 times per week had sex more often, performed better sexually and were happier with their sex lives than they were before they began exercising.

Here are some things you can do to help your sex drive/life out:


First, endurance exercise like swimming and cross-country skiing boosts your stamina. Second, you can become more flexible through aerobic and gymnastic exercise. Third, exercise of any type can prevent you from cramping up during orgasm. Finally, exercise causes the release of endorphins into the limbic and prefrontal areas of the brain, as proven by a 2008 study. The increased level of endorphins may also influence the buildup of hormones that power your libido. Endorphins also reduce stress, which is a major sex drive inhibitor.

Exercise provides a psychological boost, as well. Regular exercise leads to a higher self-esteem. As you become more fit, you feel more confident and enjoy sex more. Exercising also puts you more in touch with your physical body and enables you to feel more sexual, as opposed to the sense of detachment you have if you are ashamed of your body.


Yoga has a reputation of increasing not only your sex drive, but also your sexual prowess, capacity and enjoyment. While these benefits have not been scientifically validated, many yoga practitioners claim to have benefited from the exercise. 

Physically, yoga is said to increase sensitivity by stimulating the blood flow in your pelvis, particularly your genitals. The increased blood flow can also increase your desire for sex. The yoga positions also condition your body's torso and pelvic muscles. According to practitioners, this gives you a stronger orgasm due to the stronger contractions your muscles generate. Yoga experts also allege spiritual effects, such as increased energy flow to the chakras. 

The camel, the upward-facing dog and the butterfly are three good beginning yoga positions for you to try if you want to boost your sex drive. You may also get some benefit from trying the bound angle pose and the wide straddle forward bend.

3. PUMP SOME IRON -- Yes ladies you too ... NO YOU WILL NOT LOOK LIKE A BODY BUILDER from just lifting weights.

Lifting dumbbells or barbells can cause testosterone surges, and testosterone increases sexual pleasure for both men and women. A man with more testosterone in his blood gets more erections, has better bone density and is stronger. Women with more testosterone tend to be more aroused and enjoy sex more. They also enjoy higher bone density and stronger muscles. Your body is also producing epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, when you lift weights. Combining adrenaline with endorphins and testosterone is a potent sexual cocktail. 

Multiple repetitions and weights heavy enough to exhaust your muscles at the end of your set will produce more testosterone surges. However, don't push yourself too hard while weight lifting. Overreaching your abilities will not only lead to injury but also to over training syndrome--a condition in which you surpass your body's capacity to recover from exercise, actually decreasing your sexual performance!

There are also foods that will help increase your libido.


The Following Are Vitamins that will help too:

Vitamin C
Vitamin E


Let's Talk About A Myth...

Myth...Don't Eat Late At Night

As much as we may think of bodybuilding as a cloistered subculture, we are forever bombarded with training and nutritional tips from sources far removed from squat racks and posing daises. So it is with this axiom, which is such a ubiquitous feature of the sort of diets Oprah hypes that many beginning bodybuilders dare not breach it, and it breeds confusion about what and when to eat to gain only muscle and not fat.
When you sleep, you’re on a fast. During that fast, your body is forced to turn to your own muscle protein for fuel, converting those amino acids into glucose. In other words, while you’re in dreamland, you’re experiencing the nightmare of cannibalizing your own muscles.

The longer you go before sleep without eating, the more your muscle will be eaten away. That’s why I always recommend that you end your day with a slow-digesting protein, such as a  protein shake or cottage cheese.

Research from the Weider Research Group discovered that trained bodybuilders drinking a casein protein shake right before bed for eight weeks gained significantly more muscle than those who consumed the same casein shake in the middle of the day.

Verdict :
It's ok to chow down long after sundown, it’s crucial to eat a protein meal immediately before going to bed in order to feed your muscles the nutrients they need to recover and grow while you sleep.

 Go with 20-40 grams of slow-digesting protein, or cottage cheese. If you’re trying to pack on mass and don’t store fat easily, take your protein with about 20-40 g of slow-digesting carbs, such as oatmeal, sweet potatoes or whole-wheat bread.

What Myth Would You Like Me To Answer Next?


Muscle Mix For The Day - 12/16/11

You never want your body to adapt to your weight lifting routine that you may do on a weekly basis. First thing is to remember that we NEVER work our same muscles on back to back days.  Muscles have memory.  But so important, your muscles need rest and need to recharge.  Feed those bady boys some PROTEIN!

One thing that I love to do on my biceps to mix it up a little. So I like to do - what we call in the gym - 21's. You can do 21's with a dumbbell or barbell. The choice is yours. Let’s take the bicep curl and put the 21's method to work:

  • You will bring the weight from your legs to your waist for 7 reps.
  • Then you will do a very quick pause to change position (do not stop the 21 count) after 7 of those and bring the weight from your waist up to your chest for 7 reps. 
  • Then for the last 7 reps you will do complete reps so it’s a full bicep curl, closing and opening the muscle in completion.
  • So - 7 half way up,  7-up (from waist) and 7 - full. Do 3 sets of these and your arms will show new development in no time.
I LOVE doing these. Now remember when lifting. Work your muscle to fatigue. If you can easily perform your last repetition, bump up your weight a little bit.

And I will tell you this, on a seated leg press, 21's are enough to make you grunt in the gym.

Here's a great standard Bicep Workout:
  • * Warm-up set
  • Standing barbell curls — 4 Sets 10 Reps
  • Incline dumbbell curls — 4 Sets 8 reps
  • Preacher-bench — 4 Sets 8-10 Reps
  • Concentration curls — 2 Sets 8-10 Reps
  • Barbell-curl 21s —- 2 Sets 21 Reps

Enjoy your workout!

To Your Health!