Sunday, August 19, 2012

Happy Sunday!

I hope you all had a great weekend!  Did you workout at all?  If so, what did you do?  I want to ask you something, from Friday to today, was there a workout in where you actually pushed yourself OUT of your comfort zone? Or, did you take it easy on yourself?  Did you finish strong?

This morning, I was inspired.  A young gal in her 20's , that was quite overweight approached me and had told me it was her first time in class and has asked what she needed for the set up.  The class this morning was group strength training.

As were really working our muscle groups today, I began to notice that something was going on with her, something was wrong.

She paced back and forth as we were doing squats, and she began to put her equipment away and approached me while I was teaching the class.  She wanted to have a conversation but unfortunately I couldn't stop and have one due to teaching the class.

She whispered to me that her knee and foot were hurting and she had to leave.  I had hated that she had to stop but I was glad she listened to her body and did so  My heart went out to her because she limped away and I knew that she was embarrassed and upset.

After class, I ran downstairs to see if she was still around. I wanted to talk with her and see how she was feeling.  To my surprise she was sitting on the couch resting her foot.   I sat down next to her and she apologized to me over and over for having to leave class early.  I put my hand on her shoulder and told her that she absolutely nothing to apologize for.    She explained to me that she had to force everything she had, to get herself up out of bed and get to the gym.  She wanted to take my class than the zumba class after. But, due to the screw in her ankle it was causing her a lot of pain and also created pain her leg.   Due to her weight issue it also caused her issues in her legs. She shared with me she had surgery in her foot, had a screw and plate put in and lived in constant pain.  She started to cry a little and she said to me, "I'm too young to have these kinds of issues! I really wanted to finish class so I could be proud of myself!"

I thought to myself, WOW, what is OUR excuse for not even getting to the gym? Here was this young woman who experienced a great deal of pain, has a weight issue that she clearly acknowledged over and over and was so determined to get to the gym and yet was so mad at herself because she couldn't finish.   Yes, mad that she couldn't finish.  Yet I hear people complain constantly and complain that they HAVE to finish.

WOW -- what's your excuse?  Be happy when YOU finish that workout, be proud and then do it again the next day! STICK WITH IT and have gratitude if you can walk with ease and don't have injuries to your body! BE THANKFUL!

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