Thursday, August 23, 2012

You Should Be Spinning! TURN AND BURN!

I was inspired to write a little bit about spinning or "cycle" class.

One of the women that take my class has been taking it for six weeks. She had already lost 120 lbs taking my R.I.P.P.E.D. and kickboxing (She started with me last May.) class and hit a plateau.  I had explained that mixing up her workouts during the week will help her to break it.

She decided to try my spin class! I advised that she take a few classes to really get use to up/down transitions, the peddle strokes, the difference in the cardio than taking a kickboxing class.  As well as,  the  great thing about spinning, it requires ZERO coordination.  Oh, I CAN"T FORGET!  I also warned her of one thing that can happen to us females after taking our very first  spin class  - Some get a  little soreness 'down there' due to not being use to the saddle (seat) and not being use to keeping enough gear on your bike to keep you from slapping your whoohaaaaaw on the saddle (or as we say bouncing in the saddle).
Love those pictures above, they just crack me up! \

So last night I had asked her if she had noticed a difference in her cardio strength since she had hit the six week mark in my class.  She had shared with me how she couldn't believe how much harder she was now able to work in R.I.P.P.E.D. and she didn't want to give up like before.  She was stronger and could now push herself into another zone and push herself even harder in kickboxing class.  One year, and 3 months ago, Jen could NOT run, jump, do push-ups and walked with a limp due to being overweight.  Since she had began to take spin, she said she noticed that her cardio sessions were longer on the treadmill and  she is actually able to run now.  She was pretty excited about that! YAY JEN!

I was SO, SO excited to hear this!  She is such a fighter and I am so glad she takes a Pro's advise and follows through.  She is in love with her new lifestyle change, the friends she has made at the gym and the confidence she now has in herself.

Spin class is so much fun! You've got great music, lights are very dim and as a beginner, you can work at your own level.  Sure it's tough in the beginning - I'm not gonna lie, but the potential of burning a high calorie number gets you to your weight loss goal much quicker than walks on a treadmill or an elyptical workout.  IT CAN REALLY BOOST YOUR METABOLISM! IF you stick with spinning, THE POUNDS WILL MELT OFF! I had one guy that lost 100 pounds just doing spin class.  He loves it so much, he bought a road bike and rides with others in our 6:00 a.m. class.  They do 100 mile rides! I am so proud of him!

When taking a spin class, it's like the instructor is your own personal trainer! Pushing you, motivating you and encouraging you.

If you are an avid outdoor cyclist, the great thing about a spin class is this, you can come in during the cold season, clip in and ride!

There are SO many benefits to spin/cycle class! I want to pose a challenge to you! - TAKE A SPIN/CYCLE CLASS 2 times a week for the next 30 days! CAN YOU DO THAT? YOU SURE CAN! You will be so proud of yourself once you complete a class - the feeling is elating!  I am hooked and that is why I studied and got two certifications in it as well as bought a spin bike to have at home!  I PROMISE YOU - YOU TAKE THIS CHALLENGE, YOU STICK WITH IT AND EAT HEALTHY,  YOU WILL SEE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR BODY AND YOUR CARDIO STRENGTH.  YOU WILL WORK UP TO A GREAT LEVEL OF FITNESS!

CLICK ON THIS YOUTUBE LINK == Jimmy Fallon Doing A Spin workout with LMFAO! LOL - This completely made me laugh!


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