Monday, August 20, 2012


It's MONDAY! New week and perhaps it is time to change up your workout!

Today I wanted to just reiterate a few things I've covered in past articles and some new fitness - weight loss tips.

Weight loss, is NOT as hard as most make it out to be.  Weight loss does NOT have to be a year long process to reach a goal (for most depends on start weight).

If you have set a goal and it's been almost a year and you have not reached your final goal -- KEEP READING! 

Keys to hitting your weight loss goal and getting there, and I'm not talking at a snail's pace.  I'm talking about GETTING THERE!

1. Decide WHY you want to lose weight.  If you are not emotionally invested in this process and really understand why you want this - THE DONUT will win every time!

2. It's not a matter of how LONG you workout.  Again please believe me when I say this with 24 years under my belt in being a fitness professional, it's HOW STRONG you workout.

Doing just 15 minutes of high intensity cardio interval training (HIT stands for High Intensity Training) is BETTER than 1 hour of cardio.  The best way to do this is a new method called cardio acceleration. This means adding one or two minutes of aerobic exercise between intervals of resistance training and switching back and forth -  you're actually burning more calories than you would if you were jogging on a treadmill or even walking through the park.

3. Do NOT limit your exercise.  Do NOT do the same type of exercise each time you decide to get moving! You need your body to respond and act! I mean, that's why you are working out, you want to lose weight! If you are going to workout to lose weight, then you MUST mix it up. 

4. Get regular 8 hours sleep.  YOU BURN CALORIES sleeping.  If you are sleep deprived, you WILL gain weight and become obese. Sleep is SUPER important!

5. Do NOT DIET to lose weight.  Diet is a 4 letter word. Bad BAD word!  Eat clean = no processed foods.  Stop binge drinking on the weekends by yourself or with your friends.  (I am going to cover an article about what alcohol can do to your weight loss plan) Eat smaller portions throughout the day to raise your metabolism. You can turn your body into a FAT BURNING MACHINE just buy eating 5/6 meals day (small portions)  and when eating your last meal in the evening, don't eat carbs.  Remember you need carbs for fuel. Now unless your about to have marathon sex, I suggest not eating carbs at night. 

Eat right - eat clean and make this a LIFESTYLE change not a temporary DIET.  Remember, when you finally LOSE THE WEIGHT you have to keep it off and maintain.  Diets don't work for this.  Then again, were you planning on losing all that weight then just letting go and eating what you want when you get there? Did you plan on gaining some if not more back?  I didn't think so silly!  Then this must be a lifestyle change where your mind and your body have committed to being healthy!

6. Stay away from processed foods!



7.  Strength train.  I've wrote many articles on this and will say it again the quicker you start strength training with hand weights, resistance bands, etc.  the quicker you are going to lose weight.

8. Stay away from the white stuff. (which again is a processed food) Guess what the white stuff is? You know.

9. The Banana Debate - if you are trying to lose weight (not maintain) then I would cut bananas out of your food plan or if you MUST eat them cut it in half.  Only eat half a banana a day.  Why? If your goal is to lose BODY FAT than your goal should be to keep your insulin levels super low and give your body inefficient sources of fuel (NOT SUGAR) so that it has to work to break those foods down and use body fat for fuel.  

Let me explain something about eating fruit.   There is a HUGE difference between foods that are healthy and foods that are conducive to weight loss. The two aren’t always necessarily the same. For instances, grapes, pineapples, berries, melon etc. are all healthy and contain terrific nutrients, but they also have sugar (also known as fructose). Yes fruit sugar is better than table sugar or corn syrup, but at the end of the day it’s still sugar. Although it is slightly controversial, and this is the way I lost my weight in 6 months, I did not eat ANY fruit.  I had cut out ALL sugar from my eating plan. When I lost the weight, hit my goal.  I added one serving of fruit back into my eating plan a day, and I eat this either in the morning or in the afternoon.  I ate strictly veggies and lean meats and other proteins like egg whites. My carbs were from broccoli and green leafy foods.

You see, sugar raises blood sugar and causes the hormone insulin to be released. When your blood sugar rises, insulin blunts or stops the use of fat for fuel, so basically you can’t continue to use fat for fuel when you eat sugars – natural or not. I want to make this 100% clear – bananas and fruit are great foods, but I think we overeat them and when we do consume them it’s at the wrong time.

Not one person that I train, wants to hit their weight loss goal in 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, etc.  Every single one desires to get there as fast and as safe as possible.  You CAN lose 10 pounds in a week.  It's a matter of how strong you train and if you follow the above! 

If you are going to do this - DO IT RIGHT and if you have questions, I'm here to help you! If I can do it in 6 months so can you!


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