Friday, August 10, 2012


Are you on the go in the morning and seem to have no time to eat something but figure coffee will do? 

You're never too busy to eat breakfast.  Breakfast can be prepped the night before so all you have to do is grab it and go!

When you skip breakfast, it slows down your metabolism. It thus causes -headaches,fatigue, & lack of concentration. Worse, it can cause you to over eat on your first meal of the day.

I'm always asked what I eat for breakfast well here's what I had this morning - and remember TRY YOUR BEST TO EAT BREAKFAST WITHIN THE HOUR YOU HAVE WOKE UP!

White Peaches, a little Kashi sprinkled on top and some light Greek Yogurt, Cinnamon sprinkled on top:

Other clean breakfasts can include - 3 egg white, I had left over lean ground turkey meat, threw in some tomato and onions - YUM!

I make protein or oat pancakes ALL the time they are so easy, fast and yummy -

- 50g/1.75oz rolled oats
- 100g/3.5oz low fat cottage cheese
- 1 whole egg, 1 egg using only WHITES
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 50g/1.75oz blueberries

  1. Blend all the ingredients except the blueberries in a small food processor until smooth
  2. Pour a ladleful into a heated non-stick pan, and cook for two minures each side (I just poured it in straight from the food processor bowl, then pressed in the blueberries, cooked for two minutes, then flipped over)

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