Thursday, December 15, 2011


It seems like Greek Yogurt is now out of the closet!

You're not alone if you have ever wondered, "What's the difference between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt?" Greek yogurt's popularity has been skyrocketing lately, and you may wonder what all the fuss is about. Is Greek yogurt more nutritious than regular yogurt? With nearly 28% of Americans now eating yogurt on a daily basis, it's a question worth investigating.

Yogurt comes from milk that has had healthy bacteria added, causing it to ferment. During this process, yogurt thickens and takes on a slightly tangy taste. Yogurt is then strained through a cheesecloth, which allows the liquid whey part of milk to drain off. Regular yogurt is strained twice, while Greek yogurt is strained three times to remove more whey (leaving a thicker consistency).

While all yogurt provides numerous health benefits (including probiotics), the nutritional stats for Greek yogurt and regular yogurt do differ. Here's how the two stack up:

Protein - Greek yogurt has almost double the protein of regular yogurt. Eight ounces of Greek yogurt has about 20 grams of protein, whereas regular yogurt provides around 11-13 grams. Greek yogurt's high protein content makes it a favorite among people trying to manage their weight as it helps ward off hunger.

Carbohydrates - Greek yogurt has fewer carbohydrates than regular yogurt. This could be beneficial to diabetics, who have to watch their carbohydrate intake. 

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