Tuesday, September 4, 2012

GIMME A D. DDDDD! D for Vitamin D

Have you ever gotten a physical and the doctor has told you that you are vitamin D deficient?  That was me years ago.  I didn't even realize it. The majority of the U.S. is vitamin D deficient. So it's now wonder why the United States is obese, everybody is vitamin D deficient.  But sadly, being vitamin D deficient can lead to cancer, diabetes and heart disease.  Believe it or not, the deficiency negatively affects every cell in your body.

Everybody is looking for a quick way to lose weight.  Well guess what,  vitamin D can help speed up the process of your weight loss journey.

Here's the deal and how it works, 
dropping levels of your caloric intake and adding vitamin D can help get the job done!  Studies showed with a group that had high levels of body fat, they dropped their caloric intake down to 750 calories for  a short period of time.  They lost weight! Weight they were struggling to get off.  Now, clearly, you don't want to drop your calories intake below THAT low for long periods of time.  You can do this while in a plateau or do this for a few weeks then boost your calorie intake back up  - STILL TAKING the vitamin D.  We don't want to go backwards, so we wanna stay above being deficient.

Now studies have shown that the area that lost the most body fat was the stomach.  Do you know how many people want a flat stomach? Yea, I know!!!!!!

As the vitamin D improves in your body, not only will you see weight loss but you will also reap some other benefits, such as, sleep.  Your body needs to repair and rest.  You can burn a lot of calories while you sleep.  So it's only fitting that when you have adequate vitamin D levels, you sleep great and lose weight.  I remember a few weeks ago, my dad and I were talking and he was confused.  He said when he woke up one morning, he had weighed 3 pounds lighter than the day before.  He's also getting more vitamin D and calcium since he changed his lifestyle and this is why.

When you have adequate vitamin D levels, your body releases more leptin, the hormone that conveys a "we're full, stop eating" message to your brain, so you WILL eat less.  You will also store less fat. HALLELUJAH!

But let me be clear, VITAMIN D is not something depend upon to lose the pounds. You've got to eat very healthy (clean) and exercise and KEEP yourself from being vitamin D deficient.

Now above you see 'margarine" as something high in vitamin D -- IGNORE THAT - NO BUTTER, NO NO NO! Also, unsweetened almond milk has more vitamin D than regular milk. 

I know losing weight is tough.  It can be a back and fourth, love hate relationship.  But just know YOU are worth it.  Love yourself and PLEASE put your health first.  Make your health a priority.  There could be things that have happened in your life that can make you feel broken and torn apart.  And when some do not feel loved, appreciated, validated and understood, self-esteem takes a dump.   I just want to be here for you to help you pull up those boot straps and get to love YOU!

To your health and to YOUUUUUUU!


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