Monday, February 18, 2013

Where Did All The Resolutionists Go?

It's that time of the year.  Yes, I know! We are already on the eighth week into the new year.  Did you make a resolution to lose weight and eat better?

As I look around the gym, I see that those that started out strong the first week of January are no where to be found.  Some have given up.  Some got burned out.  Some never really gave themselves a chance.  Most didn't start with a plan and were unrealistic.  

I have always tried to help those that make such resolutions to remember to be REALISTIC about their weight loss goals.  But, I get it, you're "On a mission. You got this"  That mission was supposed to be BALLS TO THE WALL!  But the balls never made it to the wall.
LOOK FAMILIAR - just add 2013 to it right?  It doesn't have to be this way - never again!

If you are one that has fallen off the fit train, I wanted to make a few suggestions to help you get back on board.  Some are still chasing it to jump back up....Take my hand, get on up here and maybe take some of the following to heart.

You know yourself better than anyone else.  Maybe you hate the gym.  January 1st, you were so excited to get in there and now the thought going to the gym and working out makes the EXCUSES spew out of your mouth or fill your brain. Ultimately, excuses can ruin your journey to weight loss!
Me at the gym

Making a goal to hit the gym everyday or just exercise everyday may not be realistic for you.  That is FOR NOW.  If you have noticed that you keep chasing this same goal, maybe it's time to be honest with yourself. 

     A. If you don't belong to a gym and you are doing your own thing at home, maybe it's time to either ONE get a gym membership and USE it or two invest in a personal trainer.  For those locally I've offered express prices that are VERY reasonable You don't have to be a celebrity to afford a personal trainer these days.  We can work with your budget. Obviously doing your own thing isn't working.  So maybe it's time to try something different.

    B.  If you do have a gym membership, set a goal to go to the gym two times a week.  Do this consistently for a 2 to 4 weeks.  Once you can stay consistent for the 2 to 4 weeks, add another day in there.  So now, you are going 3 times a week.  Do this for 3 to 5 weeks CONSISTENTLY.  Once you have got that down and you have been consistent, add another day in there, and so on, so forth.  You get the idea right?  Just a side note, before you add that extra day of exercise in your week, maybe 2 to 4 weeks needs to be a little longer like 3 to 4 weeks.  Set SMALL goals for 2 weeks at a time.  This way you are not so overwhelmed!  When you can accomplish your goals, I promise you will be proud of yourself.  Achieving these goals are important.  Why?  As I told one client, how can you expect to lose over 100 pounds if you can't reach a 2 week goal of going to the gym 4 times.  Right?  He didn't realize it like that or looked at it that way.  He just saw this, "THIS IS HARD!'  Change the way you think.  Change the way you look at this.  It's clear the weight has to come off.  You don't want it there anymore.  So now you have got to find a way to achieve small goals.  Those small goals will become larger, more challenging goals - in time.  Just focus on achieving those small goals and I promise you stick with it, the weight WILL COME OFF! Soon you won't look at it as, "this is hard!" You will be, "I'm doing this!"  There's nothing like seeing results, getting exciting and then you just want to keep going!

        Also, I would suggest to keep your visits to the gym interesting and enjoyable, and again you know yourself better than anyone.  Maybe you get board super easy on the cardio machines at the gym.  Find two different group exercise (to start) classes that you really enjoy.  You would not believe how group exercise makes the time go by SUPER FAST!  Where as when on the cardio machines at the gym, is it me, or does the time seem to drag?  It does, doesn't it?!!!!!  By doing this, this will help you to stay motivated.  Because consistency is key here, you will actually meet new people that have the same goals that you have.  You will find that there are people just like you, so nope you are NOT alone!

       Once you begin to be consistent at the gym and you have been able to do this for at least 3 months, well even two and a half, you will be on the right track to making this a HABIT.  Making gym life a part of your weekly routine.  PAY ATTENTION to your progress.  PAY ATTENTION to your energy level!

     D. If you do NOT belong to a gym and are doing the home thing, again, you know what you are doing for your workouts.   Clearly they are not working.  Doing the same thing over and over is only going to sabotage your goals.  Be honest with yourself when I ask.  Are you really working out to your full potential?  How intense are your home workouts?  Are you changing up your workouts to add intensity or strength training? 

        If you are not sure what to do at this point, let me please suggest this, at the top RIGHT SIDE of this page, you will see my advertisement for the MET-RX 180 workout.  This workout, if done consistently for 90 days - and you follow the nutrition plan that comes with it, YOUR BODY WILL TRANSFORM!  This home workout plan is everything you WILL NEED to hit your goals.

        If you are really serious and you can be super honest with yourself and realize that what you are doing is not working and you don't want to join a gym nor hire a personal trainer, PLEASE ORDER THIS WORKOUT 90 PLAN!  Click on that photo up above, then it may go to a screen, then you will have to click on the photo again to get the information on how to order this workout plan.  IT PAYS FOR ITSELF BECAUSE IT WORKS as long as you follow it!

     E.   Now, this one I talk about A LOT! No matter where you are working out, this is the ONE thing that will help you to burn calories FASTER.  STRENGTH TRAINING.  I'll say it again, LADIES YOU WILL NOT LOOK LIKE A BODY BUILDER! If all you are doing is cardio, then you may want to pay attention to this because that is WHY you are NOT hitting your goals.  You see, the more lean muscle you build, the MORE CALORIES YOU BURN on a daily basis.  If you can strength train 4 non consecutive days of the week, you are going to see something amazing happen to your body!  If you leave this out, your journey will be a much longer road.   Cardio doesn't make you lean, strong and firm. Cardio makes you soft.   So this is KEY and should NOT be left out of your weekly schedule.

I realize that it is so frustrating when you aren't losing the weight you want to lose.  I know, I've been there, it really sucks.  But YOU are the only one that can do this!  If you REALLY want this and you are really on that mission and serious, TRY TO TAKE SOME OF MY SUGGESTIONS ABOVE!  You are not destined to be overweight!  And, if you are always hungry while dieting, THEN YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! 

Don't give up! Summer isn't here yet!  Transform yourself mind and they way you feel, think and set your goals.  Be realistic with weight loss! You can't go balls to the wall, when you really aren't even motivated and hate working out, nor really that serious.  Also, what you eat in the kitchen is what you wear on your body.  So you can't keep fooling yourself anymore.   Be real and honest with yourself....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!  I'm here, ask questions!

LOVE YOURSELF!  If you can maintain your car CONSISTENTLY, then by golly I sure hope you would take care of you!


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