Thursday, June 21, 2012

How Bad Do You Want It? Kinda?

Most people say they want to be successful, but they don't want it BAD. They just KINDA want it. They don't want it more than they want to party, or more than they want to be cool. 

To be successful you have to be willing to do whatever it takes. You have to put your heart and soul into it and be willing to make sacrifices. You have to be dedicated and push yourself past your comfort level. Only until then, until you want it more than just 'kinda' will you be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Here's a challenge rather than go out and PARTY/DRINK hang out in clubs/bars on the weekends.....TAKE THAT TIME YOU DO THOSE THINGS and put it into working out, even if you did in the morning.  Put it into keeping a fitness journal, do some yoga in the evening, go to bed early so you can get plenty of good sleep and workout in the morning....That's if you REALLY want it.  If you kinda do you will continue the old habits and you will snail like get there.  I'm not saying NEVER go out again.  But trust me when I tell you that you have to FOCUS and when you are nowhere near your final weight loss goal and you are doing this all on your own, temptation comes with all of this as well as being hungover the next day and not wanting to workout...You know what I'm talking about! We have ALL been there.

People buy houses they cannot afford, lease cars that are way out of their price range, and run up credit card bills on clothing or to be seen at chic clubs and eateries. For what? Quality of life is more closely linked to physical and mental well-being than what other people think. Consider this: if someone asked you when you were nine years old, would you rather be obese and drive a Mercedes or healthy and drive a Toyota? Would you rather have a disease like diabetes or hypertension and live in a big house or be healthy in a medium size house? Would you rather be out of shape and carry a designer handbag or in good shape and carry a non-brand leather bag? The answers are obvious at age nine because they are logical. Therefore, it would seem that spending money on a personal trainer for one’s health, fitness, improved quality of life and positive health benefits far outweighs spending that money to impress someone else or buy something not really needed.

Focus, get your mind and body to unite - key!

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