Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why Eat Quinoa

Most people have never heard of quinoa let alone know how to pronounce it.
But this is an amazing little grain from South Africa with a power pack of protein.

The history is amazing as to how this power grain was discovered.  A group of NASA scientists set out to find a consummate grain that they could use to send with astronauts up in space. And this was used for long trips that could even last up to two years.

Quinoa, as I stated is packed with protein.  It's up there with poultry and dairy, which is pretty unusual for that much protein to come from a plant.  It contains more protein and fewer carbs, then wheat rye, rice and oats, and it's double to triple the fiber than most of your grains.

So for example a single cup of quinoa is  packed with as much protein as contained in  four eggs. Nutritionists call it a complete protein which means it has all of the essential amino acids which is something you don't normally see in plants.

If you are a vegetarian then this plant is FOR YOU!  If you are a migraine sufferer, this is also something you may want to consider in your weekly diet.  It's beneficial for cardiovascular health, great for your digestive track and detoxifying as well as it can also act as an anti-oxidant.  So there are many benefits to eating quinao!

Quinoa can be eaten cold as well.  I love to make a quinoa salad.

I cook an entire bag of quinoa
after it's done cooking I put it in the refigerator to get cold
I add red onions
Cut up red and yellow bell pepper
a tadd bit of olive oil
a tadd of lime juice
and chopped up mango


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