Saturday, January 7, 2012

Unilateral Weight Training

We all want our workouts to be effective and we definitely want results.  It is so important to change up your workouts from time to time.  A great way to mix up your weight training is to unilateral train those muscles.

Unilateral training is when you train one side of the body at a time.  It's actually very effective as there are substantial benefits of muscle gain. When unilateral training the upper body it requires some balance and therefore your core is engaged.  So it is actually quite beneficial to your core.

Next time you are doing push ups, try one armed.  I am so happy I can get four reps on one arm now.  I'm working on it.  Give it a try.  The great thing about a one arm push up is that it takes great core strength to assist and this where you can engage that core and work it really good.

On legs, one of the things I do is a one leg squat on the smith machine.  Talk about some serious let and glute work.  Your leg muslces in the one leg have to work harder in the squat momentum and you really feel this in your glutes as opposed to a regular bilateral squat (both legs).

The split squat also will engage your core and you will definitely feel the work.  If you are normally not able to do deep seated squats, then the split squat will definitely help you with that.  No doubt will you get stronger.

There are many different exercises for upper and lower body that you can do, but for a great mix up I suggest you give it a shot for a few weeks or just incorporate it in your routine.

To Your Health

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