Friday, January 27, 2012

Is Your PayCheck Keeping You From Eating Healthy?

United States has a crises on its hands. It's no secret, look all around the next time you are shopping in a mall, or somewhere where there are a lot of people.  Observe and notice at how many overweight unhealthy people, including kids you see.   We are the fattest nation.  And now our kids are following suit.  It breaks my heart.  Kids have no choice as to what they get fed at home.  They don't have the luxury to grocery shopping for healthier choices.  Worse if the parent(s) are overweight, the child or children usually are as well.  If a parent doesn't set the proper example of eating right then how in the world would the children know how to eat. 

Before I go on, that last sentence is so true.  When I have sat down with some potential clients, I try to get and idea of their history in eating.  Many tell me they have no idea how to eat healthy.  They have no clue what to eat.  It is so surprising to me.  So it shows you that if we as parents, do not teach our kids healthy habits there is a cycle that continues with them and then down to their children.

And now we have the fast foods that children love puttng this label on the boxes.

The southern states are on top with the highest numbers of obese children.  It is now predicted that our kids, my kids' generation will not outlive their parents due to obesity. NO, not all kids, I am speaking of some.  There will be a lot of children that won't have that opportunity to grow old and watch their grand children play in the yard while sippin on some ice tea on a warm summer's day.

Part of the solution is to start with mom and dad, help them to understand we have to get the kids moving.  Our kids are probably sick of hearing, "when I was your age I use to play outside until the street lights came on."  But it's true.  We didn't have video games. We had our friends and the outdoors. Mom and dad said go play outside and we were so excited to do so. You tell a kid now a days to go play outside and they don't even know what to do! They don't have the imagination that we had. Do you remember that? We would make up thinks to do and it was fun.

The following topic of discussion on Dr. Drew's page is something that I would like to share.  This topic is something that I have been talking about for the past 5 five years.  PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO, tell me what you think on how this advertisement was delivered:
I will post the link for you to take a look.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you are poor or you are seriously struggling, it keeps you from being to able to make the right food choices when it comes to making out your grocery list. 

It is crazy to me that healthy food is so expensive and the things that are bad for us are cheaper, way cheaper.  Yet our nation complains about how we have medical issues on getting folks insured and that there are hospitals going out of business, healthcare is so expensive.  Ya think that if our nation promoted a HEALTHY NATION and turned it around, made the healthy food affordable in this economy and bad foods much more expensive than healthcare perhaps could be in less of a crises.

School lunches are a serious problem, but again if parents can't afford to buy healthy things for their kids to eat then the kids are stuck eating bad lunches at school.  Most schools have programs for those that do struggle so the kids can eat free. 

We as parents have got to step up and stop this cycle.  Instead of buying the video games get those kids outside, play with them, throw a ball, DO SOMETHING.  There are things that can be cut back on so a parent can purchase a bag of apples for the child to have each day as a snack.  There ARE ways, but how will we ever stop this.  Is it stoppable?  I doubt it. 

What I do fear is that it's going to take a rise in child deaths due to obesity issues and so on for our ASLEEP nation to wake up!  SO PARENTS WAKE UP, go outside and throw a ball with your kid.  MOVING is a start.

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